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Dining Services is offering special Springtime Menus in Campus Center and Terrace Dining Halls on Easter Sunday.


The chefs at Campus Center Dining Hall will dish up dinner from 4:30 until 6:30 PM. Here’s what they’re cooking up:

Pineapple Glazed Ham

Vegetable Paella

Candied Sweet Potatoes

Loaded Baked Potato Bar w/ a variety of toppings




Coconut Cake

Apple Pie

The culinary crew at Terrace Dining Hall will serve up dinner from 5:00 – 8:00 PM. Here’s what’s on the menu:

Carved Ham

Grilled Kielbasa

Chicken Tagine


Scalloped Potatoes

Braised Red Cabbage

Sautéed Zucchini

Vegetarian Stuffed Portobello

Buffalo Chicken Pizza

Pulled Pork


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If you will be studying abroad in the summer or fall of 2015 on ANY affiliated, non-affiliated, or exchange program (NOT the London Center), you must attend one or two study abroad orientations, as well as meet with an adviser in the Office of International Programs (OIP) to go over required Ithaca College paperwork.  

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The Writing Department is offering its 300-level Humorous Writing course online during Block I of the Summer Session (May 26-June 26).

Enrolled students will study the use of humor in fiction, creative nonfiction, and poetry, in addition to generating their own humorous writing using prompts that focus on parody, satire, dark comedy, and surrealism. Workshops of student writing will take place on the course website. Responses to selected readings also will be posted to the course website.  


The Writing Department is offering its 300-level Humorous Writing course online during Block I of the Summer Session (May 26-June 26).

Enrolled students will study the use of humor in fiction, creative nonfiction, and poetry, in addition to generating their own humorous writing using prompts that focus on parody, satire, dark comedy, and surrealism. Workshops of student writing will take place on the course website. Responses to selected readings also will be posted to the course website. 




Ithaca College Environmental Health and Safety personnel will once again be conducting fire and evacuation drills for all campus owned and occupied buildings.   


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Exercise and Sport Science students Caitlin Boreyko, Cait Finn, Margret McConnell, and Jessica Wood all presented research they conducted at the North Atlantic Sport Psychology Conference. Dr. Miranda Kaye (ESS) presented as well.

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Find the Afi-Commons!

Bring your friends to participate in the Jewish childhood tradition of finding the afikommen (matzah), throughout the Ithaca Commons! Partnered with IthaCash, Matzah will be hidden all throughout the commons, along with a coffeehouse extravaganza back at the chapel. 

Click here to RSVP:

Meet at Textor Circle at 6 pm to drive down to the commons together.

This week's focus: SPACE FLEXIBILITY

Please join the TELE Collaborative as we host opportunities to visit and discuss learning space design across the Ithaca College campus throughout the spring. We will explore the innovation of the physical environment and discuss the impact that learning space design can have on teaching, student engagement and learning.   The goal is to solicit ideas from faculty users and multiple units on campus as collaborative stakeholders.  We intend to seek advice and recommendations for future classroom renovation and upgrades.

TELE Collaborative: LEARNING SPACE DESIGN SERIES [Fridays 3:45-5:00]

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The Office of Student Engagement and Multicultural Affairs will again be accepting applications for two major service awards this year:

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The next No Pressure Blood Pressure will be held on Wednesday, April 1.

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In May, Jason Hamilton will be teaching ENVS 142-The Art and Science of Tracking, a 3-credit field-based course combining modern ecology with the skills and knowledge-base of the traditional animal tracker. Come learn how to read the landscape and behavior of animals via topics including natural history, clear print track ID, track aging, and gait analysis.

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Susan-Allen Gil (ENVS) was recently awarded a NYS Water Resources Institute grant for her research into unregulated pharmacological pollutants entering Cayuga Lake. She will be working with Cornell University’s Jose Luis Lozano to assess the impact the unusually high concentration of college-aged students in the Ithaca area have on local lake water quality, given their potentially high use of prescription meds such as antidepressants and birth control drugs, which are currently unregulated and so are not removed through the wastewater treatment process.     

They are all prizes that YOU could win at the Dance-A-Thon this Friday! 

Sign up a team to dance at the Dance-A-Thon this Friday from 7-10pm in Emerson Suites. At the event, there will be prizes to raffle off, as well as performances by Premium Blend, On the Floor, IC Unbound, and music by DJ Latimer. There will also be a free salsa dance lesson! 

Grab some friends and sign up today at our table in Campus Center! All of the proceeds go to the Advocacy Center in Ithaca. 

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The Ithacan Wants You!

Contributed by Michael Serino on 03/31/15 

Applications for paid positions on The Ithacan’s editorial board for Fall 2015 are still available.  

Positions include:

Managing Editor
Opinion Editor
News Editor
Assistant News Editor
Online News Editor
Life & Culture Editor
Assistant Life & Culture Editor
Sports Editor
Assistant Sports Editor
Photo Editor
Assistant Photo Editor
Multimedia Editor
Assistant Multimedia Editor
Chief Copy Editor
Design Editor
Assistant Design Editor
Social Media Manager
Sales Manager  

Applications are available at the reception desk in the Roy H. Park School of Communications dean’s office. Completed forms, accompanied by a resume, should be returned to the dean’s office by noon Thursday, April 2, for all positions. Students from all majors are welcome and encouraged to apply. Please address any questions, to Michael Serino, Ithacan adviser, at

The thirteenth annual Rainbow Reception will be held on Friday, April 24. The Rainbow Reception is a celebration of Ithaca College's graduating lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, asexual, and allied seniors and graduate students. Reservations are required. Please register here.

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The Ithacan has once again been named the Best College Newspaper in New York State by the New York Press Association. The award, the NYPA’s top collegiate honor, was announced March 28 at the organization’s annual convention at the Gideon Putnam Hotel in Saratoga Springs, N.Y. Ithacan Editor-in-Chief Jack Curran ’15, Managing Editor Kira Maddox ’16, Assistant Life & Culture Editor Mary Ford ’17, Multimedia Editor Alexis Forde ’17 and Chief Copy Editor Rachel Wolfgang ’17 attended the convention and accepted the award on behalf of the paper.

The award is for work produced during the calendar year 2014 (Megan Devlin ’14, spring editor-in-chief; Jack Curran ’15, fall editor in chief).

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Submitted on behalf of Mark Coldren, AVP for Human Resources

The Online Performance Review process for 2014-15 will be available for staff beginning April 1.  All staff members can access the self-assessment form through Employee Self-Service in Parnassus.  The main enhancement to the process will be the addition of 11 core competency areas for comments and feedback.  Staff will be able to provide examples of how they demonstrate mastery of these core areas.  Supervisors will be able to provide feedback and overall ratings by initiating the performance review through Manager Self-Service for the following competencies:

  • Adaptable
  • Collaborative
  • Communicate Effectively
  • Demonstrate Leadership
  • Engage in the Organization
  • Exhibit Professional Integrity and Ethics
  • Inclusive
  • Respectful
  • Responsive
  • Results Driven
  • Sustainable
  • Take Initiative
  • Value Personal and Professional Development

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 Easter is this Sunday and IC Arts Ink is celebrating by decorating easter eggs!! So come to Williams 222 this Thursday, April 2nd, at 7pm to color, dye and pimp your egg to your heart's content. You can take them home and have your own easter egg hunt, give them to friends, cherish them forever, the possibilities are endless!!

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 Join us for the second night of Israel Film Festival at Ithaca College. We will be showing a very controversial film about gay Israeli and Palestinian men living in Jerusalem.

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Volunteers Needed!!

Contributed by Theresa Johnson on 03/31/15 

Looking for a fun way to volunteer? Want to skip the lines at IC Kicks Back? Then volunteer at IC Kicks back on May 1, from 2pm-6pm.


You can volunteer in a variety of ways:

·        Maintaining lines for the inflatables and photo booths

·        Checking IDs

·        Taking photos of the event

·        Line control

A FREE IC Kicks Back T-shirt will be included!

If you are interested please fill out this survey by April 19.

If you have any questions please