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Looking to update your LinkedIn photo? Come get your photo taken by Ithaca College's American Marketing Association (ICAMA) and make a lasting impression on employers.
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Read more . . . (70 words) Re-Think Thanksgiving! A Native American Perspective on the Thanksgiving Holiday!Contributed by Don Austin on 11/13/14
Where: Textor 103 When: Tuesday, November 18, 7:00pm The presentation will discuss the actual events of 1621 including the feast, the relationship between the English settlers and the Wampanoag and how this story became the holiday we know today. The concept of thanksgiving held by many Native Americans will be emphasized throughout. Read more . . . (94 words) Are you interested in participating in interfaith dialogue, learning more about other faiths, and exploring your own beliefs? Join the brand new (woo!!) Interfaith Learning Community on the 2nd floor of Terrace 5 in the 2015-2016 school year. Read more . . . (92 words) **!** SPR 2015 I.C. Salsa Class! Ballroom & Swing Class! How to Pre-registerContributed by Kurt Lichtmann on 11/13/14
Read more . . . (511 words) Join us at next Monday’s ENVS Seminar to find out why “The Environment Does not Stop at the Edge of the Earth’s Atmosphere!”Contributed by Carol Hansen on 11/13/14
Read more . . . (57 words) Justine Vosloo and ESS graduate students present at Association for Applied Sport Psychology conferenceContributed by Matt Morgan on 11/13/14
The presentation titles and student names were
All three presentations highlighted the applied consulting and fieldwork that our graduate students are engaging in within the IC and greater Ithaca community.
Stewart Auyash presents at New York University at Abu Dhabi (NYUAD) in the United Arab EmiratesContributed by Matt Morgan on 11/13/14
His visit was sponsored by the Office of the Vice Chancellor and the Division of Social Sciences at NYU Abu Dhabi. He also co-presented a joint lecture and interactive workshop at NYUAD with Patricia R. Zimmermann entitled “Conflict Zones: Health, Human Rights, New Media, Ethics, Empathy,” which analyzed the complex ethical issues of humanitarian aid, emerging interfaces, and transnational projects in new media that rethink these relationships along more ethical and participatory vectors according to the human rights principle of “do no harm.”
Read more . . . (87 words) Primitive Pursuits Wilderness Skills Instructor Recruiting Session next Monday!Contributed by Carol Hansen on 11/13/14
Primitive Pursuits, a program affiliated with Cornell Cooperative Extension, will host an information session on Monday November 17 from 6:00 to 7:00 PM in CNS 1-B to describe their rigorous instructor training and certification program, and to field any questions you may have about how to connect with this awesome bunch of explorers and wilderness stewards. Read more . . . (114 words) "Locked Down, Locked Out," Talk on Prisons by TruthOut Editor, Tues. Dec. 9Contributed by Maura Stephens on 11/13/14
Using true stories of those behind bars and of the families — including her own — whose loved ones are incarcerated, she argues compellingly that our broken punishment system needs a major overhaul. With 2.3 million men, women, and teens currently behind bars, families and communities — especially poor communities of color — are often shattered. Read more . . . (184 words) New opportunity to study abroad in Ireland for athletic training majorsContributed by Matt Morgan on 11/13/14
The program makes Ithaca College one of just a few undergraduate ATEPs in the nation to have an affiliated clinical site and academic exchange program in Europe, and perhaps anywhere outside the United States. Unlike many other study abroad programs, this agreement features an "athletic training" program of study and clinical education component similar to what is done in the US. Read more . . . (205 words) Navigating Micro-aggressions, Micro-inequities and Unconscious Bias WorkshopContributed by Michelle Rios-Dominguez on 11/13/14
Read more . . . (132 words) The Department of English will be offering a wide variety of ICC-designated courses in the spring of 2015, listed below. Please feel free to contact department chair Dan Breen ( with any questions. Read more . . . (171 words)
¿Te gusta trabajar con niños? ¡Únete a SALTAR (Spanish Language Through the Arts and Recreation)! As part of a one-credit class, Spanish 301, we work with local elementary school teachers to bring Spanish to children. No teaching experience necessary. *Register for Spanish 301 and request "instructor permission" on the on-line override form. Cap restrictions and class restrictions can also be lifted by the instructor as per the override request. Favor de comunicarse con Annette Levine:
“Hide not your talents. They for use were made. What’s a sundial in the shade?” Benjamin Franklin This workshop will help participants identify and leverage your strengths. Identifying and capitalizing on your strengths will lead to your success as an individual and as a team member. Get to the heart of building and sustaining strength-based performance and discover the power of you at your best. Read more . . . (103 words) Seniors, the Countdown to Graduation Newsletter is now available!Contributed by Nikki Lynn on 11/13/14
Read more . . . (63 words) Ithaca College Library and the Finger Lakes Environmental Film Festival: A Ten-Year CollaborationContributed by Lisabeth Chabot on 11/13/14
Read more . . . (86 words) The next No Pressure Blood Pressure will be held on Wednesday, November 19th. Important reasons not to miss the next screening: 1. 65 million Americans have hypertension (high blood pressure) 2. Many people don't even know their blood pressure is high because there are no symptoms in most cases 3. Hypertension can lead to heart disease, stroke, heart failure, and kidney disease 4. 66% of those IC employees measured at the last screening were pre-hypertensive (above ideal ) 5. A 20 point increase in systolic blood pressure (top number) or a 10 point increase in diastolic blood pressure (bottom number) doubles the risk of heart disease. 6. Poor diet, inactivity, and being overweight can lead to an increase in blood pressure 7. If one does not adopt a healthy lifestyle, the hypertensive individual will need to take costly medication with potential side effects 8. Physical and emotional stress can elevate your blood pressure Read more . . . (101 words) |
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