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Time: 7:00-9:00 PM Location: Textor Hall Auditorium, Room 102, Ithaca College Cost: FREE Read more . . . (190 words) Bob Freeman from the New York State Committee on Open Government will be on campus Tuesday, September 16 to discuss the Freedom of Information Act and other government access resources. He will speak at 5:30 p.m. in Park 223. Read more . . . (90 words) Today (Monday): Job & Internship Fair, + 5 employer info sessions, hosted by Career ServicesContributed by Kristin LiBritz on 09/14/14
Read more . . . (200 words) Submitted on behalf of Interim Provost Linda Petrosino I am pleased to announce that effective September 16, there will be several staffing changes in the Office of the Provost and Vice President for Educational Affairs. Read more . . . (293 words) Have you always wondered what it might be like to order tapas in Spain? Do you wish you could ask someone what it's really like to live with a Spanish family? Ever wonder what you might have to do to get a cell phone in Sevilla so that you can keep up with your friends and family while away? If so, than this is your opportunity! The Spanish section of Modern Languages and Literatures invites students interested in learning about Spanish culture (and culture shock) to come to an hora de cultura. Emma Rizzo (Journalism major, Spanish minor), currently studying in Seville, Spain, will be our invited speaker during a web conference on Monday, September 15th at 3 p.m. in the Languages and Cultures Exchange Cooperative (Job 209). Come ready to participate and to get a real sense of what it means to live la vida loca! This event is free and open to the public. Read more . . . (26 words)
Read more . . . (159 words) Community-Police Relations - a new play comes to IC 9/26Contributed by Jennifer Herzog on 09/12/14
Coming to Ithaca College Pay What You Can. Reservations recommended. Click here to make a FREE ticket reservation, then pay any amount at the door. Cash, charge, and check accepted. No one will be turned away due to inability to pay. FREE ENTRY WILL BE AVAILABLE TO ALL STUDENTS.
Read more . . . (589 words) Reminder: Weight Watchers Open House => Tuesday, September 16, 2014! Watch these short videos for extra motivation.Contributed by Christine Haase on 09/12/14
Please visit the Intercom announcement dated 9/4/14 for the details. This is a perfect time to get reconnected with the meetings. There is no obligation to join. You can bring your lunch and it’s okay to leave early if you have another appointment or a class. Open House: Tuesday, September 16, 2014 from Where: Peggy Ryan Williams Building Room GLO52 Come check it out. What have you got to lose? The videos: Read more . . . (65 words)
Roy H. Park School of Communications and School of Business School of Health Sciences and Human Performance Read more . . . (58 words) Information Technology Services has published a number of Intercom articles related to Microsoft Office over the past few months. In case you missed any of the articles here is a summary: Read more . . . (100 words)
Read more . . . (88 words) Risk Management and Student Safety in Short-term Study Abroad ProgramsContributed by Wade Pickren on 09/12/14
Read more . . . (70 words) Camera-person Needed for Theatre Production Promo Video!Contributed by Susan Monagan on 09/12/14 Emily Behrmann-Fowler, a junior theatre arts management major on the Ithaca College Theatre marketing team as publicity associate, will be creating a promotional video to showcase the coming shows for the 2014-2015 theatre production season. She needs a camera-person to help film it! If you are interested, please contact Emily at as soon as possible! It's going to be a great season, and we want everyone to know about it! Read more . . . (1 words) Save the Dates: eMarketplace Demonstrations to be held on CampusContributed by Jaimie Voorhees on 09/12/14 Submitted on behalf of Robert Cree, AVP for Business and Finance. Please mark your calendars to join us on October 1st, 2nd, and 3rd to view demonstrations from up to three different eMarketplace providers. All sessions will be open to the campus community. As the Strategic Sourcing Information Technology Advisory Committee finalizes its review of responses received to a formal Request for Proposal, further communication around chosen vendor(s) and demonstration schedule will be released in the coming weeks.
CMA EDU is the Country Music Association’s college outreach and business development program. CMA EDU’s primary focus is to educate college students on career opportunities within the music and entertainment industries. Each semester CMA EDU invites industry professionals including artists as guest speakers to their respective campuses. Industry speakers share their insights into the field, discuss current industry trends and impart concrete advice on how to successful pursue and excel in a music business career. IC Student are interested in starting their own CMA EDU Chapter; however, they need your help. They are looking for students to serve as members and either a staff or faculty member to serve as their adviser. They are looking for people who are passionate about the music industry and country music. Please contact Christie Bonacci at if you are interested!
Details on the rain date for NKOTB. Read more . . . (98 words) You Gotta Wear Pants!: Tips & Tricks for Phone & Skype InterviewsContributed by Shelli Mekos on 09/12/14
Read more . . . (87 words)
Read more . . . (90 words) Pick up your packet today to run in the Student Government Association’s Elections!Contributed by Kyle James on 09/11/14 Want to represent the student body? Have a desire for creating change on campus? Looking to join a student organization that both strengthens ties with your fellow classmates while strengthening your resume? Well look no further, as SGA is having elections for new senators and there are positions available that ANYONE can run for! Read more . . . (357 words)
On Monday, Chris began his 100+ mile trek around Tompkins County at Cornell University. As Chris walks, he collects donations to support the Food Bank of the Southern Tier. The BackPack™ Program provides healthy, kid-friendly foods to children at risk for hunger. These children do not have access to food at home over the weekends and holiday breaks and each child in the program discreetly receives a backpack stuffed with food to last through their school break. Show your support for Chris and the Food Bank by cheering him on the last leg of his route through IC Square! Refreshments will be provided. More information about Walkin' the Country and the Food Bank can be found here. Read more . . . (16 words) |
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