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As shared by President Rochon at the recent All College meeting, Vice President for Finance and Administration Gerald Hector invites faculty and staff to attend the “Dollars and $ense" discussion series this fall. Once a month during the fall semester, VP Hector will provide updates on a variety of topics that impact the finances and administration of the College. Read more . . . (46 words) IC Faculty Present at the Association for Theatre in Higher Education ConferenceContributed by Chrystyna Dail on 08/28/14
Read more . . . (169 words) Melinda Cozzolino and Carole Dennis present at International Congress of the World Federation of Occupational Therapists in Yokohama, JapanContributed by Evan Edwards on 08/28/14 Melinda Cozzolino and Carole Dennis attended the 16th International Congress of the World Federation of Occupational Therapists in Yokohama, Japan, June 18-21, 2014.
Read more . . . (153 words) Violin, Viola, Cello, or Bass player? Join Sinfonietta! Did you play an instrument before coming to IC and now want to play in an orchestra? The Ithaca College Sinfonietta is a symphony orchestra open to all students who play an orchestral instrument - strings, winds, and percussion. No audition is necessary! (Graduate students and faculty/staff are also welcome to join.) Read more . . . (80 words) The Office of Judicial Affairs is currently seeking Staff and Faculty Justices for the 2014-2015 academic year.Contributed by Colleen Barnes on 08/28/14 The position calls for members of the Ithaca College Staff and Faculty to serve as justices for Ithaca College Conduct Review Board and Conduct Appeal Board hearings. Read more . . . (569 words) Opportunity knocks! Student Director Needed for Intergenerational PlayContributed by Elizabeth Bergman on 08/28/14 The Gerontology Institute seeks a student director for a short original musical comedy. Read more . . . (71 words) Network Maintenance, Friday, 9/5, Brief Interruption(s) ExpectedContributed by Karen Compton on 08/28/14 On Friday, September 5th ITS will be performing network maintenance which involves doubling our Internet bandwidth from 500 MB to 1 GB. The work will begin at 5:00 PM, and we expect at least one brief (< 1 minute) interruption to network connectivity. The maintenance window is scheduled for 1 hour, and there may be other brief interruptions of service during that time. ITS Helpdesk Buzzsaw Magazine is holding its rush night Wednesday Sept. 3 in Williams 323 at 8:45 p.m! Buzzsaw Magazine is Ithaca College's independent magazine, which publishes three times a semester.
Read more . . . (99 words) TLC Computer Training Schedule: September 1 - September 5, 2014Contributed by Tony Tabone on 08/27/14 ITS offers computing workshops every week on a variety of topics in the Technology Learning Center (101 Friends Hall) at no charge to all faculty, staff, and students. The TLC will be offering the following training sessions: Read more . . . (139 words) Friday August 29th Read more . . . (144 words) Business Student Tyler Ashe '16 Wins Beta Alpha Psi CompetitionContributed by Paul Deamer on 08/27/14
Read more . . . (78 words) Julia Cozzarelli (Modern Languages and Literatures) publishes article on DanteContributed by Marella Feltrin-Morris on 08/27/14
Read more . . . (181 words) Ellie Fitts Fulmer, Assistant Professor of Education, presents at the Action Research Network of the Americas Annual ConferenceContributed by Bonita L. Hogben on 08/27/14 Ellie Fitts Fulmer, Department of Education, presented, "The Course Identities Framework: A Tool for Investigating White Teachers' Engagement in Multicultural Education Coursework" at the Action Research Network of the Americas Annual Conference this spring. The paper suggests a pedagogical approach for teaching and co-learning that reconsiders the mythology of resistance narratives about student learning on personally and socially challenging content, such as anti-racism and social justice issues. This work draws upon data from Dr. Fulmer's practitioner inquiry study of her own graduate level teaching in recent years. The paper will be published in the first issue of the peer-reviewed ARNA Conference Proceedings this winter.
Classroom Reservation Process During the Add/Drop Period – Notice from the Registrar & Campus Center and Event ServicesContributed by Liz Kranz on 08/27/14 The start of each semester is a busy time for many departments and clubs that want to reserve classrooms or other academic spaces for various non-academic activities. There can be some confusion concerning the process for reserving classrooms for these activities leading up to and during the add/drop period each semester. In order to make the process smoother for this upcoming semester, as well as future semesters, here are guidelines for reserving classrooms during the add/drop period. Read more . . . (190 words) If you're at all interested in Student Government you should consider applying for our Chief of Staff position!
Read more . . . (97 words) Seeking 1 Director and More Actors for Theatre Festival - Greens Theatre/IC GreensContributed by Joshua Kelly on 08/27/14
Read more . . . (24 words) Scholarship Applications for a Free GRE, GMAT, LSAT or MCAT prep class are now available!Contributed by Nikki Lynn on 08/27/14
Read more . . . (114 words)
Read more . . . (66 words) The Environmental Studies and Sciences (ENVS) department has been awarded a grant from The Dominion FoundationContributed by Kimberly Anderson on 08/27/14 The Environmental Studies and Sciences (ENVS) department at Ithaca College has received support for its interdisciplinary experiential learning program. Specifically, for the students of our Non-Timber Forest Products (or NTFP) program to explore the use of different technologies to reduce the energy intensity of maple syrup production. Maple syrup production is economically and culturally important in upstate New York and represents a commercial activity that does not require harvesting of trees. Read more . . . (129 words) Ithaca College Chemistry Department Receives Jean Dreyfus Boissevain LectureshipContributed by Kimberly Anderson on 08/27/14 The intent of this program is to bring to campus a leading researcher in the chemical sciences who will give two or more lectures and interact substantially with undergraduate student and faculty. |
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