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Monday, March 24, 2014, 11:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
Center for Faculty Excellence, 316 Gannett Center
Facilitated by Traevena Byrd, Associate Counsel and Director Equal Opportunity Compliance

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Parking Lot Closures for March

Contributed by Bill Scheddin on 03/21/14 

Ithaca College is pleased to host several events in the A&E Center during the month of March. Due to these events several parking lots across campus will be impacted. Please read the following lot closures to determine how you may be impacted and direct any questions to Parking Services at 274-3756. Thank you in advance for your cooperation.

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A Saturday Mini-Retreat

Contributed by Kevin Walker on 03/21/14 

Ever wondered what a Buddhist retreat consists of?

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Relay for Life is one week away and we're inviting the entire Ithaca College community to our Academy Awards-themed event!

Saturday, March 29, 2014
2 p.m. to 2 a.m.
IC Athletics + Events Center

Food, games, performances
Celebration, remembrance + taking the time to fight back

Come out and cherish life with Colleges Against Cancer. Sign up here as an individual or with teammates.

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We've made it this far, friends, and now we need your help for the final countdown. We leave Wednesday, April 9 for NCA Nationals. You can donate $5 or $10 to our team through our Indiegogo campaign. We'd appreciate any financial support you can give us!

Thanks in advance! Go Bombers!

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Join us on Tuesday 3/25 at 6 p.m. in the Clark and McDonald Lounges for a fun filled night of fashion! Everyone is invited, but we will be modeling primarily women's clothing.

ICWIC will be hosting a professional dress fashion show to help you learn what you should wear for different professional settings. Refreshments will be provided.

For $5, we will also be taking headshots so you can update your profiles before sending out resumes!

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InterFashional Night: In Transit
Emerson Suites
Friday, March 21st, Doors open at 7pm

Join the International Club of Ithaca College for InterFashional Night, an annual fashion show showcasing clothing from all around the world. International AND American students get the chance to walk the runway wearing traditional clothing and representing beautiful cultures from across the globe. The show is FREE and open to the entire campus community.

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Do you want to reach out to prospective students and show them why they should come to Ithaca? Do you want to help prospective students see what Ithaca is all about? Sign up to table at Ithaca Today organization fair - April 12th and 13th.

Email Giulia Dwight at no later than March 21st!!!



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On March 27th at 7:00 pm, stop by IC Square for a night of lyric coffeehouse music with IC Park School alum and folk/pop singer Dan Mills. Dan Mills is a Brooklyn musician whose music and band have been featured in television commercials and in “Smash” on NBC.

Check out Dan Mills on Facebook or his website for his latest music and tour information.

Be on the lookout for more events hosted by SAB by ‘liking" the Student Activities Board on Facebook and following us on Twitter (@ithacaSAB)!

Individuals with disabilities requiring accommodations should contact Julia Ryan at We ask that requests for accommodations be made as soon as possible.

Career Services is here to help whether you've been planning for life after IC for a while or just getting started.

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On March 26th at 8:00 pm, stop by IC Square to watch Dan Licata, Joe Pera, Charles Gould, and Tomas Delgado perform stand-up. The comedians, hosts of a weekly Upright Citizens Brigade show, are sure to make you cry-laughing!

Be on the lookout for more events hosted by SAB by ‘liking" the Student Activities Board on Facebook and following us on Twitter (@ithacaSAB)!

Individuals with disabilities requiring accommodations should contact Julia Ryan at We ask that requests for accommodations be made as soon as possible.



What is a Jumpstart Leader?  Jumpstart Leaders participate in each Jumpstart program in a leadership capacity by serving as a valuable source of information and advising students about their college experience. Students have the opportunity to apply to be a Jumpstart Leader for one of the four programs: Community Plunge, Lead-In, ECHO, and the GREEN Tour.

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 Come March 24th at 2:30pm in Terrace Dining Hall at Food Lab for our Meatless Monday Food Lab Demo to learn the story behind Meatless Monday.

Space is limited, so please REGISTER HERE

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 Come March 24th at 2:30pm in Terrace Dining Hall at Food Lab for our Meatless Monday Food Lab Demo to learn the story behind Meatless Monday.

Space is limited, so please REGISTER HERE

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March is Nutrition Month and we're inviting you to join Team No Kid Hungry! 

Donations are being taken at all dining retail locations and all proceeds will go to The BackPack Program for Food Bank of the Southern Tier. The BackPack program ensures that children in need don't go hungry over the weekend when they aren't in school. Every Friday, those children receive their food, placed discreetly into their backpacks. The need to supply children from low-income families is consistently rising. It only costs $3.00 to fill a backpack, but any amount helps! 




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Applications are due at 11:59pm tonight, Friday, March 21st!

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On April 3rd, 10th and 17th, from 3:00 – 5:00 pm, in Friends 304, Ithaca College will be joining an community initiative across Ithaca and Tompkins County that is over 1,000 members strong, to view the eye-opening and powerful three-part series (one hour episodes, one episode each night) PBS documentary, Race: The Power of An Illusion. Each episode will be followed by a discussion about the film and its relevance today, that will be facilitated by a representative of the Multicultural Resources Center of Ithaca, in affiliation with Cornell’s Cooperative Extension of Tompkins County.

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Ed Tech Day is next Thursday March 27, 2014. For the latest news and updates follow us on Facebook and Twitter, @edtechday,and tag your tweets about the event with #edtech14

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Now is the time to apply to Information Technology Services (ITS) for the Fall 2014 semester! ITS employs around 110 student staff in twelve technology related fields. If you value technology and are interested in working with people, we've got a job for you! Come to an information session to learn more and to apply!

Information Sessions:

  • Friday, March 21st from 4:00-5:00pm in Friends 201
  • Monday, March 24th from 7:00-8:00pm in Friends 210
  • Tuesday, March 25th from 12:10-1:00pm in Friends 205

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 Jukebox Jive is going to feature tons of exciting activities and crafts to keep you and your friends busy all night long!

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