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Your second team captains' meeting is coming up! On Wednesday, March 19 from 6 to 7 p.m., we'll be meeting in the Klingenstein Lounge once again to go over fundraising strategies, team recruitment tips and online tools. The focus of this meeting will be different than last time, so if you came to the first one, please come again! We'll have pizza + other treats as always.

13 days until Relay! What are you doing to help your team reach their goals?

(Oh, and if you haven't registered for Relay yet, go here to register with friends.)

Relay for Life of Ithaca College is Saturday, March 29, 2014 from 2 p.m. to 2 a.m. in the Athletics and Events Center.

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Relay for Life is less than two weeks away and we're inviting the entire Ithaca College community to our Academy Awards-themed event!

Saturday, March 29, 2014
2 p.m. to 2 a.m.
IC Athletics + Events Center

Food, games, performances
Celebration, remembrance + taking the time to fight back

Come out and cherish life with Colleges Against Cancer. Sign up here as an individual or with teammates.

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Are you a dedicated student leader at Ithaca College? Do you spend your free time at meetings for student organizations or volunteering in the community?

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From job searches to networking and more, Career Services is here to help.

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Online Courses At-A-Glance

Contributed by Nancy Kotmel on 03/16/14 

With an Ithaca College online course you can learn anytime, any place -- at home or while you travel. Online courses are are as close as your computer this summer!

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What is a Jumpstart Leader?  Jumpstart Leaders participate in each Jumpstart program in a leadership capacity by serving as a valuable source of information and advising students about their college experience. Students have the opportunity to apply to be a Jumpstart Leader for one of the four programs: Community Plunge, Lead-In, ECHO, and the GREEN Tour.


Applications are available from March 17-March 28.


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Ithaca College students are welcome to attend SUNY Cortland's Spring Career & Internship Fair on Thursday, March 27 between 9:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. in the Corey Union Function Room. 

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Job Fair @ SUNY Cortland 3/27

Contributed by Caryanne Keenan on 03/16/14 

IC students are invited to attend SUNY Cortland's Spring Career & Internship Fair on Thursday, March 27 between 9:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. in the Corey Union Function Room. [Professional attire is expected.]

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Do you want to reach out to prospective students and show them why they should come to Ithaca? Do you want to help prospective students see what Ithaca is all about? Sign up to table at Ithaca Today organization fair - April 12th and 13th.

Email Giulia Dwight at no later than March 21st!!!


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Ed Tech Day 2014 will be held next Thursday, March 27, 2014 in the Campus Center. Over 55 technology vendors come to campus to showcase their latest technology including 3D printers and present seminars focused on technology issues facing educational institutions. The College Showcase features faculty, staff and students demonstrating how they are using educational technology including Calvin Chestnut, an Ithaca College student, showcasing his work with Google Glass.

Students, faculty and staff are invited to attend this invite; you don't need to register - just come!

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Doing some Interfaithin'

Contributed by Kevin Walker on 03/16/14 

Ever wondered how much religious diversity is on campus?

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In Outlook, you generally view your events in a calendar or grid view.  You can also view your events as a list, which you can sort and search through.  To view your calendar events as a list, follow these steps: 

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The power of the breath!

Contributed by Kevin Walker on 03/16/14 

How much potential does the breath have as a meditation object?

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Must... concentrate

Contributed by Kevin Walker on 03/16/14 

Did you know meditation can be used as a tool to increase the ability to concentrate?

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STRANGE BEDFELLOWS: Collaborative Practice in Queer Art

Curated by Amy Cancelmo

March 17—April 11, 2014

Opening Reception, March 20, 4.30 p.m.–6.30 p.m.

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On April 3rd, 10th and 17th, from 3:00 – 5:00 pm, at Park School of Communications Auditorium, Ithaca College will be joining an community initiative across Ithaca and Tompkins County that is over 1,000 members strong, to view the eye-opening and powerful three-part series (one hour episodes, one episode each night) PBS documentary, Race: The Power of An Illusion. Each episode will be followed by a discussion about the film and its relevance today, that will be facilitated by a representative of the Multicultural Resources Center of Ithaca, in affiliation with Cornell’s Cooperative Extension of Tompkins County.

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The Ithacan Does It Again!

Contributed by Michael Serino on 03/16/14 

 The Ithacan was presented with a Gold Crown award by the Columbia Scholastic Press Association at the spring National College Media Convention on March 14 at the Sheraton Times Square Hotel in New York City. The Gold Crown awards are the highest honors presented by CSPA.

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On Tuesday, March 18th at 8pm in Emerson Suites, IC Student Volunteers for Special Olympics presents Flame the Band with opening act, The Danbees.

Flame will be back for the third time to help Ithaca College "Spread the Word to End the Word"!

Tickets are $5, or $4 with a Senior Card and available at the door!

Proceeds will go to Ithaca Special Olympics!

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Come join the IC Animal Rights club on March 24th at 6pm in Textor 102 for a lovely presentation by the amazing Kathy Stevens ( founder of the animal sanctuary) The name of her presentation is " Why go Vegan"and it's going to a great time! Don't feel like you need to be vegan or have to even consider going vegan if you come to the lecture! It's open for all kinds of life styles, but it will be an amazing learning experience!


On March 14 and 15, 2014, 16 students representing  5 research teams presented 10 posters about their research at the Annual Convention of the Eastern Psychological Association, in Boston, MA.

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