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Have you submitted your application to be a Fall 2014 Resident Assistant yet?Contributed by Tricia Torley on 02/11/14 The Office of Residential Life is now accepting applications for RAs for the Fall 2014 semester. Read more . . . (82 words) The Campus Store will be hosting our annual 2-14 Sale on Friday, February 14th. Read more . . . (87 words) The next No Pressure Blood Pressure will be held on Friday, February 14th. Important reasons not to miss the next screening: 1. 65 million Americans have hypertension (high blood pressure) 2. Many people don't even know their blood pressure is high because there are no symptoms in most cases 3. Hypertension can lead to heart disease, stroke, heart failure, and kidney disease 4. 66% of those IC employees measured at the last screening were pre-hypertensive (above ideal ) 5. A 20 point increase in systolic blood pressure (top number) or a 10 point increase in diastolic blood pressure (bottom number) doubles the risk of heart disease. 6. Poor diet, inactivity, and being overweight can lead to an increase in blood pressure 7. If one does not adopt a healthy lifestyle, the hypertensive individual will need to take costly medication with potential side effects 8. Physical and emotional stress can elevate your blood pressure Read more . . . (94 words) It is recommended that your child gets one hour of physical activity per day. Whether your child is an athlete or not, IC Fit Kids can help. Mission Statement: Read more . . . (205 words)
We will be watching clips from the film "The Future of Food" followed by a discussion on genetically modified foods. After that we will break down into groups to work on various projects for the semester. Hope to see you there! Email with any questions or concerns Read more . . . (1 words) Professor Reads from New Historical Novel on February 11Contributed by Anthony DiRenzo on 02/11/14
Read more . . . (183 words) See below for open SGA positions. Email Dominick Recckio at Read more . . . (50 words)
¿Te gusta actuar? ¡Únete a TEATRO! Auditions for our spring production of La historia de nuestras vidas will take place: Wednesday, Feb. 12th from 7-8pm in Friends 302 Thursday, Feb. 13th from 12:10-1pm in Friends 302
All are welcome - no experience necessary Please contact Annette Levine for further information:
Read more . . . (26 words) Advertising, PR, Art Direction, Design, Copywriting, Journalism, and Marketing Opportunities at Communications Consortium - Apply By 2/23!Contributed by John Fracchia on 02/10/14
Interviews will take place at the event in April and to be considered you must apply for each opportunity that interests you by February 23, 2014! An application consists of 1) Your resume, 2) A cover letter and 3) Writing samples (if requested). All resumes and cover letters should be customized toward the opportunity to which you are applying. Career Services can assist you with this process. Read more . . . (345 words) This is a friendly reminder to students living on campus that all Residence Halls, except for Terrace 03, Boothroyd Hall, the Circle Apartments, and the Garden Apartments, will be closed for Spring Break beginning at 12:00 p.m. (noon) on Saturday, March 8, 2014. Closed Residence Halls will not reopen until 12:00 p.m. (noon) on Sunday, March 16, 2014, and residents will not be authorized to return early for any reason. Read more . . . (366 words)
Read more . . . (130 words) Office of Career Services Moves to Division of Enrollment and CommunicationContributed by David Maley on 02/10/14 The Office of Career Services will be moving from the Division of Student Affairs and Campus Life to the Division of Enrollment and Communication, effective March 1. The move will enable the Office of Career Services to better serve students in charting their paths from college to future careers and further education. Read more . . . (126 words)
Read more . . . (102 words) Screening of Pakistani Documentary "Moliere's Tartuffe" Sunday 2/16 at 6 PMContributed by Kathleen Mulligan on 02/10/14
Pakistani theatre actor/director/producer Tughral Turab Ali will be on campus for a screening of "Moliere's Tartuffe", a documentary film following Alliance Francais d'Islamabad's company as they rehearse and produce a controversial production of Moliere's play. The screening will be held in Park Auditorium with a talk back to follow. Read more . . . (207 words) Carlos Figueroa, Assistant Professor in the politics department, has just published an article titled "Developing Practical/Analytical Skills Through Mindful Classroom Simulations for “Doing” Leadership".Contributed by Kimberly Anderson on 02/10/14 Carlos Figueroa, assistant professor in the Politics Department, has just published an article titled "Developing Practical/Analytical Skills Through Mindful Classroom Simulations for “Doing” Leadership" in the Journal of Public Affairs Education (Vol. 20, Number 1, Winter/February, 2014), pp. 113-129, which is the flagship journal of the Network of Schools of Public Policy, Affairs, and Administration (NASPAA). Classroom simulations are an often-used teaching tool. But how can one maximize their benefits? Figueroa provides suggestions as well as recommendations for making simulations "mindful." Read more . . . (138 words) Spring Job & Internship Fair: You're In The Driver's Seat Now! - A Career Services AnnouncementContributed by John Fracchia on 02/10/14
Then take control of your future at the spring Job & Volunteer Fair, on Wednesday, February 26, 2014 from 5:00 - 8:00 pm in the Emerson Suites! Read more . . . (97 words) On-campus Interviews with Camp Canadensis: App. Deadline extended to Friday!Contributed by Kristin LiBritz on 02/10/14 Camp Canadensis is a residential summer camp in the Pocono Mountains. They are seeking applications for camp counselors, with a focus on students who have a passion for working with children and are studying to become a teacher or coach. Read more . . . (111 words)
Read more . . . (104 words) The Jostens class ring representative will be at the Campus Store Feb. 11 & 12 from 10 - 3. Stop by to see the assortment of class rings and specials. LGBT Film Series Continues February 12 with "Brother Outsider"Contributed by Luca Maurer on 02/10/14
Read more . . . (200 words) |
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