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Three Days Remain...

Contributed by Tanisha Malone on 11/24/13 

    "We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give."                                                                            ~Winston Churchill
Have you used the power of "Thank You" this month? Remember, the coupon redemption process for the "Thank You for Making a Difference" peer-to-peer recognition program will end at the close of business on Wednesday, November 27. 

Any unused or unwanted appreciation cards can be returned to the Office of Human Resources.

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Outlook Calendar Tip of the Week

Contributed by Tony Tabone on 11/24/13 

Process All Meeting Requests

Microsoft recommends processing meeting requests by accepting, tentatively accepting, or declining the invitation. Simply deleting the meeting request from your Inbox can have undesirable results and does not provide information to the meeting organizer about your status regarding the meeting.  

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Do you want to help your aging parents or relatives but don’t know how? Are you now a caregiver and looking for answers?

If so, the Gerontology Institute encourages you to register for “Caring for Your Aging Parents,” a two-part webinar series produced by the Institute and offered in partnership with the Office of Human Resources. Part 1: “Initiating Caring Conversations,” will be presented Wed., Dec. 4, 1-2 p.m., while Part 2: “Assessing Needs and Resources,” will be available Wed., Jan. 22, 1-2 p.m.

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Submitted on behalf of Julia Herman '14, CHP Intern.

The National Eating Disorders Association defines body image as:

  • How you feel about your height, weight and shape
  • How you see yourself when you look in the mirror 
  • How you picture yourself in your mind
  • How you feel in your body, not just about your body

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Offices within the Division of Finance and Administration will be closed on Tuesday, November 26, from 10:00 – 11:30 am for a division meeting.

This includes:

Office of Facilities
(Facilities Services; Grounds and Transportation; Planning, Design and Construction; and the Warehouse)

Office of Business and Finance
(Budget, Campus Center and Event Services, Campus Store, Center for Print Production, Financial Services, and Mail Services)

Information Technology Services
(Enterprise Application Services, Infrastructure and Communication Services, and Technology and Instructional Support Services)


If you're looking for a powerful opportunity to change America for the better, consider working with the U.S. PIRG (U.S. Public Interest Research Group). U.S. PIRG is a federation of state-based, nonprofit, nonpartisan organizations that work for the public interest on a range of issues.

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Urban Teacher Center (UTC) recruits diverse, results-oriented college graduates who are ready to make a difference in urban education in schools in Baltimore and Washington, D.C.  UTC is a four-year, alternative teacher preparation program with an intensive year-long residency, followed by a three-year teaching commitment in a high-need urban elementary, middle or high school.

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If you'd like to take a course in the TVR Program in the Spring 2014 semester, we have seats open in the following courses. 

TVR 10700--06 Intro to TV Studio Production, TR 8-9:50am, Block 1, CRN 43726

TVR11500-04 Intro to Field Production, MW 8-9:50am, CRN 42222

TVR 12200-03 Intro to Media Aesthetics & Analysis, TR 8-9:50am, CRN 42223

TVR 12400-01 Intro to Media Industries, M 3-3:50pm/TR 9:25-10:40am, CRN 42103

TVR 13100-03 Media Writing, MWF 8-8:50am, CRN 40232

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The operating hours for the Campus Store and MACs General Store will be adjusted during the Thanksgiving week.

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Have you ever had a question about race but were too scared to ask or were unsure about how to ask? How is racism recognized? How do you experience racism? How do you think racism has affected your life and the lives of others? How do you cope with the effects? Who do you believe needs to assume responsibility for eliminating racism?

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On Monday, November 18th, Catherine Taylor, Associate Professor in the Writing Department, gave a presentation on independent publishing, focusing on her work with Essay Press, followed by a reading of her essays and poems at the Writers House at Franklin and Marshall College.


The Friends 110 computer lab and the fixIT Shop will be open limited hours during Thanksgiving break. Please visit our lab website for details at Williams 210 and CHS 105 will close at 5:00pm on Friday, November 22. All labs and the fixIT Shop will resume regular hours on Monday, December 2.

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Leonard Slutsky, Integrated Marketing Communication major, was awarded the 2013 Steve Pacheco Scholarship ($5,000) from The Advertising Club of New York during the Advertising Person of the Year roast and toast event at the Dream Hotel in NYC.

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Finals Stressing You Out?

Contributed by Cassandra Walters on 11/21/13 

Are finals stressing you out?  Active Minds and IC We Are One are here to help with Destress Fest on December 2nd from 7:30-9:30 on the second floor of Friends Hall.

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The Mirror Magazine is looking for Submissions in art, photography, personal essay, fiction, poetry, etc. that reflect on mental health.

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The Office of Student Engagement and Multicultural Affairs is seeking full-time staff or faculty members to serve as advisers for four trips during Ithaca College's 2014 spring break.

The primary role of the trip adviser is to assure that students demonstrate respect for the organizations they serve, uphold the program's substance free policy, communicate with the trips participant-leader, make sure that the group manages its program finances responsibly, assists with group reflection sessions where necessary, and assists with driving responsibilities. 

Below you will find information about the trip.

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On Wednesday and Thursday December 4th and 5th from 9am-3pm in the North Foyer (lobby area outside of Emerson Suites) there will be a Holiday Sale hosted by the store in the commons Ten Thousand Villages and one of Ithaca College’s volunteer service organizations Circle K International! Ten Thousand Villages is coming to us!

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Get your applications in tonight! 

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Imprint Magazine is hosting a creative writing contest for students at ANY college or university, regardless of location, with a CASH PRIZE for first place in each category!

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Don't fret! There's still a way to get your #ICProbs heard by SGA!

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