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Share your ride for Fall Break!

Contributed by Marian Brown on 10/11/13 

Are you heading out of town for Fall Break? Are you looking for a ride? Are you already driving and want to make a few extra bucks along the way? You’re in luck! Zimride.Ithaca, Ithaca College’s private social network for ridesharing, makes it easy to catch a lift or fill the empty seats in your car.

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Tuesday, October 15, 2013
12:00 - 1.30 p.m. (bring your lunch), Center for Faculty Excellence, 316 Gannett Center

Facilitated by Pat Spencer, Assistant Professor, Ithaca College, Department of Writing; Richard Kiely, PhD, Cornell University, Engaged Learning and Research.

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The Ithaca College Rowing Team is pleased to again offer "Rent-A-Rower" for anyone needing healthy college students to do some physical labor around your home.  We can rake leaves, stack wood, dig ditches, paint fences, move furniture, clean garages, or do just about any other job needed to be done.

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Ithaca College Women in Communications presents its first ever Tennis for Tatas event, being held on October 27, 2013. Proceeds will go to the Susan G. Komen Foundation, dedicated to education and research about causes, treatment, and the search for a cure for breast cancer. October is breast cancer awareness month, so get involved! 

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 The CSPA-NYS Conference was held from October 5-9, 2013 in Rochester, NY. The Martin Luther King Scholar Program received a prestigious award, Doreen Hettich-Atkins holds a key role in the organization, and Michele Lenhart was an invited speaker.

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You still have time to apply to be an RA for Spring 2014!  The application deadline has been extended - applications are due on Sunday, October 20, 2013, by 11:59 p.m. and candidate references are due on Wednesday, October 23, 2013

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Do you know which former U.S. President has a hearing impairment or what popular rock star has ADHD? Or, that Albert Einstein had Dyslexia, ADD and was very likely on the Autism Spectrum? While it's probably no surprise that Robin Williams has ADD but did you know that Michael Phelps, David Beckham and APL.DE.AP from The Black Eyed Peas also have a disability?

Come and celebrate Disability Awareness Month with Student Disability Services by stopping by our table on Tuesday, October 29 from 10-2 in the Campus Center Lobby.

We'll have games, trivia, give-a-ways and more. And, you'll have the opportunity to step up and pledge to be a Disability Ally.

See you there!

LGBT History Month Continues

Contributed by Luca Maurer on 10/11/13 

Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender (LGBT) History Month is celebrated in October.  In observance of LGBT History Month, the LGBT Center website will feature videos highlighting different historical figures who have made a difference in the LGBT community.  Visit the LGBT Center website's LGBT History Month Featured Videos section to find a new video each day of October. Here are some figures who will be highlighted in the coming days:

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Cyndy Scheibe, the founder and Executive Director of Project Look Sharp at Ithaca College, was the featured speaker at the Rotary Club’s Sunrise Breakfast. At the event, Scheibe spoke to an audience of business professionals from different fields about media literacy in the world today and the importance of it for children and teens. 

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Students interested in personal and professional development, who want to make a difference, should apply for Alternative Spring Break (ASB)! The Alternative Spring Break trip is a leadership and character building opportunity sponsored by OSEMA.

This spring, ASB will be held in five unique locations: Northern Tennessee, Virginia Beach, Washington D.C., Central New York, and Salamanca, New York. Many students reflect on ASB as a life-changing experience, so don’t wait to apply! Applications open October 21st!

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 Take a break to enjoy this Friday's seasonal lunch buffet at the Tower Club.

-- 6 Convenient parking spots designated for Tower Club patrons during lunch time.
-- Great venue for a meeting or a relaxing lunch with a commanding view of Cayuga Lake and the surrounding area.
-- Tower Club features a different themed menu every Friday, so please join us!

To reserve your table at the top, call: 607-274-3393.

Hardy Harvest Lunch Buffet
-- Friday, October 11th, Tower Club/14th Floor/E. Tower
-- Lunch is Served from: 11:30am - 1:30pm

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$5 Professional Headshots!

Contributed by Kyle James on 10/10/13 

Come to IABC 's Headshot Fundraiser in Park 223 this Sunday from 6:30 - 8:30 p.m. to get your professional headshot taken for only $5!

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Mini-Retreat Saturday!

Contributed by Kevin Walker on 10/10/13 

Need to get away from the world for a little bit?

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  Come join and check out Fun Without Drinking on Friday at 4pm in Ithaca Falls room in campus center! 

EVERYONE is welcome to join! :)

Fun Without Drinking (referred to as "forward") is a group for Ithaca College students who are looking to have Fun Without Drinking. The goal of this group is to allow individuals to meet others who share similar beliefs to establish friendships and alternative activities. We have weekly meetings and host activities on the weekends. 

Individuals with disabilities requiring accommodations should contact Fun Without Drinking at We ask that requests for accommodations be made as soon as possible.

The Gerontology Institute Workshop “Handling Stress in a Rapidly Changing Environment” will be held on Wednesday, October 16 from 2:00 to 4:30 p.m. at the Country Inn and Suites, 1100 Danby Road, Rte. 96B.

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ITS offers computing workshops every week on a variety of topics in the Technology Learning Center (101 Friends Hall) at no charge to all faculty, staff, and students. The TLC will be offering training on Taskstream, Sakai, Web Profile Manager, Excel, and Photoshop from Monday, October 14 through Wednesday, October 16.  Note that there are no workshops on Thursday or Friday due to Fall break.

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We are excited to welcome many of our benefit partners including Aetna, Davis Vision, Ameritas, and TIAA-CREF. If addition, we have IC’s Gerontology Department, the IC Sir Alexander Ewing Hearing Clinic, Recreational Sports, and the Wellness Clinic joining us. As always, Hammond Health Center will be on hand to provide flu shots and cholesterol screening to benefit eligible employees. From the Tompkins County community, we will have the Finger Lakes Independence Center, Ithaca Carshare, Child Development Council, and Way2Go, just to name a few. 

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SENIORS, see YOU there!

Contributed by Alyssa Cooper on 10/10/13 

Alumni Happy Hour & Senior Class Celebration

Be the first to hear the Senior Class Gift Campaign announcement, while networking with Ithaca College alumni.

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Bill Sheasgreen, director of Ithaca College's London Center, is on campus this week to assist with the Spring 2014 London Center orientation activities.  The Office of International Programs will host a "coffee talk" reception for him on Friday, October 11, from 2:30 to 4:30 p.m. in the ground floor lounge of the Center for Health Sciences (one floor below the Office of International Programs). Faculty, staff, and students are welcome to attend.

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The Office of Human Resources would like to present to faculty, staff, and students our newest Work/Life Mission Series. This semester's Gaining the Edge on Diabetes series explores total diabetes care and wellness through prevention, proper nutrition, and utilizing available resources! Whether you have diabetes or are a caretaker of someone who does, this series is for you! 

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