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Information for Faculty Regarding Materials in Alternate FormatContributed by Linda Uhll on 08/16/13 In compliance with section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act, class materials must be made available in alternate format. This includes course packets, handouts, syllabi, quizzes/exams and any other materials used in class. Alternate formats include audio versions of written documents, documents in Braille and/or enlarged print, video captioning and materials in electronic format. Read more . . . (258 words) Syllabus Insert for Faculty Regarding the Americans with Disabilities ActContributed by Linda Uhll on 08/16/13 In response to requests by faculty for a statement regarding services for students with disabilities, here is a concise insert for inclusion in course syllabi. Please encourage students registered with Student Disability Services to meet with you during office hours to discuss their accommodation plan. "In compliance with Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the Americans with Disabilities Act, reasonable accommodation will be provided to students with documented disabilities on a case-by-case basis. Students must register with Student Disability Services and provide appropriate documentation to Ithaca College before any academic adjustment will be provided." Reminder: Caring and Sharing Back-to-School Drive. Let's Fill The Bins!Contributed by Michelle Rios-Dominguez on 08/15/13
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Read more . . . (380 words) ITS is pleased to announce that the TLC (Technology Learning Center) will be offering training on Taskstream and Sakai from Monday, August 19 through Friday, August 23. Read more . . . (280 words)
This month, Ithaca College Summer Music Academy (SMA) celebrated the conclusion of its third successful year. Having enrolled 381 participants—an increase of 19% from 2012—SMA students hailed from 18 states and six foreign countries, including Argentina, Canada, China, Japan, Morocco, and Taiwan. The SMA expanded to offer new programs this year, including an International Division, Performance Track, and Jazz Institute, which each added to the success and prominence of the Academy. Read more . . . (311 words) Please mark your calendars for the All College Meeting that will be held Thursday, August 22, from 9:00 to 11:00 a.m. in the Emerson Suites of the Campus Center. Read more . . . (268 words) Saviana Stanescu, Assistant Professor of Playwriting, Completes PhD and Publishes ArticleContributed by Chrystyna Dail on 08/15/13 Saviana Stanescu, Assistant Professor of Playwriting in the Department of Theatre Arts, has completed her PhD with the National University of Theatre & Film in Bucharest, Romania. Read more . . . (139 words) Career Services will have limited services August 19-27Contributed by Cheryl Boyer on 08/14/13 Career Services will have limited services between August 19-27, due to training our Peer Career Advisors and Student Assistants. Read more . . . (22 words) History Professor publishes essay on racial violence in Journal of American HistoryContributed by Terrie Miller on 08/14/13 Michael Trotti in the History department published an essay in the current edition of the Journal of American History entitled "What Counts: Trends in Racial Violence in the Postbellum South." This is a reinterpretation of the use of numbers in the study of racial violence, cataloging the challenges posed by quantification of so complicated a phenomenon.
Lis Chabot, College Librarian, Elected as President of the Affinity Library GroupContributed by Karenn Reeter on 08/14/13 Lis will serve as President of the Affinity Library group for 2013/2014. Members of the group include 33 comprehensive colleges and universities across the country. Read more . . . (115 words) Lynn Gitlow, an associate professor in the department of Occupational Therapy will give a presentation at Longview on assistive technology that will address the following questions and more!
Read more . . . (89 words) Do You Need Insurance for Your Mobile Devices, Laptop, etc.?Contributed by Kristine Slaght on 08/14/13 Please read about an insurance program that is offered to Ithaca College students and employees. This annual insurance policy covers personal property worldwide. The College does not benefit in any way from this program. However, it is an attractive option, including a low insurance deductible, if you are seeking coverage for your personal belongings, such as computer, mobile devices, items at home, etc. For more detail, please view Jennifer Germann of Art History presents paper at the University of WinchesterContributed by Lauren O'Connell on 08/14/13 Jennifer Germann, Assistant Professor of Art History, presented a paper titled "The Queen's New Image: Jean-Marc Nattier's Portrait of Marie Leszczinska (1748)" at the Society for Court Studies meeting in July. The topic of the international conference, held at the University of Winchester in Great Britain, was Kings and Queens II: Making Connections. Germann's paper explored gift giving and political intrigue at the French court. Commendable collaboration this summer at Ithaca College.Contributed by Kimberly Anderson on 08/14/13
Read more . . . (88 words) Ithaca College recognized at United Nations celebration of the International Day of Indigenous Peoples.Contributed by Kimberly Anderson on 08/14/13
Read more . . . (10 words) Last One! IC Salsa Summer Social -Thursday, August 15Contributed by Kurt Lichtmann on 08/13/13 Staff, Students, Faculty Read more . . . (98 words) Please find a tentative Fall Welcome Schedule on the First-Year Experience website. Read more . . . (120 words) All College Meeting on Thursday, August 22, 9 to 11 a.m.Contributed by Office of the President on 08/13/13 Please mark your calendars for the All College Meeting that will be held Thursday, August 22, from 9:00 to 11:00 a.m. in the Emerson Suites of the Campus Center. Read more . . . (273 words) Mail Services Has a New Package Tracking System! Read All About It!Contributed by Karen Serbonich on 08/13/13 New this semester!! A new package tracking system that will allow Circle Apartment residents to pick up ALL their packages at the Circle’s Mail Room between 11am and 5pm Monday through Friday. The package tracking system will include in the subject line, the location (Phillips Hall Post Office, Mail Center or Circle’s Mail Room) and the place where it is stored. For example MF03 =Mail Center Floor Section 03 or PS01 = Phillips Hall Shelf 01. If we process a number of packages to you in a short period of time you will receive one email and the storage locations will be listed in the body of the email. Add to your address book so that the package email notifications do not go into your SPAM folder. At this time you can disregard the reminder emails that you are receiving. Read more . . . (122 words) |
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