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This year's student employee appreciation lunch will be held on April 9th in the Emerson Suites from 11:30 - 1:00 p.m. to thank Ithaca College’s outstanding student employees for their dedicated work. All current student employees will receive a personal invitation to attend, and we encourage supervisors to join us with their student employees. More information will follow, so please save the date.

All faculty and staff are welcome to attend a Pathways training to learn to identify and respond to a student who might be experiencing distress.  We appreciate your willingness to learn crisis response skills before you need them. 

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The political hip-hop duo known as Rebel Diaz will give a free performance at Ithaca College on Wednesday, Feb. 27. Sponsored by the Center for the Study of Culture, Race, and Ethnicity (CSCRE) Discussion Series, the show will take place at 7 p.m. in Emerson Suites, Phillips Hall.

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Dear Ithaca College Community Members:

The Ithaca College Board of Trustees regularly conducts reviews of the performance of our President, as is customary practice in all employment settings. Since this is the fifth year of President Rochon’s tenure, we are undertaking a more expansive process called a Comprehensive Presidential Assessment which will involve inviting input from representatives of the different constituencies which comprise the Ithaca College community. The purpose of this process is to highlight areas of positive performance and to contribute suggestions to improve the effectiveness of the work of the President in advancing the goals and mission of the College.

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Did you know that the School of Humanities and Sciences nominates students for nearly 40 endowed scholarships every spring?

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Complete list of all registered Student Organizations! If your organization is not on this list, you are not registered.

 Take advantage of the last opportunity for the academic year 2012-2013 to register your student organization. The registration process will officially end March 8th. All steps must be completed by March 8th.


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Complete list of all registered Student Organizations! If your organization is not on this list, you are not registered.

 Take advantage of the last opportunity for the academic year 2012-2013 to register your student organization. The registration process will officially end March 8th. All steps must be completed by March 8th.


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Jake Brenner (Environmental Studies & Sciences) and Leann Kanda (Biology) collaborated on a paper, titled "Buffelgrass (Pennisetum ciliare) Invades Lands Surrounding Cultivated Pastures in Sonora, Mexico," that will be published soon in Invasive Plant Science and Management, a journal of the Weed Science Society of America.

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Gustavo Licón, Assistant Professor of Latino/a Studies in the Center for the Study for Culture, Race and Ethnicity (CSCRE) was recently awarded a Career Enhancement Fellowship for Junior Faculty.  This fellowship is funded by The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation and administered by The Woodrow Wilson Foundation.  This Fellowship, along with the support of Ithaca College and the School of Humanities and Sciences, will provide Dr. Licón the opportunity to focus on his research and writing from June 2013-June 2014. His goal during this fellowship year is to publish several articles in peer reviewed journals.

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 No matter where you're going or what you're doing for Spring Break, let's face it, Spring is coming which means the SUN is coming!!

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Join Stephanie Piech, Sustainability Coordinator for Ithaca Dining Services, on a tour of the Terrace Dining Hall’s Food Lab and Simple Servings Station. This tour will include an introduction to the Food Lab and Simple Servings Station as well as a presentation about additional places to find unique and nutritious options elsewhere on campus.

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Saturday, March 2, 12:30-5:00 PM, Williams Hall 2nd Floor

What is your next step when it comes to planning your career and future? Seniors where are you going after you graduate? For others, what are you doing to prepare for your future?

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     SSDP Presents Just Say Know - An honest and interactive discussion about ketamine and how to stay safe

 February 27th at 8pm in room 206 of the Business School SSDP will be presenting Just Say Know, a non abstinence only drug education program - an unbiased honest conversation about drugs and how to stay safe.

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Marie Sanford, Clinical Associate professor in the Dept of Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology, three IC students and a colleague from Cornell University presented at the 16th Annual Conference of the American Association of Behavioral and Social Sciences in Las Vegas, NV. 

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Ithaca College Fuse, the twice-yearly magazine created by students for students, and Life at IC, a social media project showcasing daily student life, each earned bronze honors in the 2013 Cuppie Awards Program. Sponsored by the Association of Communicators in Education, the Cuppie Awards recognize creative excellence in marketing and communication in higher education. Ithaca College Fuse competed in the Print Publications - Magazine category; Life at IC in Electronic Media - Social Media. A panel of senior-level industry experts judged the entries.

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Purim Celebration

Contributed by Melinda Butler on 02/20/13 

The Jewish Mardi Gras!

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Check out all the name brand fashions at 310 Rosemont on February 25th & 26th!

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Purim Celebration

Contributed by Melinda Butler on 02/20/13 

The Jewish Mardi Gras!

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Are you interested in learning about other cultures? Or interested in going abroad during your time at Ithaca? Or perhaps you've already been abroad and are looking to share your experiences with others?  Well, come join the Cultural Connections Club Tuesday, February, 26 in CHS (Center for Health Sciences) 202 at 6:30 PM. (CHS is the same building where the Office of  International Programs is housed, and room 202 is back behind the coffee shop located on the second floor).  Come join us for some free Thai food and a discussion of upcoming events and activities for the club!

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Are you interested in studying abroad? IES (The Institute for the International Education of Students) is one of Ithaca College's 2013-14 affiliated study abroad providers, and a representative of IESwill be on campus this Thursday, February 21, 12:10-1:00, in Textor 102 to meet with students and provide further information about the IES study abroad options. A free pizza lunch will be provided!

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