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The 2013 Student Leadership Consultant application will be available in the spring, beginning on January 29, 2013.  Please visit the Student Engagement and Multicultural Affairs website  for updates.  Look out for our 1990's themed advertisements early next semester!

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SCRC - Open Sunday 1/20

Contributed by Lisa Efing-Guida on 01/17/13 

The Student Computer Repair Center will open for the Spring 2013 semester on Sunday, January 20, from Noon to 5:00 p.m. The SCRC offers personal computer repair service for all students, faculty, and staff with a valid Ithaca College ID.

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The Office of Residential Life would like to announce that Spring Waitlist Applications are available beginning today, January 21, 2013 in the Office of Residential Life.  

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School of Music Professor, Nicholas Walker, spent the week before Christmas in London and North Norfolk, UK, working with students from the Royal College of Music and the Yehudi Menuhin School. Caroline Emery, Course Director, Director of The Bass Club UK, and author of Bass is Best, invited Professor Walker to lead a series of technique classes, an orchestral repertoire, and performance masterclasses as part of Christmas Basses 2012.

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Do to an unforeseen plumbing issue at Terraces, Terrace Dining Hall will be closed for dining on Saturday, Jan. 19th, 2013. 

Therefore, Towers Dining Hall will be open for dining on Saturday, Jan. 19th from 12noon - 8pm, Terrace Dining Hall is scheduled to reopen on Sunday, Jan. 20th, 2013. Any additional updates will be shared, here, on intercom.

Thank you!



In August 2012 Ithaca College launched an Effectiveness and Affordability Review and partnered with a consulting firm, Huron Education, to assist the college with this process and provide an outside perspective. Huron held listening sessions on campus, conducted independent research, and benchmarked the college among its peers in order to assist the college in identifying and making recommendations on the following:

  • Ways to increase revenue from existing or new opportunities 
  • Opportunities to reduce costs or eliminate spending 
  • Ways to enhance efficiencies and improve the college’s level of service

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Kent Scriber, professor of exercise and sport sciences at Ithaca College, was an inaugural corecipient of the Kent Scriber Recognition Award, along with E. James Swenson, a sports medicine physician at the University of Rochester Medical Center.

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2012 W-2s now available online

Contributed by Donna Veres on 01/17/13 

Student employees can now view and print their 2012 W-2 online in Parnassus. To access your W-2 online, just log into Parnassus, click on IC Student Employee Self Service, and then click on Employee W2. If you need assistance with your Parnassus login information, please contact the Payroll Office at (607) 274-3874 or (607) 274-3133, or  Paper W-2s will be mailed to your home address early next week.

2012 W-2s available online

Contributed by Donna Veres on 01/17/13 

All active employees can now view and print their 2012 W-2 in Parnassus. To access your W-2 online, just log into Parnassus, click on IC Employee Self Service, and then click on Employee W2. If you need assistance with your Parnassus login information, please contact the Payroll Office at (607) 274-3874 or (607) 274-3133, or  Paper W-2s will be mailed to your home address early next week. 

New this year all benefit eligible employees will notice an amount with a code DD in Box 12 on their W-2. This is a reporting requirement that was introduced by the 2010 Affordable Care Act. This is the total cost of employer provided healthcare coverage. Please note that this amount is not taxable and does not need to be entered anywhere on your tax return. It is for informational purposes only.  

…TO THE EMERSON SUITES of course to learn how to make their next event a HUGE success!  Don’t miss this opportunity to learn the tips and tricks from the Campus Center and Event Services staff. We’ll walk you through getting a space for your meeting, ordering catering, audio visual services and marketing your event. Oh, and did we mention that there will be FREE FOOD SAMPLES from our new menu? Don't miss out!

The event planning workshop will be held on THURSDAY, JANUARY 31 in the Emerson Suites from 7:00 pm – 9:00 pm. Space is limited and you must register for this event.  Register today.

Individuals with disabilities requiring accommodations should contact Jessica L. Barnes in CC&ES ( We ask that requests for accommodations be made as soon as possible. Stay connected to the people who know how to plan great events.  Find us on Facebook today (keywords: Campus Center & Event Services).

The ITS Helpdesk will be open on Sunday, January 20, from noon to 5:00pm. We'll have a full-time staff member on duty as well as new Helpdesk students "learning the ropes." If you are in need of technology assistance that day, please feel free to call us at 274-1000 or stop by Job Hall 104.

For help with Apogee ResNet problems, please call 1-877-478-8893.

ITS Helpdesk
104 Job Hall

Meditation for Anyone

Contributed by Melinda Butler on 01/17/13 

Spring Semester

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The Division of Legal Affairs will be closed on Friday, January 18 for an all-day staff planning meeting.


A gathering to celebrate the life of Victoria “Tori” Howell will be held at Muller Chapel on Wednesday, January 23. Members of the campus community are invited to come together at 4 p.m. to share memories and stories of Tori and to provide support for one another.

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The graduating class of Musical Theatre and Acting majors of the Department of Theatre Arts will present an afternoon of music on Sunday, January 27 at 4 PM in the Clark Theatre to benefit the residents of the Sakhi Shelter for Victims of Domestic Violence in Kerala, India.

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Among the notable critics, curators and artists who recognized Lick Creek Line were Gerry Badger, Natasha Egan, John Gossage and Alec Soth.

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Are you interested in studying abroad? Come learn more about your options at our info sessions! The Summer Study Abroad sessions will review all of the many ways you can go global this summer. The London Center sessions will tell you what it is like to spend a summer or semester studying at the ICLC. The Know Your Options sessions will give an overview of all of the study abroad possibilities available to you as an IC student. And the Exchange Programs sessions will talk specifically about our exchange partner universities and the opportunities available to you through these full-immersion study abroad experiences. Come learn more about your study abroad options!

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Have you ever had a question about race but were too scared to ask or didn’t know how to ask? How do you know racism when you see it? How do you experience racism? How do you think racism has affected your life? How do you cope with the effects? Do you think you are responsible, in any way, for eliminating racism? 

Ithaca College faculty are invited to come together in a safe environment to share feelings, thoughts, and experiences in a sustained, confidential, frank dialogue around race and racism. The Diversity Awareness Committee will initiate a Staff/Faculty Talking Circle (co-sponsored by Human Resources) facilitated by professionals from the Multicultural Resource Center. Each Talking Circle will be made up of 20 racially and ethnically diverse people who will meet once a week for five consecutive sessions to self-reflect, share experiences, and learn from others’ perspectives and attitudes.

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Have you ever had a question about race but were too scared to ask or didn’t know how to ask? How do you know racism when you see it? How do you experience racism? How do you think racism has affected your life? How do you cope with the effects? Do you think you are responsible, in any way, for eliminating racism? 

Ithaca College faculty are invited to come together in a safe environment to share feelings, thoughts, and experiences in a sustained, confidential, frank dialogue around race and racism. The Diversity Awareness Committee will initiate a Student Talking Circle facilitated by professionals from the Multicultural Resource Center. Each Talking Circle will be made up of 20 racially and ethnically diverse people who will meet once a week for five consecutive sessions to self-reflect, share experiences, and learn from others’ perspectives and attitudes.

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You are encouraged to bring your reusable mug or beverage container to the All-College meeting tomorrow, Thursday, January 17th between 9:00 - 11:00AM in the Emerson Suites. Everyone who is"spotted" making this simple, more sustainable choice will receive a "SPOTTED" card good for a free, hot beverage refill at any of the dining services retail outlets. These special "SPOTTED" cards will be good only until the end of Spring Break (March 15th), so be sure to redeem your free refill during one of our cold, wintry days. Many thanks go to Ithaca College Dining Services for their sponsorship of the free beverage refills.