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In response to requests by faculty for a statement regarding services for students with disabilities, here is a concise insert for inclusion in course syllabi. Please encourage students registered with Student Disability Services to meet with you during office hours to discuss their accommodation plan.

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Assistant Professor Skott Freedman, Department of Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology, is featured in the book Calls Beyond Our Hearing: Unlocking the Secrets of Animal Voices, by Holly Menino.

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Assistant Professor Jennifer Tennant co-authored an article that recently appeared in the Journal of Disability Policy Studies: “Capturing the Elusive Working-Age Population With Disabilities: Reconciling Conflicting Social Success Estimates From the Current Population Survey and American Community Survey.” Jennifer’s co-authors are Richard Burkhauser, Cornell University, and Andrew Houtenville, University of New Hampshire.

The Fitness Center wood floor gym is being resurfaced, and will be unavailable for use until Saturday 8/25.  The mondo floor gym will still be available for use during our normal hours of operation.

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Dr. Donathan Brown, assistant professor of Communication Studies, is the new editor of the Journal of Race and Policy.  Beginning his duties immediately, he replaces the founding editor of the national journal, Dr. Michael Clemons of Old Dominion University.


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Ithaca's local Friends Bike Clinic and IC's Bomber Bike Initiative (BBI) are teaming up to put on FREE Bike Mechanics Workshops for all who are interested. Don't miss out!

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Dear Ithaca College Faculty and Staff:

The following e-mail was sent to our incoming and returning students, and our new students also received a hard copy of the Alcohol and Other Drug brochure during Summer Orientation. We hope that you will review the brochure and become familiar with the new protocol. Please contact the Office of Judicial Affairs should you have any questions or concerns.

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The following is submitted on behalf of Margaret Arnold, Special Assistant to the Provost:

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Janet Galvan, Professor of choral music and music education, was a headliner at two major conferences this summer.  The Pennsylvania American Choral Directors Association's summer conference was held at Penn State from July 29-31 where Galvan conducted an intergenerational honor choir and led a session for the conductors in attendance. 

She also attended Voices United, the American Choral Directors Conference of Virginia, Washington, DC, Maryland, and Delaware from August 8-11.  She presented 4 plenary sessions and conducted an intergenerational choir, presenting a world premiere of Omnes Credere by Jim Papoulis.

J.J. Staff Scholar Award

Contributed by Bernard Hogben on 08/17/12 

The J.J. Staff Scholar Award Committee is currently accepting scholarship applications for the 2012 Fall semester.

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All College Meeting

Contributed by Diane Veroneau on 08/17/12 

Please mark your calendar for the All College Meeting for all faculty and staff on Thursday, August 23, from 9-11 a.m. in the Emerson Suites.

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ITHACA, N.Y. – Ithaca College’s Athletics and Events Center was recently named the winner of an Innovative Architecture & Design Award from Recreation Management magazine. The A & E Center, which opened in the fall of 2011, was designed by Moody-Nolan Inc.

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 Kathleen Mulligan (Assistant Professor, Department of Theatre) is spending two weeks in Islamabad, Pakistan on a Fulbright Specialist grant from August 9-22.  She is continuing the work of her Fulbright-Nehru grant to India in 2010 entitled "Finding Women's Voices", focusing on the empowerment of women through voice. In addition, she has worked with a local theatre group on their production on "The God of Carnage" and taught workshops in voice and communication to Business, English Literature, and Mass Communication majors at several universities in Islamabad.

This year, the Ithaca College Jazz Ensemble has a whole bunch of fun stuff lined up — the Terell Stafford/composition contest winner concert, a concert for children & families, a performance at NYSSMA in Rochester, and a lot more.  The Jazz Lab Bands will also be doing great things. All jazz bands rehearse on Tuesday and/or Thursday evenings from 6-8PM.

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The Caring and Sharing Committee's "Back to School" supplies collection will be wrapping up on August 21st. We will accept donations through this date at the following locations: 

  • Bookstore
  • Peggy R. Williams Center, garden level
  • Office of Public Safety, foyer

 Please consider picking up a few extra supplies while you're out this weekend!

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Please read about an insurance program that is offered to Ithaca College students as well as employees.  This annual insurance policy covers personal property worldwide.  The College does not benefit in any way from this program, but it is an attractive option, including a low insurance deductible, if you are seeking additional coverage for your personal belongings, such as computer, mobile devices, items at home, etc.  For more detail, please view   

New York City in the Fall anyone?

Contributed by Kasey Spada on 08/16/12 

This is a reminder that we will begin accepting check or money order payments for the Sept. 22nd bus trip to New York City THIS MONDAY, AUGUST 20TH. Don't miss out!

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Submitted on behalf of President Tom Rochon

Effective as of August 24, the Division of Student Affairs and Campus Life will join the Division of Academic Affairs in reporting to Marisa Kelly, whose new title will be Provost and Vice President for Educational Affairs. In announcing the change, President Tom Rochon noted that the restructuring will position Ithaca College more strongly than ever to achieve its mission of becoming the standard of excellence for residential comprehensive colleges.

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Originally posted in Intercom on July 24, 2012
Submitted by Dr. Margaret L. Arnold, Special Assistant to the Provost


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Submitted by Marisa Kelly, Provost, and Peter Rothbart, Chair of Faculty Council

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