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The Handwerker Gallery is pleased to announce that Nigerian artist, Marcia Kure, will deliver a talk entitled “So Far” on Wednesday, April 4, at 6.00 p.m..

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Come see your favorite professors shake it on the dance floor!

The Third Annual Dancing with the Stars Competition is happening April 7th!

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Residential Life and Academic Enrichment Services are looking for three First Year Academic Coaches for the 2012-2013 academic year.

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The 2012 annual C. P. Snow Lecture will be given by Dr. Eugenie C. Scott on Wednesday, March 28th, at 7pm in Textor 102.  Dr. Scott is the Executive Director of NCSE, the National Center for Science Education, and the author of the book “Evolution vs. Creationism.”  She has been both a researcher and an activist in the creationism / evolution controversy for over twenty-five years.  The lecture is free and open to the public.

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The Concert for Microtopias
Multimedia Concert and Performance
Tuesday, March 27
Hockett Recital Hall
8:15 p.m.

Featuring Deborah Martin (piano), Art Jones (live remix), Jairo Geronymo (piano), Brad Hougham (baritone), Mary Zebell (designer), Ann Michel (producer), Phil Wilde (producer), Cynthia Henderson (actor), and Kathleen Mulligan (actor).

Arrive early.  Limited Seating.  Overflow seating in the back and aisles of Hockett is not permitted.

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Student Trustee applications are available on this page and due on March 28th by 5:00 p.m. 

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For the first time the Writing Department is offering a new online course in Travel Writing during the month of July 2012. It's a 3-credit course that combines the analysis of issues related to travel writing with actual writing experience in the genre. Whether students travel to a foreign country or somewhere they've never been in their own town, they'll learn about the different kinds of travel stories, how to keep a travel journal and conduct research, and how to market their stories. The class runs through the month of July and is taught strictly online. For more information, email writing professor Nick Kowalczyk, the instructor of the course:

 ICSJP Henna Fundraiser

Contributed by Christopher Zivalich on 03/26/12 

 The IC Students for Justice in Palestine will be holding a henna fundraiser next week, on Friday, March 30th by the flagpole near the library. 

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Affinity groups are designed to be a safe place where both staff and faculty may speak on common interests and provide an opportunity for one to seek and give support to one another.

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The members of the First-Year Experience Coordinating Committee would like to invite all first-year students to attend a series of events designed to highlight the wonderful speakers, films, athletics and performances that happen on our campus all year long! 


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Are you feeling Lucky?

Contributed by Joelle Albertsman on 03/26/12 

FYE will be featuring a different theme every month for our Mixed Media Contest for the remainder of the academic year!  Submit the medium of your choosing for a chance to win a $20 Downtown Ithaca gift card!  Keep an eye out for our posters all over campus!


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An Afternoon with Studs

Contributed by Susan Monagan on 03/26/12 

Journalism. Nonfiction writing. Interviews. Storytelling. The eloquence of the American worker. Learn about the man who spread all of these across the United States, and for the next two weeks to Ithaca College, this Sunday, April 1.

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Are you interested in studying abroad in NEW ZEALAND? IES (The Institute for the International Education of Students) is one of Ithaca College's affiliated study abroad providers, and a representative of IES will be on campus this Tuesday, March 27 in Textor 103, along with a representative from the University of Canterbury (Christchurch, New Zealand),  to meet with students and provide further information about the IES study abroad options in New Zealand. A free pizza lunch will be provided!

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Darius J. Conger, Department of Economics and Ryan E. Cruz, Department of Sport Management and Media, delivered a paper entitled “Match Competitive Balance in Tennis: Evidence from the Sony Ericsson Open" at the 38th Annual Conference of the Eastern Economic Association March 9th in Boston, MA. Ryan Cruz at acted as a discussant of a paper entitled “Relegation in the English Premier League: Are All Incentives Created Equal”

Doctor Gustavo Licon, Assistant Professor at the Center for the Study of Culture, Race, and Ethnicity, presented as an invited speaker at the February 17th-18th CHICANO!, A CONFERENCE ON THE EMERGING HISTORIOGRAPHY OF THE CHICANO MOVEMENT in Santa Barbara, California.  

This conference featured a number of scholars whose research focuses on the Chicano Movement of the 1960s and 1970s, the most significant civil rights protest movement by Mexican Americans in the U.S.


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April is LGBT (lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender) Awareness Month, and a variety of student organizations, offices, and other groups are planning LGBT-themed happenings that will take place on campus and in the community. A preliminary calendar of events is available but your help is needed to fill in the details! If one of your events is listed and you have additional details, or your event is not listed and you'd like it to be, please contact as soon as possible.

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Work by artists Christine Destrempes, Christo, Raymond Ghirardo & Megan Roberts, Philip Govedare, s.c. Thayer and Jen Torres are included in  "Uncommon River", curated by Gail Seigel.  They explore the concept of rivers from a variety of perspectives. Rivers touch all lives directly or indirectly, but particularly so in the Pacific Northwest and Idaho where agriculture, industry, commerce, energy, recreation, tourism, transportation and countless jobs depend on rivers and where rivers are central to public policy debates on water rights, endangered species and wilderness preservation.


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This Friday (3/30) there will be a garden party you won’t want to miss! Come anytime between 12pm-6pm for as long as you like. The garden is located between Williams Hall and Phillips Hall.

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Patricia Hill Collins will present "At the Center of the Storm:  Black Men, Violence, and U.S. Society" as part of the Center for the Study of Culture, Race, and Ethnicity's Spring 2012 Discussion Series.  The event takes place on Tuesday, March 27th in Emerson Suites, Campus Center, from 7-9 p.m.

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As you begin to plan for Commencement Week 2012, please keep in mind the following on-campus housing guidelines. All campus residents except for graduating seniors, Resident Assistants, and Circle Apartment residents are required to vacate their rooms no later than 3:00 p.m. on May 12, 2012 unless they receive written approval from the Office of Residential Life to remain.

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