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2010 W-2s available online

Contributed by Donna Veres on 01/18/11 

2010 W-2s are now available for all active employees and student employees to view online through Parnassus. Once logged into Parnassus, click on IC Employee (or Student Employee) Self Service then click on Employee W-2. 

Your paper W-2 will be mailed to your permanent address later this week.  

Please feel free to contact the Payroll Office at (607) 274-3874 or (607) 274-3133 with any questions.

Social Justice and Community Involvement Fair
Tuesday, January 25, 11:00am-2:00pm
Clark and Klingenstein Lounges, Campus Center

Stop by this fair anytime between 11am and 2pm to learn about ways you can take action on your campus and in your community.  Student and community-based organizations will be available with free items and information for interested students.  Participating community organizations include New Roots Charter School, SPCA of Tompkins County, Salvation Army and Planned Parenthood.

In addition to the free stuff you can pick up at each table, you will also have a chance to participate in a raffle that could win you gift cards at local businesses such as Cinemapolis, Ithaca Bakery, and Ten Thousand Villages.


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There is now a blog for all your Employee Benefits & Work/Life topics.

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Reminder & clarification for faculty:  as you finalize your spring semester syllabi, please keep in mind that we will be hosting the National Conference for Undergraduate Research here on campus on Thursday, March 31 and Friday, April 1.  All of our general-purpose classrooms, although not labs and other specialized instructional spaces, will be needed for IC students and visiting undergraduate researchers to make their conference presentations on these dates.

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The All College Meeting will be held in the Emerson Suites from 9:00 - 11:00a.

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Are you an Ithaca College faculty member who has found an innovative way to use technology in the classroom? Are you a staff member involved in a campus wide initiative using technology to enhance the workplace?

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The indoor pool will be closed Saturday January 22nd from 2-5 due to a home Swimming and Diving meet against the University of Rochester.

“A kinase cascade leading to Rab11-FIP5 controls transcytosis of the polymeric immunoglobulin receptor” Tao Su, David M. Bryant, Frédéric Luton, Marcel Vergés, Scott M. Ulrich, Kirk C. Hansen, Anirban Datta, Dennis J. Eastburn, Alma L. Burlingame, Kevan M. Shokat, Keith E. MostovNature Cell Biology Volume:12, Pages:1143–1153 (2010)

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ITS is pleased to announce that "Introduction to Blackboard" training sessions begin this week in the Technology Learning Center, room 101 Friends Hall. Blackboard is the central course management system at Ithaca College. In addition to receiving an overview of how the system works, participants will get hands-on practice building content and using key tools. To register instantly, simply click the link below.

Introduction to Blackboard  (click here to register)

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Engaging Communities 2011

Contributed by Jane Ray on 01/16/11 

For this year’s Engaging Communities event, we are very pleased to offer opportunities for faculty, staff and students to experience two highly accomplished individuals; one to engage our minds and help us focus our work and the other to engage our spirit and sense of connection.

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Applications are available in 2 weeks!

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Applications are available in 2 weeks!

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Blackboard Cafe in the CET

Contributed by Marilyn Dispensa on 01/14/11 

Come to the Center for Educational Technology in Job 102 for coffee, tea, and cookies and to work on your Blackboard course site.  Staff will be available to answer any questions about Blackboard or other course technologies.

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Mark your calendars and make plans to join us for the 21st Annual Educational Technology Day on Thursday, March 24, 2011 from 9 am to 4 pm.

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MLK Week Educational Workshops
Get an early start on your credits for the Student Leadership Institute by attending these four outstanding MLK-themed workshops.  Students must register through the SLI website to receive SLI credit.  Don't forget to bring a lunch!  Only cookies and beverages will be provided.

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Several of Ithaca College's schools have mandated that their students participate in a sexual harassment prevention training session before beginning an internship. Students who are not doing internships are also free to participate.

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The All College Meeting will be held in the Emerson Suites from 9:00 - 11:00a.

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Affinity groups are designed to be a safe place where both staff and faculty may speak on common interests and provide an opportunity to seek and support one another.

The Working Parents Affinity Group (WPAG) provides different perspectives on integrating work and our families as working professionals. This group is co-facilitated by two moms who work here on campus and who are interested in developing a resourceful place for other working parents to come together and share with one another based on ideas that YOU provide!!

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Join Campus Choral Ensemble!

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The Shirley and Chas Hockett Chamber Music Concert Series
Featuring: Rhythm & Brass

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