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Monday, January 24

This annual event will feature a welcome address by President Rochon, a presentation by the first-year MLK Scholars, and a special address from Civil Rights pioneer Dorothy Cotton.  A former education director for the Southern Christian Leadership Conference, Cotton worked closely with Dr. King on several crucial initiatives and accompanied him to Oslo in 1964, where he received the Nobel Peace Prize.  She has served as a valuable resource to organizations on diverse topics addressing race relations, spiritual growth, citizenship education and civic organizing for the 21st century.


Mark your calendar for this kick-off event, and for the rest of the week's events!

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Accomplished Grant Recipient Marco Fanti Visits IC

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The Student Organization Fair is February 2, 2011 in Emerson Suites from 10am-3pm. All registered or new student organization are able to sign up.

Advertise and promote your organization. Meet new people and get new members for your organization.

Sign ups begin November 29, 2010 and end January 25th, 2011.

 To sign up log-in to IC Link and complete the Student Organization Fair application in Campus Links.

 If there are any questions please contact

 Individuals with disabilities requiring accommodations should contact Theresa Radley at ( We ask that requests for accommodations be made as soon as possible

Are you knowledgeable on a topic that could be beneficial to student leaders and student organizations? The Office of Student Engagement and Multicultural Affairs is looking for faculty/staff/students who are willing to present a workshop for our Leading @ IC program. Volunteer to share your expertise with the Ithaca College community. Some examples or presentations include: running a program on a budget, fundraising, and how to make a smooth executive board transition For more information please contact Theresa Radley, the Assistant Director of Student Involvement, at

Are you knowledgeable on a topic that could be beneficial to student leaders and student organizations? The Office of Student Engagement and Multicultural Affairs is looking for faculty/staff/students who are willing to present a workshop for our Leading @ IC program. Volunteer to share your expertise with the Ithaca College community. Some examples or presentations include: running a program on a budget, fundraising, and how to make a smooth executive board transition For more information please contact Theresa Radley, the Assistant Director of Student Involvement, at

Gear up to apply to be an OL!

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Gear up to apply to be an SLC!

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In our first on campus show of the semester, BOC is proud to present GZA of the Wu-Tang Clan, live in Emerson Suites on February 12th. Tickets cost $10 and will go on sale via Front Gate Tickets on Friday, January 7th at 10AM. Click here for tickets or go to our website.

Stay tuned for more announcements next week!    

MLK Week, January 24-29

The Hands of Hope Project encourages all IC community members to start thinking about how YOU plan to affect change on local and global levels.  Paper hands will be available during MLK Week so that these commitments can be written down and displayed as part of a campus-wide art project.  Look for these Hands of Hope stations in the Campus Center during MLK Week and at each MLK Week event (listed below) -- and start thinking about how you want to address the fierce urgency of now in the new year!

This year's MLK Week theme is "Addressing the Fierce Urgency of Now," derived from a speech by Dr. King entitled Beyond Vietnam—A time to Break Silence, delivered April 4, 1967. 


To learn more about MLK Week events, visit the MLK Week 2011 website.

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Ithaca College in the Media

Contributed by Anonymous on 01/06/11 

Quoted in the media: faculty members Annemarie Farrell, Stephen Mosher, and Stephen Sweet. For more information on the following articles, please visit the IC in the Media page at the Office of Media Relations:

IC in the Media

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Stephen Tropiano, associate professor in the Department of Television-Radio, has been invited to sit on the jury for the Richard Wall Memorial Award, which is given each year by the Theatre Library Association to an English-language book of exceptional scholarship in theatre, film, and television studies.

In 2010, Stephen's book, Obscene, Indecent, Immoral and Offensive: 100+ Years of Censored, Banned and Controversial Film, was a finalist for the Wall Memorial Award.

Tropiano is also the director of Ithaca College's James B. Pendleton Center in Los Angeles.



Surplus Vehicle Bid Sale

Contributed by Gail Wagner on 01/05/11 

The Office of Facilities Purchasing is offering for sale a vehicle released from the IC fleet on a sealed-bid basis.

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Contributed on behalf of Eric Maguire, Vice President for Enrollment and Communication.

It’s my pleasure to announce that Lisa Hoskey has accepted the offer to serve as director of the Office of Student Financial Services.  

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The next regularly scheduled class will be held in late January.

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Join us on Friday, Feb. 4, from 1:15-2:30 p.m. in Career Services, 101 Muller.

IC alumnus and former senior class president Alex Moore ('07 Politics major,
with minors in honors and writing) will be here to chat with whoever drops by to
discuss career options. Pizza and soda will be provided! 

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Alicia Brady, Ithaca College's TIAA-CREF Individual Client Services Consultant, comes to campus twice or three times a month to provide personalized advice and planning services to help you in pursuing your retirement goals. The dates she will be on campus in February and March have been determined.

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The Sandwich Generation

Contributed by Julie Tinkham on 01/04/11 

An increasing number of Americans are a part of what’s been termed the “Sandwich Generation”.  Caring for both your children and your aging parents. For more information and support on this topic check out the eni BalanceWorks Newsletter, January 2011.

Important 2011 Tax Update

Contributed by Donna Veres on 01/04/11 

Effective with the first paycheck of 2011 (January 7 for non-exempt staff and January 14 for exempt staff), you will notice a change to your Federal tax withholding and your Social Security tax withholding.

In December, President Obama signed the Tax Relief Act of 2010. This act reduces the employee’s portion of social security tax from 6.2% to 4.2%. However, the Making Work Pay Credit which was a $400.00 a year reduction in Federal Income taxes for most employees expired on December 31, 2010.   As a result you will see less Social Security tax withheld and more Federal Income tax withheld.   For more information please visit the IRS website at

 Please feel free to contact the Payroll Office at (607) 274-3874 or (607) 274-3133 with any questions.

On Friday, January 7th beginning at 4:00 pm, Information Technology Services staff will be replacing the servers that host the college's main Web pages and many related Web services. While it is anticipated that the hardware replacement will only cause a 5-10 minute Web outage, there is always the possibility of unforeseen problems that could result in a longer downtime. If such problems do occur, we will "cap" the downtime at a maximum of one hour.

The following major Web services will be affected:

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Parking Services experienced a problem with the on-line employees parking permit process. The problem has been corrected. We apologize for any inconvenience that employees may have encountered. 

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