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 Hawk Update

Contributed by Nancy Kotmel on 06/17/10 

Since there has been such keen interest shown in the two fledglings living on campus, we decided to provide an update based on some bad news we received late Thursday afternoon.

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The send off for Janet will be at Corks & More, 2-5PM on Friday 25th.


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Are you interested in interacting with students outside of the classroom?  Are you interested in fostering a culture of interaction between students and faculty within the residence halls?  Please consider serving as a Faculty Fellow for the HOME Program or Sustainably Conscious Living Community!

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Stephen Tropiano’s book, Obscene, Indecent, Immoral, and Offensive: 100+ Years of Censored, Banned and Controversial Films, was a finalist for the Theatre Library Association’s Richard Wall Memorial Award.

The Richard Wall Memorial Award, one of two awards given out each year by the Theatre Library Association (TLA), honors one English-language book of exceptional scholarship in the field of recorded performance published or distributed in the United States during the previous calendar year. For the 2010 awards, more than 150 academic and commercial publishers were invited to participate, with nearly 350 titles nominated by TLA members and publishers.

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In May, 2009 Dining Services unveiled a plan to reduce kitchen energy bills by 30% and reduce its carbon footprint by 26%. Since then students, Sodexo professionals, Ithaca Dining Services and Ithaca College have worked together to complete energy recommendations given in the first report.

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Raymond Gozzi, Jr., associate professor in the Department of Television-Radio, delivered a paper at the Media Ecology Association convention in Orono, Maine, on June 11, 2010.  The paper was titled, "The Metaphor of Cloud Computing."

The Media Ecology Association (MEA) is a not-for-profit organization dedicated to promoting the study, research, criticism, and application of media ecology in educational, industry, political, civic, social, cultural, and artistic contexts, and the open exchange of ideas, information, and research among the Association’s members and the larger community.



The Office of Student Engagement and Multicultural Affairs invites you to join a celebration for Deb Mohlenhoff as she leaves to pursue a new opportunity as the Director of Student Activities at Tompkins-Cortland Community College.

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The Office of Student Engagement and Multicultural Affairs invites you to join a celebration for Russell Martin as he leaves to pursue his Masters in Higher Education at the University of Arizona.

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TIAA-CREF One-on-One Dates

Contributed by Caroline Stull on 06/16/10 

Alicia Skaly, Ithaca College's TIAA-CREF Individual Client Services Consultant, comes to campus twice a month to provide personalized advice and planning services to help you in pursuing your retirement goals. The dates she will be on campus in July, August and September have been determined.

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The Office of Residential Life and Judicial Affairs is excited to announce the development of the Upper Years pilot program, which will house sophomore, junior, and senior students in Terraces 9-12. The purpose of this focused residential area is to create an environment that intentionally addresses the developmental needs and academic pursuits of residents beyond their first year. 

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 Hawk Alert!

Contributed by Nancy Kotmel on 06/15/10 

The PRW hawk chicks have fledged and are now down on the ground and learning to fly and hunt. 

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Professor Graff was born June 26, 1924 in Germany.  After being a professional actor for several years and pursuing studies in musicology, literature and philosophy, he became interested in the disciplines of sociology and psychology, and pursued their study at the University of Zurich.

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IC's Office of Institutional Research serves as a centralized source of all sorts of College information and to help you find it, we offer several handy references on our website.

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Don’t let your students and interns miss out on the opportunity to network with representatives from more than 75 federal agencies at the Eighth Annual Public Service Career and Internship Fair, hosted by the Partnership for Public Service. This year’s event will take place on July 14 from 3:00-7:00 p.m. at the National Building Museum in Washington, D.C. Admission is FREE and open to the public!

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Do you want to make a difference for Ithaca College, while networking for your future?

Apply to be an Ithaca Fund Student Phoner for the Phonathon Team!  Get paid $8.25/hr. to call Ithaca College alumni and parents to ask for their financial support of the College.

Please email Dana Orlando, Phonathon Coordinator of the Ithaca Fund, at for an application and job description.

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Two finalists for the Assistant Director of Student Involvement position in the Office of Student Engagement and Multicultural Affairs (OSEMA) will visit campus for interviews this week.

As part of that campus interview, OSEMA invites you to attend an open presentation from each of our finalists.

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The upgrades to Homer, HomerConnect, and myIthaca were successful and all three systems are accessible now. While the upgrades were significant, the changes should go unnoticed and not impact end-users (mainly students and faculty members).

On behalf of the Banner Implementation Team, your understanding and cooperation were appreciated while these important systems were inaccessible during the upgrade.

I am pleased to announce a number of staffing changes that have or will be happening in the Office of Facilities

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Kanda, L.L. and R. Wagner. 2010. "I see you": Na'vigating the bridge between scientific observation and religious apprehension in Avatar. Journal of Religion and Film, 14(1).  View the review here.

The first-ever reunion of graduates of the Ithaca College Band or Wind Ensemble will culminate in a free concert on Saturday, June 19. About 180 School of Music alumni will present a program conducted by the seven living conductors of the bands and wind ensemble. The performance will begin at 8 p.m. in Ford Hall in the James J. Whalen Center for Music.

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