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Open D.A.N meeting

Contributed by Dani Novak on 05/05/10 

Hello friends!

I hope everyone isn’t stressing themselves out too much during the
finals crunch time! Come and take a breather from your hectic schedule
by eating Chinese food with IC’s Do Anything Nice this Thursday at 7
PM in Williams 302! We are looking for interested leaders to come and
discuss the future of the club.  This will be a laid back, stress free
atmosphere and you do not have to be currently active in the club to
attend the meeting. So if you are interested in taking on a leadership
role next semester or if you want to learn more about the club, please
stop by!  If you are planning on coming, please email  so
we know much food to order.  Looking forward to seeing everyone!


Dani and Melissa

It never snows in Summer Session II. (We promise!)

The average temperature in Ithaca in June is a lovely 77 degrees. Stay in ITHACA this summer. You don't know what you're missing!

For additional information about IC's summer session courses, e-mail the Division of Graduate and Professional Studies at or call 607-274-3529.

Download the full Summer Session schedule in an easy-to-read pdf.

Online or on the lake!

Register for summer sessions today through HomerConnect.

Wednesday at 7PM in Williams 317 Spectrum, PRISM, and Created Equal are teaming up to host a huge pot luck dinner!!!

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SAFER Wants to Thank You!

Contributed by Heather Mueller on 05/04/10 

Students, Faculty, Administration:

Students Active for Ending Rape (SAFER) wants to thank everyone for their support and involvement this semester. We will not have any meetings for the remainder of the semester. If you are interested in being involved next semester please send us an e-mail! 

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Please remember special optical scanning procedures and schedules are in place for the processing of final exams.

Exams will be processed Monday – Friday, May 10-14 between 8am-5pm with a 4-hour turnaround time. Special procedures are in place after hours between 5pm-11pm. Regular processing will resume Monday – Wednesday, May 17-19. Please see last week’s Intercom article detailing this process.

If you have questions about the optical scanning process, please visit our website or contact the ITS Helpdesk at 274-1000, between 8am-5pm, Monday – Friday.


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Would you like to win a $50 gift certificate to the bookstore?

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Seniors Michael Sokol, a TVR/Audio Production major, and Conrad Capalbo, a TVR/Audio Production and Bus. Administration/Finance major, have been named the 2010 award recipients of the Jon Hilton/Hiltronex Sound Pro Tools Award.

The recipients will receive professional audio software -- an entry-level Pro Tools LE MBox 2 system with current and up-gradable software -- and a short review of Pro Tools operation to help the students get up and running.  The students were judged based on their demonstration of technical and aesthetic qualities that reflect professional potential based upon standards currently accepted in the audio production profession.

The Park School would like to congratulate Steve Tropiano and Steve Seidman, winners of the Park School Writing Award for faculty.

The Park Faculty Writing Award is given to a full-time Park faculty member for work published or similarly peer reviewed that demonstrates creativity, impact, originality, and mastery. The award may be given for a published book, a peer reviewed scholarly essay, a journalistic article, or a script that has been produced and screened. This year, the judges for the Faculty Writing Award recommended to give the award to two nominees. 

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The Park School of Communications will host a variety of end-of-the-semester screenings, presentations, and exhibitions to showcase student work. All events are free an open to the public and take place in Park Hall Auditorium unless otherwise stated.

Thursday, May 6
Photo Workshop Exhibition - OBJECTOPHELIA
Commons West Plaza
Opening: 6-8pm
Also open for viewing: Friday 5-8pm, Sat 12-5pm, Sun 12-3pm.

Saturday, May 8
12-2PM: TVR Nonfiction Production Screening
2:30-6:30PM: Advanced Cinema Production: Fiction  
7-11PM: Senior Thesis - Cinema / David Ames Award Film Winner Screening

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No Pressure Blood Pressure Today!

Contributed by Judy Mauk on 05/04/10 

The next No Pressure Blood Pressure screening will be held today, Wednesday, September 29th, 2010. See the schedule below to know when to expect students in your building.

8:00-9:00: Center for Health Sciences, Smiddy Hall, Peggy Ryan Williams Center, Ceracche Center

9:00-10:00: Physical Plant, General Services, Public Safety

10:00-11:00: Hill Center, Gannett Center, Whalen Center

11:00-noon: Dillingham Center, Friends Hall, Job

Noon-1:00: Campus Center, Hammond Health Center, Fitness Center

1:00-2:00: Textor Hall, Muller Faculty Center, Bookstore, Williams Hall

2:00-3:00: Center for Natural Sciences, Park Hall, Administrative Annex

3:00-4:00: Towers, Terraces, Alumni Hall

No pressure!

Individuals with disabilities requiring accommodations should contact the Wellness Center at 274-1301. We ask that requests for accommodations be made as soon as possible.


Relaxation techniques can help melt stress away.  Many relaxation techniques can be done on your own for free or minimal cost. Learning how to calm your mind, relax your body and decrease stress can lead to improved health.

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ITS is pleased to let you know that the Technology Learning Center (room 101 Friends Hall) will be open throughout Finals Week this semester to provide extended drop-in support for  Blackboard, the central course management system used at Ithaca College.

Instructors who have questions about their courses, managing grades, finalizing assignments, and other Blackboard topics are encouraged to stop by the TLC Monday through Friday (May 10 to May 14) between 9am and 5pm for drop-in consulting support.

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Madeline Smith, Computer Science 2010, has been selected as one of the recipients of Google's prestigious Anita Borg Memorial Scholarship.  Scholarships are awarded based on the strength of the candidate's academic background and demonstrated leadership.

Madeline has also had a paper accepted for presentation at the 2010 Rehabilitation Engineering and Assistive Technology Society of North America (RESNA) Conference.  The paper, titled " Infants Control of a Robotic Mobility Device," details research performed by Madeline in collaboration with faculty and student researchers in the Occupational Therapy Department.

Mother’s Day is this Sunday, May 9th. One way to honor mom on Mother's Day is by serving a special Mother's Day breakfast or brunch.  A little creativity can make the day extra special for mom. 

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Associate Provost, Bashar Hanna, is co-author of a recently published article in Academic Leadership - The Online Journal.

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Peter Kilcoyne, manager for Printing Services in Marketing Communications, created and has begun to use a new Sustainability Index system to rate our college publications.

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Submitted on behalf of the Center for the Study of Culture, Race, and Ethnicity

Dr. Miranda Cady Hallett, the CSCRE Assistant Professor of Latino/a Studies in 2009-2010, will be leaving Ithaca College in Fall 2010 to take a position at Otterbein College in Westerville, Ohio.

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Producing Theatre and Dance Composition join together to bring you Wings of Spring, a site specific dance event. Dances choreographed by the class will be performed in and around Dillingham at an open rehearsal on Tuesday, May 4th at 5:30pm and a performance on Wednesday, May 5th at 5:30pm. Admission is free! Come join us in the Dillingham lobby for a truly extraordinary and unique event!

Individuals with disabilities requiring accommodations should contact Beth Montroy at We ask that requests for accommodations be made as soon as possible.