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The American Journal of Health Education, a national publication, has accepted Srijana Bajracharya's research based on the campus Sustainability Mini-Grant Program. A feature article based on her scholarship of teaching, entitled, "Emphasizing Sustainable Health and Wellness in Health Education," is slated for publication in 2009.

IC SafeWater is excited to invite the campus community to a film screening of A Glass Half Full, a mini-documentary by Feleg Tsegaye '10 about water issues in Ethiopia. This event will take place on Thursday, November 20, from 7:30 to 9:30 p.m. in IC Square. Refreshments will be available.

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An article written by Mara Alper, associate professor in the Department of Television-Radio, about the Huichol (WE-chol) tribe appears in Inside Mexico, a publication aimed at foreigners living in Mexico.

The article chronicles her experience attending a Huichol ceremony in the Sierra Madre Occidental mountains in central Mexico. It is available online in the September "Learning Issue" on pages 10-11.

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The Out of the Closet and Onto the Screen film series will offer a showing of Call Me Malcolm, a film about a transgender seminary student and his struggle with faith, love, and gender identity. The screening, which is free and open to the public, will be held on Thursday, November 20, at 7:00 p.m. in Textor 102.

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Margaret Arnold and John Weber delivered separate presentations at the Cortland Recreation Conference.

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On November 10, Ithaca College received the Sustainability Leadership Award from the Association for the Advancement of Sustainability in Higher Education (AASHE). Ithaca College won in the category of four-year and graduate institutions with enrollments of 1,001 to 7,500 full-time students. Provost Kathleen Rountree was on hand to accept the award from AASHE executive director Judy Walton.

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Ithaca College students, faculty, and staff now have the opportunity to ask nutrition questions through the Balance Mind, Body, Soul feature, "Ask an R.D."

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Save getting your hair cut!

Hillel's annual Shoshana Rudnick "Inch-a-Thon" will cut your hair this year on Monday, November 17, 9:00 a.m.-6:00 p.m. in the north foyer of Campus Center.

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Think ahead! Be a resident assistant for the 2009-10 academic year. Compensation for the 2008-9 academic year was $8,408 for new RAs, applied directly to their student account (to cover a single room and partial board).

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In order to provide a larger space for facilitating the strategic visioning discussion, Tuesday's all-College faculty meeting has been moved to Emerson Suites A and B. All faculty are strongly encouraged to attend EITHER of the following:

Monday, November 17
3:00-4:00 p.m., Textor 101


Tuesday, November 18
12:10-1:00 p.m., Emerson Suites A and B

Alyssa Arminio '09 won a 2009 Chevy Cobalt Coupe as a contestant on a The Price is Right episode that aired November 7. (Video after the jump.)

Arminio, an integrated marketing communications major, is currently spending the semester at the James B. Pendleton Center in Los Angeles taking classes and interning at The Ellen DeGeneres Show.

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Due to an overwhelming response, dining services is taking "trayless dining" to a new level -- no more trays at all!

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Don't miss out on the exciting happenings this week!

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Ithaca College has hosted 16 panels of the AIDS Memorial Quilt for over 10 years. Every year the Action for AIDS Committee is able to bring this humbling art display to our community because of the students who volunteer to staff the quilt.

This year's viewing dates are December 1-3, and we will celebrate the closing this year's exhibit with a ceremonial packing of the quilt. Contact Erica Shockley ( for more information.

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Attention Faculty members: if you are teaching winter and/or spring courses and plan to use the Blackboard online courseware system, you can now create the Blackboard course shells through HomerConnect!

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It seems that everybody wants to talk to Sarah Brylinsky, Ithaca College's sustainability intern. Sarah will be interviewed by local radio station WVBR for the show This Sunday, which airs from 6:30 to 7:00 p.m. this coming Sunday evening (November 16).

This week, the show will feature sustainability, specifically the work being done by Sarah and other young leaders for sustainable development in the area. Tune in to 93.5 FM and catch Sarah "on the air."

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David Pacun, associate professor of music theory, and Peter Silberman, assistant professor of music theory, presented papers at the joint annual meetings of the Society for Music Theory and the American Musicological Society, held in Nashville, Tennessee, November 6–9.

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Native American Celebration Month continues on Wednesday, November 19, at 7:00 p.m. in Williams 221 with an eye-opening presentation by Robert Spiegelman on one the darkest moments in local history -- the Sullivan-Clinton Campaign.

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Every year, the School of Humanities and Sciences invites proposals for the Fred L. Emerson Humanities Collaboration Award; this fall, the review committee made two awards to senior English majors to work with professors on scholarly projects.

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Guitar Hero anyone?

Contributed by Francia Miller on 11/13/08 

Do you have what it takes?

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