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Parking and Traffic Services will be closed on the following dates and times for training on new software.

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Information Technology Services is pleased to announce a new project proposal intake system. This process should be used when you need assistance from ITS in developing a new technology-related application or service.

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One-on-One Aetna Meetings

Contributed by Natalia Pelttari on 05/24/07 

Do you have questions about your Medical Benefits? Denise Dolinksy, our Aetna representative, is coming to the Ithaca College campus a few times a month and will be available to answer your questions.

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Asma Barlas, director of the Center for the Study of Culture, Race, and Ethnicity (CSCRE) and professor of politics, was invited by the National Film Board of Canada to give the keynote address for its film series, Women and Islam, in Toronto on May 22. The title of her presentation was "Lost in Translation: [Muslim] Women and [Films on] Islam."

Dear Colleagues,

At the request of Dean Howard Erlich, and to accommodate the H&S Faculty Forum scheduled for the same time as our FYRI prep session, we have changed the time of the prep session to 2:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. on Tuesday, August 21, 2007 in Textor 101. We hope you will participate and we thank you for making this change to your schedule.

Thank you.

Tanya R. Saunders, Ph.D.
Assistant Provost/Dean
Interdisciplinary and International Studies

Beginning Wednesday, May 30 the paving of Elmira Road will begin at the 300 block of Elmira Road between the Spencer Road intersection and the Fairgrounds Memorial Parkway (WalMart/Lowe’s entrance).

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Applications for outdoor pool memberships and lessons are now available on the Recreational Sports website.

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In appreciation for a great year and as a special thank you to everyone that made our Commencement weekend successful, please join your IC colleagues for a light breakfast on Friday, May 25 from 8:30 to 9:30 a.m. in IC Square of the Campus Center.

At 10:00 a.m., please join us as we officially break ground for our new Gateway Administration building located near Dillingham Center and the College's main entrance. A brief ceremony will be held in the area adjacent to Lot P in front of Dillingham Center, formerly the Admission parking lot. Please join us as we begin another exciting project at Ithaca College.

At 3:00 p.m., let summer 2007 begin as we launch our summer hours!

See you Friday!
President Peggy R. Williams

A Big Commencement Thank You

Contributed by Brian McAree on 05/23/07 

Now that Commencement has come and gone and the campus is much quieter, I wanted to thank everyone who played a role with Commencement this year.

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V-I-P packages for the Ithaca Community Fireworks Show on Monday, July 2, are now available, according to Fran Benedict, chair of the volunteer committee that organizes the fireworks show.

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Recreational Sports will have ten summer golf tournaments throughout the area this summer.

The tournaments are open to faculty,staff, students, retirees, family and friends. You only select the courses you want to play in. All you have to do is sign up, pay, show up and I take care of the details with each of the courses.

Join in the fun this year.

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Darien Lake Anyone?

Contributed by Kasey Spada on 05/22/07 

Ready for some summer fun? Then join us for our summer bus trip to Darien Lake!!

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The following is a list of summer construction projects. Any questions and concerns please contact Planning, Design and Construction at 274-1537.

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2007 New York State (NYS) Seat Belt Enforcement Campaign "Click It or Ticket" begins today and runs for two full weeks.

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After Friday May 25th, personal computers running the Microsoft Vista operating system will be able to connect to the IC wireless network. Please contact the Helpdesk at 274-3282 or if you have any questions or problems.

As the former executive director of Amnesty International USA, William Schulz has seen his share of misery. Yet after years of witnessing human rights abuses in trouble spots ranging from Darfur to Northern Ireland to New Orleans, and despite living in a world brimming with genocide, torture and senseless violence, Schulz says history is not in checkmate. Thanks to people of good conscience and good will, he believes, suffering humanity always has another move. Schulz delivered his message of hope to some 1,350 graduates and their guests at Ithaca College’s 112th commencement on May 20.

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Summer Hours and Meal Plans

Contributed by Julie Whitten on 05/20/07 

Ithaca College Dining Services summer hours of operation have been posted to our website.

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For the summer of 2007, the colors on the pool access cards will be switched. That means everyone with a yellow card from last year needs to turn it in to register for a blue card this year!

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Toastmasters Meeting

Contributed by Doreen Hettich-Atkins on 05/18/07 

The next meeting for the Ithaca College Toastmasters Club is scheduled for Tuesday, May 22nd at 9:00 a.m. in the North Meeting Room in Egbert Hall.

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ITS would like to notify users of college-owned Windows XP computers about a software update that will be installed automatically beginning the week of May 21st.

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