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Career Services is pleased to announce that Senior Nicole Spitalieri is one of five students recently selected for a national blog writing contest.

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Career Services and Alumni Relations are excited to announce another year of Network Nights!

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Every year, the School of Humanities and Sciences invites proposals for the Fred L. Emerson Humanities Collaboration Award; this fall, the Review Committee made awards to Nicholas Graziade (’07, Writing and Philosophy) and Jason Michael Gunning (07, History) for collaborative work they will undertake during the spring semester.

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The Ithaca College Wellness Clinic and Exercise and Sport Science department want to again thank all the participants who took part in the No Pressure Blood Pressure program on October 10th!

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The "Out of the Closet and onto the Screen" film series continues on Thursday, November 30, with a showing of “Fight Back, Fight AIDS” at 7:00 p.m. in Textor 103.

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"Garden Delights and Detritus: Prints, Drawings, and Books"

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As the budget process begins for fiscal year 2007/2008, the Duplicating Center finds it necessary to increase the rate charged to departments for duplicating services by $.01/copy.This would bring the chargeback rate to $.03/copy for B&W copies, and $.04/copy for colored paper copies. Note that our charge for colored copies will remain at $.40/copy. These increased prices remain significantly less than you would find at a local copy center like Kinkos.

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Regular hours will resume on Tuesday, 11/21.

On Thursday, November 30, the Yardvarks will perform at the Handwerker Gallery. The Yardvarks, a quirky folky semi-acoustic quartet featuring Tom Farrell, Eric Ott, John Simon, and Ken Zesserson, specialize in heartfelt rock and roll with three-part vocal arrangements of tunes by the likes of Elvis Costello, Talking Heads, Joni Mitchell and their predecessors such as the Beatles, Bob Dylan and Neil Young. We must warn you that one Neal Diamond tune has somehow snuck into their repertoire as well.

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Lanny Joyce & Ed Wilson
Cornell University, Utilities and Energy Management

  • Wednesday, December 6
  • 4:30 pm
  • Textor 102, Ithaca College

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Graduate Enrollment grows to 400 students for the first time this fall. With just over 380 full-time graduate students studying on campus this fall, combined with over 30 ongoing summers-only master's students, the total graduate student population is now at an all-time high, slightly less than double the size from just a few years ago.

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The Class of 2007 and the Office of Career Services invite you to join us for the Art of Networking and "Rock Your Resume" sessions.
Dates for the sessions are Wednesday, November 29th and Thursday, November 30.

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Brian Falck named new Director of Planned Giving

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Are you in a band? Would your band be interested in performing here on campus? Then let RHA give you the perfect chance by performing in the 2006 Battle of the Cans.

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World Kindness Week (D.A.N.)

Contributed by Michael Unis on 11/15/06 

Do Anything Nice (D.A.N.) will host a bunch of wonderful activities during World Kindness Week, November 13th - 19th.

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The clock struck 12:00pm as a dozen students gathered in the North Foyer of Egbert Hall. They unrolled the D.A.N. banner, scattered kindness treat giveaways across their table, pulled out their “Hug Me” signs and began the adventure.

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The nominating process is now open for the Peggy R. Williams Award for Academic and Community Leadership. Although Ithaca College has traditionally recognized outstanding juniors or seniors through the Who’s Who Among Students in American Universities and Colleges program, Ithaca college has developed the Peggy R. Williams Award for Academic and Community Leadership to better reflect Ithaca College’s recognition of those students who excel in academic performance, perform service to the College community and nation, and represent an exemplary level of accomplishment.

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Can Toastmasters Really Help?

Contributed by Drew Hatton on 11/15/06 

Do you ever wish you had more confidence? Are there times when feel stressed about talking to large groups? Have you ever wanted help preparing for a speech?

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The nominating process is now open for the Peggy R. Williams Award for Academic and Community Leadership. Although Ithaca College has traditionally recognized outstanding juniors or seniors through the Who’s Who Among Students in American Universities and Colleges program, Ithaca college has developed the Peggy R. Williams Award for Academic and Community Leadership to better reflect Ithaca College’s recognition of those students who excel in academic performance, perform service to the College community and nation, and represent an exemplary level of accomplishment.

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The United Way “The Power of One” campaign is at a very critical point. To date, over 300 staff and faculty have contributed $53,896, which is 87% of our $62,000 goal. This is truly remarkable given the many competing priorities people have on their resources.

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