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Adoption Support Group

Contributed by Doreen Hettich-Atkins on 05/30/06 

The Ithaca College Adoption Support group will meet on June 6 at 12:00 noon in the Campus Center Conference Room.

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Seat Belts Save Lives

Contributed by Robert Holt on 05/30/06 

Ithaca College Office of Public Safety reminds the campus community the “Click-it or Ticket” program continues on and off campus at all times.

Seat Belts Save Lives.

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You will soon be noticing a change in the toilet paper and paper towels we provide on campus. This will include a change in the dispensers as well.

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Alumni Weekend June 2 - 4

Contributed by Sean Vormwald on 05/30/06 

Please join us for Alumni Weekend 2006, June 2–4.

Highlights of Alumni Weekend include the Picnic and Party on the Quad, the Finger Lakes Wine Expo, the H&S 50th Anniversary Reception, the Ithacan 75th Anniversary Cocktail Cruise, the Tony DeSare Trio performance, Stargazing at the Observatory, and the Alumni Awards Dinner and Celebration.

To see who has registered for Alumni Weekend visit the Look Who’s Coming list.

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Enjoy the critically-acclaimed jazz music of the Tony DeSare Trio, featuring singer, songwriter, and pianist Tony DeSare ’98; bassist Mike Lee ’00; and drummer Brian Czach ’98. The performance will be held during Alumni Weekend on Friday, June 2, at 8:15 p.m. in the Hockett Family Recital Hall in the Whalen Center for Music.

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H&S 50th Anniversary Reception

Contributed by Sean Vormwald on 05/30/06 

Please join Dean Howard Erlich, current faculty and staff, and alumni in an anniversary celebration to commemorate 50 years of the School of Humanities and Sciences. The reception will be held during Alumni Weekend on Friday, June 2, from 4:00 to 5:00 p.m. in the H&S Dean’s office at Ithaca College.

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Bookstore Closed June 7

Contributed by Art Gilmore on 05/26/06 

The Bookstore will close all day Wednesday, June 7, for computer maintenance.
Mac's convenient store is not affected by this maintenance and will operate from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

The 14th Floor Offices, Accounts Payable, Budget, Financial Services and Purchasing will be unavailable Tuesday, May 30 from 11:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. If you need assistance send an e-mail or leave a voice mail message and we will get back to you when we return on Wednesday, May 31.

The next meeting for the informal education and support group for employees dealing with care giving issues is scheduled for Friday, June 2, 11:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. in room 413 of the Center for Health Sciences (Gerontology Resource Room).

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Fall 2006 Enrollment Update

Contributed by Jaimie Voorhees on 05/25/06 

Submitted on behalf of Peter Bardaglio, Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs.

We have mostly positive news to report on the enrollment front. Total applications for freshman hit a new record high (12,341), 11.3% higher than last year. Transfer applications (719) were up similarly, 12.2% higher than last year. A new record has also been set in the number of ALANA applicants (1,702 freshman and 72 transfers) up 17.7% over last year. The number of international applicants also increased, though less dramatically, to 488 from 458 in 2005.

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JJ Staff Scholar Award Winner

Contributed by Lynn Tordella on 05/25/06 

2006-07 JJ Staff Scholard Award Recipient Named

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"Day of Learning!" - June 8

Contributed by Tanisha Malone on 05/25/06 

Ithaca College’s annual “Day of Learning!” will be held on Thursday, June 8, from 9:00 a.m. until 4:00 p.m. for our valuable employees. A variety of professional and personal development programs will be offered throughout the day. This exciting event will provide members of the Ithaca College community with the opportunity to participate in a day that promises to be interactive, educational, stimulating, and fun!

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You spoke, we listened. We have added another open session: Wednesdays, noon to 1:30 pm.

Wall Summer 2006 open sessions are going on now till August 11:
  • Tuesday session: 5:00 – 6:30 p.m.
  • Wednesday session: noon – 1:30 p.m. (till Aug. 2)
  • Thursday session: 4:00 – 6:00 p.m.
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    IC Hope, Ithaca's very own Relay for Life team, invites you to join us for lunch and brainstorming on Wednesday, May 31 in the "Glass Room" in Cafe Square. Auntie Em is busy rounding up Relay donations and will not be available to make lunch, so please bring or buy your lunch and join us. The Relay will be here before we know it (July 14-15!), and the excitement is building faster than a winged monkey can fly!

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    Newest JJ Staff Scholar

    Contributed by Lynn Tordella on 05/24/06 

    Newest JJ Staff Scholar announced!

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    7 Seats Left for NYC Bus Trip!

    Contributed by Susanna Stumpe on 05/23/06 

    Reserve your seat now! We need to fill the bus by this Friday, May 26. We don't want to have to cancel this trip.

    There are many outdoor events in The City to check out: street fairs, open markets, take a tour (open-top-bus) around Manhattan, and visit the Turtle Pond in Central Park.

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    Two seniors from the Health Promotion and Physical Education Department, Natasha Lamb and Ashley Marshall, presented their Service-Learning research project at the American Association of Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance National Convention in Salt Lake City, Utah on April 27, 2006.

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    Based upon a project funded by the Faculty Development Program, Dr. Srijana Bajracharya's article "Health Status of Immigrants from Nepal in the United States: Preliminary Findings and Methodological Issues" has been accepted in the International Electronic Journal of Health Education for publication. Dr. Mary Bentley, Chair, Health Promotion and Physical Education, co-authored the article.

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    Please note that the Ithaca College Bookstore and Mac's convenient store will close early on Friday, May 26.

    The Bookstore and Mac's will have limited hours, 8:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m., on Friday, May 26, 2006. Both stores will close at 1:00 p.m. for inventory. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.

    In Observance of Memorial Day (Monday, May 29, 2006)
    The Food Court will be OPEN from 7:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. and 5:00 p.m. to 6:30 p.m.
    All Other Dining Services locations will be CLOSED.

    We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.