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Joseph Markham '83 of Community General Hospital, Syracuse, will present "A Career in Medicine: More than You Might Expect" on Thursday, April 6, in the Center for Natural Sciences, room 112, at 4:00 p.m.

Everyone is welcome to attend. Refreshments will be served from 3:45 to 4:00 p.m. in first floor lobby. Please bring your own reusable mug for beverages. Reuse, reduce, recycle!

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Join the Ithaca College Toastmasters Club in welcoming four new members.

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Monday, April 3rd, 7:00 p.m., Klingenstein Lounge

Keith Edwards, co-founder of Men Ending Rape, will challenge students to be active in changing the culture on college campus to prevent sexual assault and rape.

Join us for this multi-media presentation - men and women, students, staff and faculty are welcome to attend.

For more information:

Sponsored by the Health Promotion Committee

The Veterans Committee is looking for suggestions for speakers for the 2006 celebration which will be held on Thursday, November 9, 2006 at noon in Emerson Suites.

If you are interested or know someone who may be, please ask that person before submitting their name. Please send your suggestion to by Wednesday, April 12.

Let's Cure Autism Now 3K Walkathon

Contributed by Lana Morse on 03/30/06 

The first annual Let's Cure Autism Now 3K Walkathon will be held on the Ithaca Commons, April 8, from noon to 3:00 p.m. There will be a number of performances, raffles, and face painting.

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Nancy Rader, psychology department, is seeking infants 9-14 months of age to participate in NSF-sponsored research on early language learning.

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The Office of Conference and Event Services has several job openings available for student employees in a variety of different job positions.

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Are you interested in spending the summer in beautiful Ithaca? Do you need a job? Look no further than the Office of Conference and Event Services and the Campus Center Office.

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The Ithaca College Adoption Support Group will meet on Tuesday, April 4, at noon in Friends 207. All College members with an interest in adoption are welcome.

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Diversity Course List -- Fall 2006

Contributed by Cindy Neal on 03/30/06 

At IC, we are privileged to be part of a rich community that values and embraces diversity of opinion and background, and promotes an environment of dialogue and learning.

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The Office of Recreational Sports is pleased to announce the creation of a coed summer softball league for faculty and staff.

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Mauro Perani, professor of Jewish history at the University of Bologna, will visit Ithaca College on Wednesday, April 5, to discuss the lost Hebrew documents of the Italian Geniza. Free and open to the public, the event will begin at 4:30 p.m. in the Demotte Room, Egbert Hall.

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There is a need for blood each and every day of the year; in our region alone the Red Cross serves 64 counties which translates into 8.6 million citizens. One of the best ways to give the gift of life is to donate Blood. Currently, only four percent of the age-eligible population in our region gives blood.

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Scholars and artists from around the country will gather at Ithaca College on April 7 and 8 to exchange ideas, images, and open discussion at a symposium about the watershed year of 1968. The symposium represents an effort to look at a broad and dramatic historical moment with an eye toward the radical sense of possibility and inquiry that it contained.

A complete list of events can be found at:

Visit the IC Library during National Library Week (April 2-8) and learn about ebooks, Noodlebib, the current literature collection, and the vast array of resources available to faculty, staff, and students. Stop at one of the service desks and pick up a "Get Connected @ the Library" bookmark.

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Want a Job Working with Computers?

Contributed by Beth Rugg on 03/29/06 

ITS is in the process of hiring for next semester. Applications are due this Friday 3/31. You can email your application to or drop it off to 102 Muller Center. For more information, go to

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Webmail System Update

Contributed by Karen Compton on 03/29/06 

The use of Webmail continues to grow, and at some points during the day the number of users attempting to access it exceeds the capacity that the current machine can handle.

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The next meeting for the informal education and support group for employees dealing with caregiving issues is scheduled for Friday, April 7, from 11:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. in room 413 of the Center for Health Sciences (Gerontology Resource Room).

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Now what?

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The Finger Lakes Environmental Film Festival (FLEFF) at Ithaca College invites you to the festival's opening gala for Counting, an installation in the Campus Quad, on Thursday, March 30, from 5:30 to 8:30 p.m.

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