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Kelly Covert will present a free recital of music primarily for the piccolo on Sunday, March 19 at 7:00 p.m. in Ford Hall. She will be joined by pianist Andrea Merrill. Featured on the program are works for piccolo by Vivaldi, LaMontaine, Mower, Isaacson, and the Hue “Fantasy for Flute.”

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Pablo Cohen will present a free classical guitar recital of works from Argentina, Brazil, Mexico, and Cuba on Sunday, March 19 at 4:00 p.m. in the Hockett Family Recital Hall.

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One hundred and twenty young gospel singers from four eastern cities will join the Ithaca College Symphony Orchestra on Saturday, March 18, for the High School Gospel Invitational Festival Concert. Free and open to the public, the performance will begin at 8:15 p.m. in Ford Hall in the James J. Whalen Center for Music.

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The Weilerstein Trio--composed of violinist Donald Weilerstein; his wife, pianist Vivian Hornik Weilerstein; and their daughter, cellist Alisa Weilerstein--will give a free concert at Ithaca College on Friday, March 17. Beginning at 8:15 p.m. in Ford Hall in the James J. Whalen Center for Music, the performance will feature works by Dvorak, including the Three Romantic Pieces for Violin and Piano; the Trio in G Minor, "Quiet Woods" for cello and piano; and the Piano Trio in E Minor, also known as the "Dumky" trio.

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2006-2007 London Sabbatic

Contributed by Rosalie Fitzgerald on 03/13/06 

I am pleased to announce that Carole Dennis and Robert Sullivan have been chosen for the 2006-2007 London Sabbatic opportunity. Dennis, associate professor of occupational therapy, will spend the Fall 2006 semester at the College’s London Center while Sullivan, associate professor of speech communication, has been selected for Spring 2007. The Office of International Programs and the London sabbatic review committee congratulate Dennis and Sullivan and look forward to their contributions to the London Center.

Tanya R. Saunders
Assistant Provost/Dean of
Interdisciplinary and International Studies

Photos for the Senior Class Slideshow need to be submitted by Sunday, March 19. Seniors can email their pictures to The photos will be collected and shown during the Senior Week Semi-Formal.

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You still have time to turn in an Election Packet and participate in SGA's elections for Senate, E-board, and Senior Class Council. The packets are available at the Student Activities Center and on SGA's website ( The new deadline is 5 pm on March 17!

If you have any questions e-mail Elections Committee chair Ivan Topalov at

Good Luck!

The Center for Faculty Excellence and Intercom incorrectly listed the date of the upcoming program on successful tenure and promotion. The correct date is Wednesday, April 26, from 4:00 to 6:00 p.m., in Textor 103. For more information, visit our web site:

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Andy Smith was awarded a three year grant from the National Institutes of Health (NIH) for $200,520. This grant will support research with undergraduate students on biological adhesives. The title of the project is, "The mechanism of crosslinking by proteins that create adhesive gels."

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March 29 is just a couple of weeks away, and items for the fourth annual Bursar's Benefit Auction are piling up. Have you been keeping track of the latest news by reading Intercom? Well, here is a fast refresher course for you on just what you can expect to find!

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As part of the 50th anniversary events of the School of Humanities and Sciences, the History Department of Ithaca College is pleased to announce the Marjorie Fortunoff Mayrock Lecturer for 2006. Deborah Buffton ‘79, history professor at the University of Wisconsin at La Crosse, will give a talk titled “Peace, War and Memory,” at 7:00 p.m. on March 15, in the Klingenstein Lounge in the Campus Center of Ithaca College.

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PreVues 6 Screening March 23

Contributed by Melissa Gattine on 03/13/06 

PreVues 6, a student video and film showcase, will premiere at Cinemapolis on Thursday, March 23 followed by a reception at Juna’s Cafe. The screening is free and open to the public.

PreVues highlights the best student work from the 2004-2005 academic year. Of the hundreds of films and videos produced by students at the Park School last year, these eight selections were chosen to be screened at this annual event.

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John Stauber, founder and executive director of the Center for Media and Democracy and publisher of the quarterly news magazine PR Watch will give a presentation on Thursday, March 16, at 4:00 p.m. in Park Hall Auditorium titled “What’s Reality? Fake News, Real News, and Weapons of Mass Perception.” The talk is free and open to the public.

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Have you been struggling to establish and/or maintain healthier habits? Would you benefit from getting together and exchanging ideas with people who have the same issues? Do you need help staying motivated? Then weekly Weight Watchers meetings here at IC are for you!

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Students Interested in SUMMER and/or FALL 2006 Research in the Biology Department,

Mandatory Informational Meeting with Faculty
Thursday, March 14
CNS 1st Floor Foyer
4:00 PM

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Student Employment Summer 2006

Contributed by Denise Duve' on 03/12/06 

The Bookstore is now accepting application for Summer 2006 student
employment. Please pick up an application from the Bookstore cashier.

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There's still time to register for this year's Ithaca/Cornell College Relay for Life.

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Student Employment - Fall 2006

Contributed by Denise Duve' on 03/12/06 

The Bookstore and Mac's General Store are now accepting applications for
Fall 2006 employment. Please pick up an application from the Bookstore
cashier, complete & return it within 24 hours to schedule an interview.

Bookstore hosts Senior Salute

Contributed by Denise Duve' on 03/12/06 

The Ithaca College Bookstore will be sponsoring a Senior Salute on
Monday March 12th and Tuesday March 13th between the hours of
11am and 4pm at the Bookstore. Come in to view items and place
orders for University Frames diploma frames, Jostens rings and
personalized graduation announcements.

The Senior Week Committee is looking for fun and memorable photos from the Senior Class to include in the Senior Class Slideshow, a collection of photos that will be shown at the Semi-Formal during Senior Week. Seniors can submit their photos to by SUNDAY, MARCH 19, 2006.

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