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According to the <i>U.S. News and World Report</b> list of the 50 Ways to Improve Your Life (Jan. 2006), "singing helps keep your brain in tune!" There is quite a body of research that indicates the multiple dimensions of music (intellectual, physical, social) set it apart from other cognitively stimulating activities towards a healthier you!

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Frank W. Musgrave, Economics Department has published a book

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Contributed by Tanisha Graves for Cindy Reckdenwald, Director of Compensation & Organizational Design

As you know, Ithaca College has selected the firm of Segal/Sibson to assist with an extensive review and revision of the current compensation program for staff and administration. Karen Hutcheson, Senior Consultant, will lead this project along with Yelena Pozharsky, Associate Consultant.

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Be a Peer Recruiter!

Contributed by Cheryl Horihan on 01/30/06 

Help the Office of Admission recruit the next class!

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The Heritage Brass from the US Military Academy at West Point will give a free concert on Thursday, February 2 at 7:00 p.m. in the Hockett Family Recital Hall. Performances by the group have been described as, "wonderful, eclectic and flawless performances full of energy and enthusiasm." A large and diverse repertoire representing all styles of music from the 16th century to the present, enables the group to offer a well-balanced program that is sure to satisfy any musical appetite.

Tompkins Renewable Energy Education Alliance (TREEA) presents Community-Owned Wind Projects.

  • 4:00 p.m.
  • Wednesday, February 22, 2006
  • Room 112, Center for Natural Sciences
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    IC After Dark Presents Superbowl

    Contributed by April Tam on 01/29/06 

    Join IC After Dark on Sunday February 5th and kick off your semester right!

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    The Ithaca College Catholic Community will present "Finding Stillness in Our Lives," an evening retreat on Friday, March 17th, for any interested IC faculty and staff members.

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    The Handwerker Gallery is pleased to announce the first event of the Spring 2006 “Thursdays at the Handwerker” series. The Maplewood Jazz Team will perform an eclectic mix of standards, bossa novas, and sultry ballads in the Gallery on Thursday, February 2 at 6:30 p.m. The ensemble features vocalists Leeza Fernandez and Kristina Heisey, as well as Jon Conrad on guitar, Fred Schwartz on piano, and Ken Zeserson on saxophone. Ithaca jazz giant Neal Massa will be joining the team on bass for this performance.

    For further information please contact Cheryl Kramer, Handwerker Gallery Director, at (607) 274-3548.

    The Handwerker Gallery is pleased to announce the first event of the spring 2006 "Thursdays at the Handwerker" series. The Maplewood Jazz Team will perform an eclectic mix of standards, bossa novas, and sultry ballads in the gallery on Thursday, February 2 at 6:30 p.m.

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    Learn and practice some simple tools for gaining greater awareness and ease through mindfulness. We will use meditation, body scans, and gentle yoga to access our internal resources and break the stress cycle. This class is open to all faculty and staff across campus (and is not limited to Wellness Clinic members).

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    Death of Library Staff Member

    Contributed by Judith Dresser on 01/27/06 

    It is with a great deal of sadness that we inform the College community of the death of Jamie Lou Wilson Works, after a two-year battle with cancer.

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    The Office of Human Resources and the School of Health Sciences and Human Performance are pleased to offer a college-wide, staff development opportunity for February 28, 2006, in Emerson Suite C. Marja L. Freeman, a dynamic speaker with over 15 years experience in employment consulting /career development training, and over 5 years experience in motivational speaking and training, will be on campus to present the following two sessions:

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    Intramural Bowling League

    Contributed by Jamie Drahos on 01/27/06 

    Like to bowl? Sign up for a league with your friends. The entry deadline is this Friday, February 3rd at 5pm. Entry forms can be found on the Recreational Sports website or in Hill Center 102. The league will be held at Bowl-O-Drome, and teams will consist of 3 players. The cost is only $45.00 per player which includes 3 games per week for 6 weeks. Sign up today!

    Winter Camping Trip

    Contributed by Brad Buchanan on 01/27/06 

    Last chance to sign up for Camping in the Adirondacks

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    Are you the person in a crowd who others always envy because of your talents? Are your afghans, pies, or paintings always in demand? Have you cut a CD that needs some publicity? We have just the place to showcase them all: the 4th annual Bursar's Benefit Auction!

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    School of Music faculty pianist Charis Dimaras will present a free recital on Wednesday, February 1 at 7:00 p.m. in the Hockett Family Recital Hall. The recital will begin with a lecture on Prokofiev's Piano Sonata No. 4, subtitled "From the Old Notebooks," and will conclude with a performance of the complete sonata.

    February is oftentimes overlooked. It's only 28 days, and it's so cold many people would prefer to hibernate -- but not this year.

    The shortest month deserves recognition and celebration. That's exactly why the LGBT Center is hosting our very first Short Film Fest. The yearlong film series "Out of the Closet and Onto the Screen: The Many Meanings of Family" continues with a special Short Film Fest on February 1 at 7:00 p.m. Six films, each between 7 and 27 minutes long, will be screened at in Textor 102.

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    Little Sibs Weekend '06

    Contributed by Gretchen Van Valen on 01/26/06 

    Hosted by Students Today, Alumni Tomorrow (STAT), Little Sibs Weekend will take place on campus April 7-9, 2006.

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    IC Basketball on ICTV

    Contributed by Eloise Greene on 01/26/06 

    Selected Ithaca College home basketball games will be cablecast live by ICTV's sports department on Time Warner Cable 16.

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