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Fall Break Indoor Pool Hours

Contributed by Jamie Drahos on 10/07/05 

The indoor pool will be open for recreational swim from 7-8am and 12-1pm both Thursday and Friday of Fall Break. The pool will not be open for recreational swim Saturday and Sunday. Normal pool hours will resume Monday, October 17th. Have a nice fall break.

Retirement Planning and Options

Contributed by Laurie Wasik on 10/07/05 

The Faculty Development Committee invites you to attend a panel on retirement planning and options on Friday, October 21, 2005, from 2:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. in Emerson Suite A. It is aimed at late-career faculty, but is open to all faculty, staff, and administrators.

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The results of the Physical Plant customer satisfaction survey are now available for viewing on the Physical Plant web page at

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New Winter Session Course:

Antigua Program, January 2-13, 2006
Drs. John Confer and Janice Levy

"Documenting Ecosystems through Photography"

Complete details are available at:

Alex Flecker, Cornell University

4:00 p.m., October 20, CNS 112

Meet for coffee and goodies at 3:40 p.m. in the CNS 1st floor lobby.

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The Ithaca College purchasing department and Staples Business Advantage are pleased to co-sponsor a Lunch ‘N Learn seminar featuring Avery name tag products on Wednesday, October 19, 2005 in the Klingenstein Lounge in the Campus Center.

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Yom Kippur, the Jewish day of atonement, begins at 6:00 p.m. on Wednesday, October 12th, at the start of fall break, and lasts until an hour after sunset on Thursday, the 13th.

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Thursday, October 13, 6:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m.

"The Bioregional Basis of Urban Sustainability"

Women's Community Building auditorium
100 West Seneca Street, Ithaca

Jeff Holmes (Psychology) presented research entitled “The Stereotyping Safety Net: How Stereotyping Provides Protection from Anxiety” at the annual conference of the American Psychological Association in August in Washington, DC.

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Biology Tutor Requested?

Contributed by Nancy Pierce on 10/06/05 

Looking for a quality tutor to help you out in your biology class? E-mail John Hopple at Let him know the class you are taking and he will connect you with a recommended Biology Club member.

This is a great opportunity to find experienced help!

The Tower Club Restaurant is going all out to help you celebrate your boss,
with a lunch buffet every day this week (Oct 10 - 14, 2005).

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Frederick Kastenbaum PreHealth Award: $500 award. Deadline is October 28.
(available through the Premedical Sciences)

* $500 Awarded each semester
* To be used for assistance with preparation for the required standardized exams associated with admittance to graduate health programs such as:
** DAT
** OAT
** GRE

Official Application Form available online at:
(typeable form)

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Thursday, October 6th is National Depression Screening Day. Free depression screenings will be offered in Emerson Suite C by members of the Counseling Center. A variety of literature addressing mental health issues will be available and refreshments will be served.

Prevent A Crisis - Get Screened

Thursday, October 6th is National Depression Screening Day. Free depression screenings will be offered in Emerson Suite C by members of the counseling center. Consider encouraging students with whom you have contact to participate in this informative event. A variety of literature addressing mental health issues will be available.

Prevent a crisis -- get screened.

On Tuesday, October 11 at 8:15 p.m. in Ford Hall, the Ithaca College Wind Ensemble will present a free concert under the direction of Stephen Peterson. Franz Krommer’s “Partita” from 1808 will be performed along with “Grand Central Station” by Michael Torke from the 21st century. Works from the 20th century by Aaron Copland and Michael Colgrass complete the program.

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The Ithacan has once again achieved national recognition as one of the top student newspapers in the country.

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Faculty, staff, and students are cordially invited to attend selected workshops and events free of charge at Project Look Sharp’s upcoming conference, “Literacy in a Media Age,” October 14–15, 2005, in the Campus Center. Presenters include media literacy educators Cyndy Scheibe, Chris Sperry, and Faith Rogow; director of LeMoyne College’s Education program, Cathy Leogrande; health and art educators; and more! Youth involved in media production will showcase their work, and a resource room and video preview area will be open throughout the conference (Klingenstein Lounge).

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iMPrint Magazine

iMPrint Magazine: College Life’s Internet Magazine, published from Ithaca College, is proud to announce its first edition of the year, “So You Think You Know the Net.”

This month's edition of iMPrint also features special coverage of students' reaction and relief efforts in the wake of Hurricane Katrina.

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Han Lin's Brave Struggle

Contributed by Maura Stephens on 10/05/05 

The 78-day actions led by Ithaca College physical plant worker Han Lin and other Burmese freedom fighters beginning on July 19 came to a successful conclusion this Tuesday (October 4) in front of UN Headquarters in New York City. That day also marked the end of a 17-day hunger strike (one day for each year since the 1988 military coup that plunged the country into tyranny and oppression by a brutal military regime).

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