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Join us for the Career Services' Graduate and Professional School Fair on Tuesday, September 27. This year the Campus Center will be filled to capacity with representatives from 127 (that's right, 127!) graduate and professional programs who want to talk with you!

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There has been a change for approvers of requisitions or Manager Self-Service transactions who wish to reassign notifications while they are away from their office.

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IC Choice Award Program

Contributed by Deborah Merriman on 09/16/05 

Contributed for: Cindy Reckdenwald, Director of Compensation & Organizational Design

We are now accepting nominations for the seventh round of the IC Choice Award Program. Please take a few minutes to read about this opportunity to recognize an individual staff member or group of staff members who through their own initiative, commitment, support, and/or accomplishment have contributed greatly to the College’s success or who have made a difference in the lives of students, employees, or other members of the Ithaca College community. The IC Choice Award program was designed to recognize and reward exceptional efforts and contributions.

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The fall 2005 issue of the Office of Multicultural Affairs Center for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT) Education, Outreach, and Services newsletter is now available.

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Please join us during Homecoming as we welcome the 2005 inductees into the Ithaca College Athletic Hall of Fame on Friday, October 7 at 6:00 p.m. in the Emerson Suites.

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September is Heart Awareness month, and there's no better way to celebrate than by checking your blood pressure!

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The FedEx Direct, Indirect, and Adult Signature option fees take effect, Monday 9/19/05.

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Cross Cultural Leadership

Contributed by Terry Martinez on 09/16/05 

The 4rd annual Cross Cultural Leadership Retreat for Ithaca College students will be held on November 4-6, 2005.

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On Thursday, September 22 at 7:00 p.m., Janet Schmalfeldt will give a talk on Beethoven's "Bridgetower" Sonata, opus 47. The presentation will take place in the Hockett Family Recital Hall, and violinist Rebecca Ansel will assist.

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Homer, Ithaca's new student information system, begins its rollout in the Office of Admission on Monday, September 19.

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Laura Craig Galleries - 307 Linden Street - Opening September 17th at 5:00 p.m.

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Beginning Monday, September 19, 2005, the Office of Residential Life will have the college movers begin to remove extra furniture from temporary housing spaces in Terraces 1-9.

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Biology Seminar on Song Birds

Contributed by Nancy Pierce on 09/15/05 

Kevin McGraw, Arizona State University
"The evolution of ornate colors in songbirds: from biochemicals to behavior"
Thursday, September 22, 4:00 p.m.
Everyone is welcome!

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The Homer Odyssey Begins

Contributed by Tom Torello on 09/15/05 

The ancient poet Homer wouldn’t get the technology or the tongue-in-cheek reference to the irascible pop culture icon Homer Simpson, but no doubt he would understand that all roads lead to myIthaca. After all, in the end, Odysseus voyages home to Ithaca and the faithful Penelope, avenging Gods and beating odds along the way.

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Faculty, staff, and students are cordially invited to attend selected workshops and events free of charge at Project Look Sharp’s upcoming conference, “Literacy in a Media Age,” October 14–15, 2005, at the Campus Center.

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The local chapter Sigma Iota Epsilon and the School of Business are proud to announce that Katie Harris, a Business Administration major with a concentration in Management, is the recipient of a $1000 scholarship from the National SIE organization.

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Two representatives from the Central New York Chapter of the New York Civil Liberties Union (CNYCLU) will visit on Friday, September 16, to speak in a forum to be held in observance of Constitution Day.

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ID Express welcomes two new merchants, Gino's Pizzeria and Jade Garden.

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Cyndy Scheibe (Psychology) has organized two conferences and published a media literacy kit in conjunction with Project Look Sharp, an initiative that helps teachers incorporate media literacy in K-12 classes and provides materials for enhanced student learning.

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Testut Awarded Grant

Contributed by Julie Chambers on 09/14/05 

Dr. E. W. "Skip" Testut, Chair of the Department of Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology, was awarded a $19,425.00 grant from the Glen Region of the Sports Car Club of America (SCCA) during the spring 2005 semester, to gather data regarding the sound levels produced at the Watkins Glen International Race Track.

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