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René Borgella's Publication

Contributed by Nancy Pierce on 06/14/05 

René Borgella, Jr. and Thomas A. Gavin. "Avian Community Dynamics in a Fragmented Tropical Landscape". 2005. Ecological Applications 15(3):1062-1073.

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Congratulations to Lynn Tordella, the recipient of the 2005-2006 JJ Staff Scholar Award.

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The Burmese Community of Ithaca -- which includes Han Lin and Aung Lin of IC's Physical Plant, May Lin '05, Thuya Lin '07, Tayza Yeelin '08, and their family -- cordially invites everyone from Ithaca College to join them for a party. We will be celebrating the 60th birthday (June 19) of Aung San Suu Kyi, the democratically elected leader of Burma who is being held under house arrest by Burma's ruling military regime.

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Day of Learning

Contributed by Tanisha Malone on 06/12/05 

The Day of Learning is this Thursday, June 16. The schedule is now online for your viewing pleasure: Program Schedule. Remember, some workshops have limited class sizes and require a reservation. For programs in which you would like to guarantee a spot, please call me or Mary Tomaselli at 4-3083 or e-mail

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Six Flags Darien Lake

Contributed by Susanna Stumpe on 06/11/05 

Enjoy a day with friends and family at one of New York State's premier amusement parks, Six Flags Darien Lake. From roller coasters to giant water slides, it's a day filled with fun and excitement!

  • Open to Ithaca College faculty, staff, students, and friends/family.
  • Saturday, July 30, 2005
  • $32 per person (includes bus fare and park admission). Payment due: July 1, by 4:00 pm.

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It is with a great deal of sadness that I inform the campus community of the death of Phil Tavelli '70, a longtime employee and friend of the College.

(The full obituary including funeral arrangements, as printed by the Ithaca Journal, is below.)

We are grateful for Phil's years of service and support, and I know the entire College community joins with me in extending our deepest condolences to Phil's wife, Holly; children Jason and Sarah; family; and friends.

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President Peggy R. Williams invites all Ithaca College employees to our traditional summer ice cream social on Thursday, July 21. from 3:00 to 4:00 p.m. in the Campus Center quad. (Rain location: IC Square)

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Faculty Council Elections

Contributed by Peggy Termina on 06/10/05 

We are pleased to announce that Gossa Tsegaye (, 274-1952) has been selected as the new chairperson.

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Attendance Policy Change

Contributed by Esther Radoja on 06/10/05 

Note from Provost Peter Bardaglio:
Change in student attendance policy regarding "designated holidays"

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The Office of First Year Programs and Orientation cordially invites faculty and staff to attend the Summer Orientation 2005 parent wine and cheese receptions.

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Kathie Owens of the Bursar's Office was re-elected as secretary of NYSOBBA, the state organization for bursars and business administrators, at their 28th annual conference June 5-8. A long time member of NYSOBBA, Kathie also maintains the organization's newsletter and was instrumental in designing and assisting with this year's conference.

Many of you are currently making arrangements for staffing for fall opening. Some offices will need to bring their student workers back early to support opening operations. I have listed below the guidelines our office uses when processing early arrival requests. Please review them as you begin to plan.

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It is with a great deal of sadness that I inform the campus community of the death of Philip C. Tavelli '70, former employee of the Offices of Institutional Advancement and Admission, and a devoted supporter of Ithaca College.

Phil passed away Tuesday morning after a 17-month fight with pancreatic cancer.

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The accounts payable office will be closed for the day on Monday, June 13.

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Group cycling classes will be held this summer at the Fitness Center on Mondays and Wednesdays, beginning June 6.

Please note the time change on Monday's cycling

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OfficeMax Product Showcase

Contributed by Gail Wagner on 06/07/05 

The purchasing department invites you to the OfficeMax office supplies product showcase on Wednesday, June 22, from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 pm. at Cornell University, Bartles Hall, Ramin Room.

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As part of this year’s Day of Learning, June 16, we are happy to welcome Christopher Novak, author of Conquering Adversity: Six Strategies to Move You and Your Team Through Tough Times.

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Fit As a Fiddle

Contributed by Anne Woodard on 06/04/05 

It is no mere coincidence that Weight Watchers at Work meets in the Suzuki Room in Whalen Center -- in no time at all members will be fit as a fiddle! We are not stringing you along when we say that the program works -- it is sound, easy, and lots of fun. Want to join us in singing praises to the program? Here's how:

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Jean Hardwick's Publication

Contributed by Nancy Pierce on 06/03/05 

Hardwick, Jean C. 2005. ”Preparing the Next Generation of Neuroscience Educators. “ The Journal of Undergraduate Neuroscience Education (JUNE), 3(2):E3 (Editorial). View the editorial here.

ID Office Closed

Contributed by Fernando Gualtieri on 06/03/05 

The ID office will be closed from noon, Tuesday, June 7, until noon, Thursday, June 9, to permit recarpeting of the office. Our apologies for the inconvenience.