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Commencement Eve Concert

Contributed by Erik Kibelsbeck on 05/08/05 

You and your family are invited to the Commencement Eve Gala Concert on Saturday, May 14, at 8:30 p.m. in the Ben Light Gymnasium.

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Indoor Pool Hours

Contributed by Franklin Harrison on 05/08/05 

The indoor pool will be open from 11:30 am-1:00 pm Monday-Friday of Senior Week.

The pool will be closed from May 14 through July 1 for repairs. The outdoor pool is tentatively scheduled to open May 28, weather permitting.

Asma Barlas gave two talks on her book "Believing Women" in Islam at the invitation of the Los Angeles Latino Muslim Association in L.A. on April 16.

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Hours of operation have been limited this week. Please check the following schedule:

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The annual electrical shutdown is scheduled for Saturday, May 21, 2005 from 6:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Please mark your calendars for this annual shutdown on the Saturday following Commencement each and every year.

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Wendy Hyman publishes article

Contributed by Wendy Hyman on 05/06/05 

An article by Wendy Hyman (Department of English), "Authorial Self-Consciousness in Nashe's The Vnfortunate Traveller" appeared in the Winter 2005 issue of the journal Studies in English Literature 1500-1900, which was devoted to the English Renaissance.

Email Virus Alert

Contributed by Wendy Pearle on 05/05/05 

If you receive an e-mail message with an attachment that is unexpected, delete the message. DO NOT OPEN THE ATTACHMENT. It most likely is a virus.

Certain e-mail viruses are currently getting through our anti-virus protection "wall." ITS is working to correct this, but in the meantime, please use caution with these messages.

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John Henderson, natural and social sciences librarian, is the primary author of the lead article for a forum on open access publishing (OA) that appears in the May 2005 issue of Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment. Frontiers is a publication of the Ecological Society of America.

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You and your family are invited to the Commencement Eve Gala Concert on Saturday, May 14, at 8:30 p.m. in the Ben Light Gymnasium.

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The Campus Life Award is given each year to a select group of graduating seniors in order to recognize their outstanding contributions to the Ithaca College community through participation and involvement in campus life. Over the years this award has become a coveted goal and valued honor.

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Computers, monitors, televisions and other electronic equipment, rechargeable batteries, and fluorescent light bulbs contain relatively small amounts of heavy metals such as lead and mercury and are not allowed to be mixed with regular trash.

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IC Kicks Back -- Huge Success

Contributed by Brian McAree on 05/04/05 

The first annual IC Kicks Back celebration, with 1800 participants on the last day of classes, was an unbridled success. This celebration of the last day of classes was sponsored by IC After Dark and a number of other student organizations and campus offices.

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We Have a Winner!

Contributed by Tom Torello on 05/04/05 

The winners of the first "Why IC" student video contest have been announced.

The competition was fierce. The creative juices flowed. There was much gnashing of teeth and wringing of hands by the judges. In the end only one entry could be chosen as the winner despite many deserving entries.

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Change in Available Paper Stock

Contributed by Tom Torello on 05/04/05 

The College will no longer be ordering letterhead stock with a watermark of the College’s seal.

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Happy Birthday Art Narr

Contributed by Andrejs Ozolins on 05/04/05 

Contributed on behalf of Jock Bethune

Our good friend and loyal Ithaca College alum, Art Narr '48, is celebrating his 80th birthday this coming Saturday, May 7, 2005. Art has given so much of himself to Ithaca College over the years -- as Alumni Association president, trustee, and distinguished alum, with frequent attendance at Commencement, athletic events, and so much more!

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Mara Alper's experimental video To Erzulie was accepted for screening at the 25th annual National Association for Poetry Therapy conference in St. Louis, MO in May. It will also screen at the Art Mission Gallery as part of the exhibit Digital Salon which will run May 6-28.

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The course design workshops on May 23-25 remain the same, but there is a change in the order of the Thursday and Friday sessions.


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John Confer Receives Funding

Contributed by Nancy Pierce on 05/03/05 

John Confer has been awarded a grant from the Sterling Forest Partnership for studies of golden-winged warblers.

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The following are the facility hours of the Campus Center and its services from May 6, 2005 through May 15, 2005. These times are subject to change based on college events or unforseen circumstances. If you forsee any conflicts iwth your are in the Campus Center faacility, please contact our office immediately at 274-7905.

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