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Read more . . . (35 words) Come join your colleagues to celebrate the near-end of the semester and year! Share delicious snacks and engaging conversations with women from across campus. This event is a great low-key way to expand your network and have some fun! Feel free to come and go as your schedule permits. Read more . . . (154 words) The 10th floor of the West Tower residence hall was closed late Friday afternoon as the result of water damage caused by an activated fire sprinkler. There was no fire and no injuries. It appears that the sprinkler was activated accidentally when residents of a room got clothing tangled in the sprinkler head and it broke off. Read more . . . (94 words) Park School of Communications course about the "Internet of Things" now open to non-majors including 1st year studentsContributed by Ari Kissiloff on 11/30/18 SEATS AVAILABLE. CRN 42945 - Meets TuTh 1:10-2:25 Park 228. Prof. Ari Kissiloff Read more . . . (131 words) IC MOCK TRIAL BOMBER BLITZ THIS WEEKEND, DEC 1-2, 2018Contributed by Peyi Soyinka-Airewele on 11/30/18
Read more . . . (50 words) IC MOCK TRIAL BOMBER BLITZ THIS WEEKEND, DECEMBER 1-2Contributed by Peyi Soyinka-Airewele on 11/30/18
Read more . . . (51 words) IC Mock Trial Team Wins Best Attorney and Best Witness Awards at University of Rochester TournamentContributed by Peyi Soyinka-Airewele on 11/30/18 The Ithaca College Mock Trial Team led by students in the Legal Studies Program (newly part of the Politics Department) traveled to the University of Rochester on October 26th- 28th, to participate in their 9th Annual Yellowjacket Invitational tournament. Both IC teams participated in 4 trials, and competed against a variety of teams, including Colgate University. Dozier Gardner won a Best Attorney Award while Kate Wolfel won a Best Witness Award. The IC team will be hosting the BOMBERS BLITZ Tournament this weekend, Saturday December 1 to Sunday December 2, 2018. E-sports is here and getting bigger. Fantasy sports has arrived and is mainstream. What else is on the horizon?
Read more . . . (76 words) President Collado celebrates IC athletics in monthly columnContributed by Wendy Hankle on 11/30/18 In her latest post, President Shirley M. Collado celebrates the accomplishments of Ithaca College’s student-athletes both on and off the field, and reflects on the ways that athletic competition inspires community, engenders camaraderie, and helps us understand more about our world. Read more . . . (66 words) EVERFI Harassment and Discrimination Prevention Training CourseContributed by Jane Ray on 11/30/18 Ithaca College is committed to providing critical education and training to our faculty, staff and student employees. As part of IC’s annual comprehensive training program, which ensures compliance with the recent New York State legal mandates, Ithaca College requires all employees to complete the EVERFI Harassment and Discrimination Prevention training course. This online training will provide faculty, staff and student employees with useful resources that will help foster a safe, inclusive, and respectful campus environment by introducing and explaining various concepts surrounding harassment and discrimination. Read more . . . (193 words) Patricia Zimmermann (Screen Studies) Presents Invited Lecture at PennContributed by Karen Armstrong on 11/30/18
Read more . . . (48 words) Dr. Luvelle Brown, Presenting on "K-12 Students of Today, Implications for Us Tomorrow"Contributed by MaryAnn Taylor on 11/30/18
Read more . . . (62 words) DEC 10: HUMAN RIGHTS DAY: film and discussion on guns, U.S. policy and HR in MexicoContributed by Patricia Rodriguez on 11/30/18
WHERE THE GUNS GO: U.S. Policy and Human Rights in Mexico. Film and Discussion on Human Rights Day DEC 10th, 2018 6:00-7:30 pm TEXTOR 101 Open to the Public; everyone welcome. An in-depth documentary on U.S. arms transfers to Mexico in a context of deepened corruption and human rights violations. The so-called Drug War serves make legal the killing and repression of people: the United States provides the weapons, while Mexico provides the people killed and disappeared, including in Ayotzinapa. This documentary brings together the testimonies of human rights activists, journalists, and people in Mexico directly affected by the violence carried by both government forces and organized crime in Mexico, with U.S. support. Discussion to follow the 26 min. film; Daniela Rivero (IC ’21) and Prof. Ute Ritz-Deutch (SUNY-Cortland; TC3; Amnesty International- Local Group 73) will lead discussion about Human Rights and arms transfers to Mexico. Sponsored by Politics Dept. and Latin American Studies at Ithaca College; and by the T.C. Immigrant Rights Coalition.
Read more . . . (26 words) VISIT THE WARM HEART OF MALAWI, AFRICA & EARN 2 CREDITS!Contributed by Erica Weiss on 11/30/18 Have you ever dreamed of going to a country in Africa to learn about a new culture, way of life and healthcare system? Then this short- term study abroad trip is for you! (Open to all majors) Read more . . . (71 words) Sign Up Today for the Last Service Saturday of Fall Semester on December 8!Contributed by Don Austin on 11/30/18
Read more . . . (198 words) Join us on Wednesday, December 5 at 6 pm in CHS 203 to hear more about Healthcare and Culture: An International Field Experience in MoroccoContributed by Lynn Gitlow on 11/30/18 We have rescheduled our snowed out November meeting. Healthcare and Culture: An International Field Experience in Morocco Tentative Travel Dates June 9-June 20, 2019
Read more . . . (29 words) Become a Facilitator of the Bringing in the Bystander ProgramContributed by Samantha Elebiary on 11/29/18 Bringing in the Bystander® (BITB) is a bystander intervention workshop facilitated by trained students. Join our team! Read more . . . (227 words) Get out and give back this spring with Alternative Spring Break! Apply by December 3!Contributed by Don Austin on 11/29/18
Read more . . . (179 words) Buy Fair Trade for the Holidays this Year! One World Market will be in Campus Center starting December 3!Contributed by Don Austin on 11/29/18 Ithaca College Circle K and Books Thru Bars are hosting a gift sale with local business One World Market! One World Market is a store located downtown in The Commons. They are a non-profit organization that pride themselves on their commitment to fair trade goods and living wages for both their artists and employees. At the sale you can expect to see items made from all across the globe. Jewelry, backpacks, chocolate bars, notebooks, and clothing items including hats, scarves, gloves and more will be available for purchase. The sale will take place on Monday December 3rd, Wednesday December 5th, and Monday December 10th in the North Foyer of Campus Center. We will be there from 9:00 A.M. to 3:00 P.M. each day. Stop by and get some holiday shopping done! Read more . . . (63 words) |
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