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Three Options for Picking up Pre-ordered Parking PermitsContributed by Carl Cohen on 08/28/18 If you opted to pick up your parking permit rather than having it mailed to you, permits will be available for pick up at the following locations at the following times. Please keep in mind that it takes 2 business days to process permit purchases. Read more . . . (87 words) IT'S HERE! IT'S HERE! >>> FIRST BOMBER WEEKEND is THIS weekend!Contributed by Joelle Albertsman on 08/28/18
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Welcome back everyone! We hope that you had an amazing summer. Here are a few announcements to kick off the Fall Semester:
Read more . . . (303 words) The Catholic Community's regular Sunday Mass Schedule will resume on Sept. 2 with Mass at 1 pm and 8 pm in Muller Chapel. All students, faculty and staff are welcome to attend! After our 1 pm Mass this weekend, students are invited to meet members of our Student Leadership Team and share their own ideas about what they would like to see the Catholic Community offer this semester. The meeting will take place at 2 pm in the Phillips Room in Muller Chapel. Read more . . . (26 words) The Campus Center Office is seeking four students for a newly formed committee that will meet monthly on Tuesdays at 3pm. We are adding an art gallery to the main lobby and McDonald lounge space and are looking for students to be part of a committee to help select the art! Read more . . . (72 words) Catholic Community Welcome Back Barbecue- Sept. 1 from 11 AM- 2 PMContributed by John Morton on 08/28/18 The Catholic Community will host a Welcome Back Barbecue on Saturday, Sept. 1 from 11 AM- 2 PM on the lawn outside Muller Chapel as part of First Bomber Weekend. There will be plenty of food including burgers, hot dogs, vegetarian options and more! We will have fun activities going on during the afternoon like badminton and KanJam. All are welcome! Read more . . . (26 words) Catholic Community First Fireside Mass & Soup Supper- Thurs. Aug. 30- 6 PMContributed by John Morton on 08/28/18 All are welcome to join the Catholic Community for our first Fireside Mass & Soup Supper of the year tomorrow, August 30 at 6 pm in the Muller Chapel Lounge. After Mass, we will celebrate the start of the new year with a taco dinner and ice cream to follow around 7 pm. Meet new friends and enjoy a free meal after the first few days of class! Read more . . . (26 words) I would like to inform the campus community that after 9 1/2 years at Ithaca College, I will be leaving my position of Student Accessibility Specialist in order to provide child-care for my two infant grandsons. My last day in the office will be September 10th, and I will retain my email until the end of September. Read more . . . (53 words)
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Read more . . . (101 words) Are you interested in making sense of the popularity of apocalypticism in American media today? What might be the difference between fictional, visually-based apocalyptic media and interactive, real-life apocalyptic activities? Come consider these questions in a small, project-centered fall course. Read more . . . (199 words) Dana Professorship (to begin AY 2019-20 Application Process Now Open)Contributed by Michelle Rios-Dominguez on 08/28/18
The Ithaca College Dana Professorship recognizes excellence among excellence. Thanks to the Charles A. Dana Foundation’s generosity and foresight, Dana Professorships are awarded to selected Ithaca College full professors who have demonstrated a continued record of excellence as well as a promise of outstanding future contributions in teaching, professional endeavor in their area of specialty, and service to college and community. Dana Professors serve as role models and mentors for faculty and students, freely sharing their leadership, expertise, advice, and experience with the College’s community and others. Towards this end, the Dana Professors’ activities reflect positively on and enhance the College’s national and international reputation as a center for academic and artistic inquiry. Read more . . . (205 words) Inclusive Faculty Search Chair Training: Several Dates AvailableContributed by Michelle Rios-Dominguez on 08/28/18
Read more . . . (335 words) Submitted on behalf of Provost Cornish: With Vincent Wang’s departure from the H&S Dean’s role, we will be conducting a national search for a new Dean of the School of Humanities & Sciences. The search will begin right away after the semester begins, so I’m writing you now to ask you to consider self-nominating to serve on the search committee. Ideally, the search committee will include two faculty members from each of the four academic areas represented in the School (arts, humanities, natural sciences, social sciences), two additional faculty members at-large from outside of the School, a dean, and an H&S student. The committee chair or co-chairs is to be determined. The Provost will select H&S faculty members on the committee from among those put forward on a slate by the H&S Senate; the faculty from outside of H&S will be similarly selected from a slate put forward by Faculty Council. Read more . . . (217 words) On Tuesday, September 4, Jaimie Voorhees will begin a new role at Ithaca College as Executive Assistant to the President in the Office of the President. Read more . . . (171 words) Open Office Hours with the Provost and Senior Vice President La Jerne Terry CornishContributed by MaryAnn Taylor on 08/28/18 Provost Cornish will be holding several open office hours in the coming weeks. All members of the campus community are encouraged to drop by. The following will be held in the Peggy Ryan Williams Center (PRWC), Provost's Office, Third Floor. Light refreshments will be served.
Read more . . . (127 words) Professor Andrew Torelli (Chemistry) co-authors paper in the journal Science.Contributed by Mike Haaf on 08/28/18
Professor Andrew Torelli has co-authored an article entitled “Organometallic and radical intermediates reveal mechanism of diphthamide biosynthesis” in the journal Science, the world’s leading publication of scientific research. The paper outlines an ongoing effort to understand how a peculiar protein modification is formed in nature. This modification is called diphthamide, which is of great interest because it is essential for life in multi-cellular organisms, and it also happens to be the target for a toxin produced by the bacterium that causes diphtheria. The latest study achieved several lines of evidence to catch a key enzyme in the act of forming diphthamide through what turns out to be an unusual chemical mechanism.
Read more . . . (9 words) Farewell to Daniel Pascoe Aguilar, Executive Director of Career ServicesContributed by Jaimie Voorhees on 08/28/18 The Division of Enrollment Management invites the campus community to celebrate the contributions of Daniel Pascoe Aguilar. Please join us on Friday, August 31, 2018 from 2:30 p.m. – 4:00 p.m. in the Career Center Resource Room. Read more . . . (129 words) Possible Network Service Interruption, Weds. 8/29, 10 PM - MidnightContributed by Karen Compton on 08/28/18 Between 10 PM and Midnight on Wednesday, August 29th, IT will be performing critical network maintenance which may cause some brief interruptions to network connectivity from both on campus and from off campus connecting to IC services. The residence halls will not be impacted. Information Technology Service Desk |
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