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Office of Facilities – 2018 Mid-Summer Construction Pictorial UpdateContributed by Karen Witek on 07/17/18 (The following message is being posted on behalf of Dr. Timothy Carey, Associate Vice President, Facilities) Colleagues: Read more . . . (59 words) Become an Advisor for Newly Launched Ambassadors ProgramContributed by Michael Pusateri on 07/17/18 Become an advisor for newly launched Ambassadors Program. **Advisor application may read for faculty but is open to all (i.e., staff and other) Read more . . . (91 words)
Read more . . . (99 words) Jennifer Tennant, Associate Professor of Economics, publishes image-text essayContributed by Jennifer Tennant on 07/16/18 Jennifer Tennant, in collaboration with the photographer Nura Qureshi, just published an image-text essay, "Dwelling," in the literary journal A VELVET GIANT. Jeane Copenhaver-Johnson (Associate Professor and Chair, Education) and Madeline S. May (IC Alum, BMO ’16) present research at NCTE’s WLU Summer Institute in Baltimore, Maryland.Contributed by Lindsey Raponi on 07/16/18
On July 14, Jeane Copenhaver-Johnson and Madeline S. May presented “Affirming Gender Expression for All: An Analysis of YA Realistic Fiction with Gender-Creative Protagonists” at the 29thAnnual Whole Language Umbrella’s Literacies for All Summer Institute in Baltimore. The researchers shared the results of a two-year content analysis of young adult novels with transgender and gender-creative protagonists, with particular emphasis on how this body of work offers (and often does not) affirming and believable representations of transgender protagonists and supporting/ally characters. The researchers also presented another portion of their study at the Literacy Essentials 12thAnnual Conference at Central Connecticut State University in April.
CS Faculty Member wins best paper award at international ConferenceContributed by Arlene Dende on 07/16/18 Ali Erkan's paper "The Educational Insights and Opportunities Afforded by Prim's and Kruskal's MST Algorithms" won the best paper award of ITiCSE 2018, the 23rd Annual Conference on Innovation and Technology in Computer Science Education. The award is sponsored by the ACM Europe Council. Read more . . . (138 words) Would you like to be in a study about exercise capacity & activity level of inactive active adults?Contributed by Maria Russell on 07/16/18 Who is eligible? Read more . . . (229 words)
Read more . . . (169 words) An Update on Web Content Migration for the New IC WebsiteContributed by David Cameron on 07/13/18 Now that the new Ithaca College website has launched, we're beginning our migration process to move older legacy content into our new content management system. Read our latest blog post to learn how it works and how you can be involved. Read more . . . (154 words) Contributed on behalf of Dr. Timothy Carey, Associate Vice President, Facilities Read more . . . (256 words)
Read more . . . (43 words) Pamela Ameigh earns Distinguished Toastmaster (DTM) DesignationContributed by Karin Wikoff on 07/13/18 Pamela Ameigh, Multiformat Acquisitions Specialist in the Library and member of Ithaca College Toastmasters, has earned Toastmasters International's highest educational designation. Since joining in 2005, she has completed numerous speaking and leadership tasks to rise to Competent Communicator and Competent Leader, Advanced Communicator Bronze, Silver and Gold, and Advanced Leader Bronze and Silver. She gave her High Performance Leadership report in February as a capstone project in anticipation of the new designation. Read more . . . (223 words)
We recently implemented a website change, which has caused an issue with coding that allowed new account set-up. Please note that your Ithaca College Net Pass is not compatible with If you are a new Faculty/Staff Member, a new participant of the Faculty/Staff Meal Plan, or now wish to purchase your Faculty/Staff Meal Plan online, you may do so by checking out at a guest until the issue is corrected.
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Read more . . . (182 words) Invitation to Educause Webinar Event hosted by Teaching and Learning with TechnologyContributed by Jenna Linskens on 07/12/18
Session Title: ELI Online Event 2018: Encore! Achieving Student Success through New Models of Learning
Read more . . . (172 words) Jennifer Spitzer, Assistant Prof. of English, has two articles accepted for publication.Contributed by Jennifer Spitzer on 07/12/18 Spitzer's article, "The Heterodox Psychology and Queer Poetics of Auden in the 30s," is forthcoming in the Journal of Modern Literature, and her article "'I Find My Mind Meeting Yours': Rebecca West's Telepathic Modernism," is forthcoming in Studies in the Novel. Osman Yurekli, Professor of Mathematics, presents research at 18th International Conference on Fibonacci Numbers and their ApplicationsContributed by David Brown on 07/11/18 Osman Yurekli, Professor of Mathematics, presented his research at 18th International Conference on Fibonacci Numbers and their Applications, held at Dalhousie University in Nova Scotia, July 1-7. Professor Yurekli's research topic was A Pascal-like Triangle from a Special Function. The abstract for the presentation follows. Read more . . . (63 words)
If you are a new Faculty/Staff Member, a new participant of the Faculty/Staff Meal Plan, or now wish to purchase your Faculty/Staff Meal Plan online, you may do so by checking out at a guest until the issue is corrected. Read more . . . (118 words) Adviser Needed for Volunteer Trip to Harrisburg during Fall Break!Contributed by Don Austin on 07/10/18
Read more . . . (171 words) Beginning Saturday May 19th through Sunday August 26th the summer parking policy will be in effect.
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