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Emergency Notification/Outdoor Warning System Tests on Tuesday, Feb. 20Contributed by David Maley on 02/15/18 A test of the Ithaca College Emergency Notification System (ENS) will take place during the noon hour on Tuesday, Feb 20. It will include a test of the Outdoor Warning System, which features a siren tone and loudspeaker message. There is no need to take any action in response to the tests. The ENS uses voice, e-mail, and text messaging to provide information and instructions in the event of a campus emergency. It is important to have multiple ways to receive alerts in order to ensure access to essential notices, such as weather closings or delays. Read more . . . (229 words) Information Session Scheduled for Public Safety External Review ResultsContributed by Karen Walls on 02/15/18 Dear Campus Community, An independent consulting firm has completed its review of the Ithaca College Office of Public Safety (OPS) and Emergency Management. Margolis Healy recently provided the college with its final report, which will be presented to the campus community at an information session scheduled for Thursday, Feb. 22nd, from noon–1 p.m. in Clark Lounge, Campus Center. Read more . . . (439 words) Please consider presenting your research or scholarly work at the Faculty Scholarship, Research, and Creative Inquiry Fair (SRCI) on April 3Contributed by Stephanie St. John on 02/15/18
Read more . . . (256 words) Register now! May Session 2018 EDUC 22500 Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Students in K-12 Schools ONLINE (ICC Identities and Power & Justice/HM and SO)Contributed by Felice Atesoglu Russell on 02/15/18
**This course will satisfy 3 credits of the Education Studies Minor Restricted Electives Coursework Requirements. Read more . . . (150 words) An important message from your Vice President of Student Affairs and Campus Life, Rosanna Ferro: Read more . . . (196 words) Need some laughs? Like comedy? We have just the thing. Please join Theatre Arts performance majors in the Styles of Acting class for three hilarious French farce scenes (in English): L'Amour Medicin (Love Doctor) 1665 by Moliere, Le Bourgeois Gentilhomme (Would-Be Gentleman) 1670 by Moliere, and Un Fil a la Patte (Not by Bed Alone) 1894 by Georges Feydeau.
Read more . . . (37 words) There’s a very old saying in the theater: “There’s no tragedy like Greek tragedy.” Performance majors in the Department of Theatre Arts invite you to experience their speeches by several characters in various Greek tragedies. They will also perform a chorus from Antigone.
Read more . . . (64 words) THEATRE FOR SOCIAL CHANGE: Public Works Dallas Director Dayron Miles visits ICContributed by Wendy Dann on 02/15/18
Public Works Presentation and Q&A: How do you engage a community? How do citizens become creators and not just spectators? THURSDAY MARCH 1, 7-8:30 in Job 160. Read more . . . (83 words) We are looking for infants who will soon turn 7 months, born within 3 weeks of due date and are developing typically. All infants will be given a developmental assessment and four cognitive assessment tasks. You will receive $20.00 incentive for each of the 2 or 3 sessions that you attend to defray transportation costs and time. The total time commitment for parents and for the infant assessments is approximately 2 hours.
If you are interested in participating in this project (or if you know someone who might be), please contact: Hélène Larin, PT, PhD Phone: 607-274-3116 Email:
Dollars for Donuts - Buy Krispy Kreme donuts for a good cause!Contributed by Rachel O'Campo on 02/15/18
Where: IC Square Food Court Time: 10AM - 2PM Cost: $8 for 1 dozen glazed donuts Read more . . . (41 words) Creating a Free Last Will and Testament through The HartfordContributed by Katie Sack on 02/15/18
Read more . . . (32 words)
Read more . . . (55 words) 2nd chance screening of Free CeCe! LGBTQ Film Series March 7Contributed by Luca Maurer on 02/15/18
Read more . . . (227 words) Jenna Heffron (Assistant Professor, Occupational Therapy; HSHP) publishes critical analysis of standardized patient and disability simulation in the Journal of Occupational Therapy Education (JOTE)Contributed by Katie Brody on 02/15/18 Jenna Heffron, PhD, OTR/L, Assistant Professor in the Department of Occupational Therapy (HSHP) recently published a critical analysis of standardized patient and disability simulation in the Journal of Occupational Therapy Education (JOTE). The article is timely, given that the OT profession is currently reviewing its educational accreditation standards and has considered including standardized patients and simulation as recommended experiential learning activities for OT students. The article, which was co-authored by Heffron and colleagues from the University of Illinois at Chicago and Northwestern University, highlights both the benefits and critiques of these activities and recommends alternatives to these forms of simulation that would “more accurately reflect the self-identified needs, concerns, and priorities of intersectional disability communities” (VanPuymbrouck, Heffron, Sheth, The, & Lee, 2017, p. 1). The article can be accessed at Insero & Co. are currently recruiting for their Spring 2019 Tax Internship, and will be on campus April 3rd to interview selected candidates. A portion of the position description follows below (apply through Handshake): Read more . . . (213 words) Opportunity to Serve as a Student Member on the Ithacare BoardContributed by Christine Pogorzala on 02/14/18 Ithaca College has had a programmatic partnership with Longview – An Ithacare Community for the past 19 years. Longview is a retirement community located on Danby Road not far from campus. It is run by the Ithacare Center Service Company, Inc. As part of the partnership between Ithaca College and Longview, a student board member position was created for the Ithacare Board a number of years ago. This was created to provide a student with an educational and leadership opportunity and to encourage student input into aspects of the Board function that touch on the IC/LV Partnership. There will be an opening for a student member for the academic year 2018-2019. Read more . . . (318 words) The Philosophy Club will meet on Thursday February 15th, 4-5pm in Rothschild Place 147. [For those unfamiliar, the building is next to the Communications building.] All are welcome to come and join the conversation! Read more . . . (25 words) Opportunity to Serve as a Student Member on the Ithacare BoardContributed by Christine Pogorzala on 02/14/18 Ithaca College has had a programmatic partnership with Longview – An Ithacare Community for the past 19 years. Longview is a retirement community located on Danby Road not far from campus. It is run by the Ithacare Center Service Company, Inc. As part of the partnership between Ithaca College and Longview, a student board member position was created for the Ithacare Board a number of years ago. This was created to provide a student with an educational and leadership opportunity and to encourage student input into aspects of the Board function that touch on the IC/LV Partnership. There will be an opening for a student member for the academic year 2018-2019.
Read more . . . (319 words) Making the Move from Associate to Full ProfessorContributed by Judith Ross-Bernstein on 02/14/18 Join us for information regarding how to make your move from Associate to Full Professor! Read more . . . (47 words)
"Extreme Measures shares the stories of patients, families, and healthcare providers on the front lines...Bringing the reader into a world that most will only enter during a crisis, the book offers guidance to help us navigate this rocky terrain, and live the best life we can right up until the last moments." ( Read more . . . (112 words) |
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