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Due to a shortage of Career Services staff, we have discontinued summer Drop In Hours. Our services are currently only available by appointment. Please call our office at 274-3365 to schedule a convenient time. Read more . . . (27 words)
The July ICHR newsletter highlights reaching our 16/17 United Way Campaign goal, EAP information, financial literacy course for faculty, staff, and students and much more. Matt Klemm (History) presents at International Medieval Congress in LeedsContributed by Pearl Ponce on 07/14/17 Professor Matthew Klemm (History) presented a paper entitled "Animal and Human Emotion in Medieval Medical Thought" for a session called "The Familiar Animal and the Animal Other" at the International Medieval Congress, Leeds, UK, July 3-6. Read more . . . (59 words) Learn SALSA Dance, Fall 2017: ½ credit, PALS: CRN 23975Contributed by Kurt Lichtmann on 07/13/17
Read more . . . (665 words) The Office of Energy Management is pleased to invite the campus community to participate in a webinar and short discussion regarding our sustainability plans for 2017-18. Read more . . . (109 words) Dollars and $ense Discussion – Thursday, July 27 at 9:00 a.m., in Emerson Suite A.Contributed by Tammy Sritecha on 07/13/17 Faculty and staff, you are invited to join your colleagues and the conversation at the next Dollars and $ense meeting. Read more . . . (68 words) Voicethread is Available to Ithaca College Faculty and StudentsContributed by Marilyn Dispensa on 07/13/17
Teaching and Learning with Technology is pleased to announce the availability of an enterprise license for Voicethread. Voicethread is a unique online tool for having asynchronous conversations around media. You can upload, share, and discuss documents, presentations, images, audio files and videos. Students and instructors can comment within Voicethread with voice, drawing, webcam, text, or phone. There are many possibilities for using Voicethread in teaching and learning including practicing listening and speaking languages, student presentations and feedback, discussing or critiquing artwork and media, or creating presence in online courses. Read more . . . (96 words) Ithaca Graduate, Tanesia Harris '08, Publishes Book on Empowerment for WomenContributed by Leigh Ann Vaughn on 07/13/17
Read more . . . (137 words) Contributed on behalf of Dr. Timothy Carey, Associate Vice President, Facilities Read more . . . (283 words) Periodic delays for some DEPARTMENTAL package deliveriesContributed by Peter Schlough on 07/12/17 IC Mail Service has seen a shift in later carrier delivery times to Ithaca College, especially from FedEx Ground (and to a lesser extent, UPS Ground). Mail Service frequently receives those packages after the necessary load time onto our vehicles, delaying the start of our scheduled afternoon departmental delivery routes. Read more . . . (129 words) Faculty & Alumnus Publish Concussion Article in Clinical Journal of Sports MedicineContributed by Paul Geisler on 07/12/17 Clinical Professor Chris Hummel, MS, ATC & Athletic Training Alumnus Publish Collaborative Work on Concussion Knowledge Congrats to Bomber AT Alum and newly minted DAT (University of Idaho), Erin Chapman, DAT, ATC (now a staff Athletic Trainer at The College at Brockport) for her recent publication entitled "Investigation of the Rosenbaum Concussion Knowledge and Attitudes Survey in Collegiate Athletes" in a recent edition of the Clinical Journal of Sports Medicine. Helped by Department of Exercise & Sport Sciences Clinical Professor, Chris Hummel, MS, ATC the paper seeks to determine whether the Rosenbaum Concussion Knowledge and Attitudes Survey (RoCKAS) is an appropriate outcome measure for assessing collegiate athletes' awareness and disposition towards concussion issues. Congrats Erin and Chris on this impressive accomplishment! Speaker Needed in August for the Ithaca College Faculty/Staff Lecture Series at LongviewContributed by Christine Pogorzala on 07/12/17 Ithaca College has had a very successful programmatic partnership with Longview, a retirement community located on Danby Road, for the past 18 years. A significant part of this relationship has involved an ongoing Faculty & Staff Lecture Series at Longview.
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Read more . . . (345 words) Dance Classes Fall 2017: ½ & 1 credit, PALS: Ballroom, Latin, SwingContributed by Kurt Lichtmann on 07/11/17
Read more . . . (663 words) Since inception Ithaca College Blood Drives have contributed over 8000 blood units and saved over 24000 lives. Our next blood drive is on Wednesday July 19th from 8am to 2 pm in Emerson Suites. Call 1-800-RED-CROSS or visit the Red Cross at to sign up. After donating blood all donors will get a free T-shirt. Read more . . . (27 words) The Fall 2017 Student Organization Fair is Wednesday, September 6, 2017 from 10am-3pm in Emerson Suites. There will be over 170 student organizations promoting events, recruiting members, and showcasing their student organization. The student organization is free to attend. Take this opportunity to network with student leaders, find your passion and sign up for so many amazing student organizations. All recognized and new student organizations are able to sign up. Deadline to sign up is August 30 by 11:59pm. Students produce WRFI news report featuring alumnus and LGBT Center program directorContributed by Brittany McCown on 07/11/17 Students Elena Piëch '19 and Cal Goodin '19 interviewed alumnus Elijahda Warner '17, LGBT Center program director Luca Maurer, and Ithaca Transgender Support Group facilitator Natasha for WRFI Community Radio News, 88.1 FM. Read more . . . (85 words) Ithaca Officially Joins Liberty League for 2017-18 Academic YearContributed by Justin Lutes on 07/11/17 A new era for Ithaca College Athletics commenced as of July 1, 2017. Ithaca College is an official member of the Liberty League Athletic conference becoming its 11th full-time member. Ithaca was accepted into the league in December of 2015. Read more . . . (381 words) Kathleen Mulligan (Theatre) Tours On Common Ground With Pakistani TheatreContributed by Kathleen Mulligan on 07/11/17
Read more . . . (227 words) Fall 2017 Technology Renewal questionnaires have been sent to all individuals and area coordinators. Read more . . . (104 words) |
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