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Scholarship Established in Memory of Anthony Nazaire '19Contributed by Jennifer Susanne Gabriel on 10/05/16 A group of alumni who wish to honor the memory of Anthony Nazaire '19 have joined forces to create a scholarship in his memory. Read more . . . (101 words) Farewell to Wendy Fonder - Center for Print ProductionContributed by Karen Serbonich on 10/05/16
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Read more . . . (356 words) Queer Mental Health and Coming Out - Active Minds gb discussionContributed by Alexandria Lopez on 10/04/16
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There are lots of great opportunities to serve the local community ! Bake pies for a fundraiser with Brooktondale Community Center, help build a children's park in Dryden, provide some needed help at the Cayuga Nature Center, or participating in the fun at the Ithaca Celtic Festival. It’s that easy to give back!! All students who participate will receive a FREE sticker! Read more . . . (25 words) Fine Payment and Permit Purchasing Portal Temporarily Offline October 5th 9PM - Midnight.Contributed by Carl Cohen on 10/04/16 Due to an upgrade of our parking management system, the fine payment and permit purchasing portal normally found on the Parking Services web page will be temporarily down on Wednesday October 5th from 9PM to midnight.
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Want all you can eat chicken wings for $5? Come stop by the American Marketing Association's annual Chicken Wing Fling fundraiser! Entry is $5 for two events, a blind taste test of chicken wings from vendors around town and an endless wing buffet after! Good and drinks will be provided! Details: October 5th Business School Atrium, 4pm-7pm Read more . . . (23 words)
TERRACE DINING HALL WILL BE CLOSED FOR BRUNCH ON SATURDAY, 10/8. TOWERS DINING HALL WILL BE OPEN IN ITS STEAD WITH A SPECIAL TAILGAITING MENU IN PARTNERSHIP WITH IC'S CHAPTER OF SPOON U! Read more . . . (188 words) Participant Sign-Ups for Around The World (Part of International Education Week)Contributed by Kristina DiNardi on 10/04/16 IC International Club is looking for volunteers for Around the World on Monday, October 31st at IC Square/The Pub. This is our annual event for students to showcase their culture, using specific items, photos, snacks, etc. to represent their country. If you're interested in being a representative, please fill out the form below. Please sign-up by Sunday, October 16th. Read more . . . (24 words) An informal gathering in the LGBT Resource Room for students designed to build support and strengthen community with each other, and to engage in self care. Refreshments and self care activities provided. Many students continue to process and heal from painful, heartbreaking events this summer as well as those that continue - the shooting at Orlando, ongoing violence against people of color, people who have disabilities and LGBTQ people, and a rising tide of anti-LGBTQ legislation in states including North Carolina. Come for community, caring, and support. Read more . . . (81 words) Interested in Performing or MCing for the One World Concert during Family WeekendContributed by Kristina DiNardi on 10/04/16 IC International Club is looking for performers and MCs for the One World Concert on Friday, November 4th at Emerson Suites as part of Family Weekend. This annual concert showcases and celebrates the different cultures represented at Ithaca College and Cornell through various musical and dancing acts. Applications are open to all students, regardless of whether you're an international or domestic student. If you're interested in performing, please fill out the form in the link.
Read more . . . (36 words) Create the scariest and spookiest marketing campaign in 50 minutes or less!Contributed by Katherine Fischer on 10/04/16
The Ithaca College American Marketing Association is so excited to be helping the Fear Walk Team on Thursday, October 6th in BUS 111 at 7PM for Marketing Week. ICAMA will be holding a marketing strategy competition with the Fear Walk Team to create a marketing plan for Fear Walk. The winner of the competition will have their marketing plan executed in the weeks leading up to the event! Sign up with your team here: Read more . . . (23 words)
Details: October 4th Friends 207 12:10-1:05
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Read more . . . (98 words) Ithaca College's Students Today Alumni Tomorrow (STAT) is hosting a T-shirt design contest for the annual Cortaca Jug football game. Any current Ithaca College student is eligible to enter the contest! The winning designer will receive $400 in gift cards to Amazon! Second place will receive a $75 gift card and third will receive a $25 gift card!
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Read more . . . (79 words) Attention Questers and Liberal Arts & Society ICC-themed students!Contributed by Tammy Sritecha on 10/04/16
This semester we are holding a series of focus groups/listening sessions with students from each ICC theme. The second of these sessions are for students in the Quest For a Sustainable Future AND Liberal Arts & Society theme with additional themes later in the semester. This is an opportunity to share feedback about your theme and the integration of your theme across your perspectives courses and within your major.* Come share your classroom experiences to start a conversation! Read more . . . (78 words) The IC Student Consumer Information website serves as a central access point to important public information related to many different aspects of student life such as safety, financial aid, costs, diversity, and graduation rates. A link to the site is available at the top of every College web page through “About IC” and also on the Office of Institutional Research website. The creation of this website was in response to numerous federal reporting and public disclosure requirements for higher education institutions which were mandated in the Higher Education Act of 1965 (HEA), as amended by the Higher Education Opportunity Act of 2008 (HEOA, Public Law 110-315). If you need further information related to these public disclosures, please contact the Ithaca College Office of Institutional Research at or 607-274-3164. Read more . . . (1 words) Email phishing messages are emails that attempt to convince a user to either give up valuable information or open malicious attachments. Here are 4 tips to help spot a phishing message. Read more . . . (414 words) |
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