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Campus Wide Power Shutdown Cancelled for Sunday, August 14thContributed by Lori Ray on 08/10/16 Contributed on behalf of Ernie McClatchie, Director of Grounds, Transportation & Maintenance Read more . . . (114 words) Possible Internet Outage, Early Morning Thursday, 8/11Contributed by Karen Compton on 08/09/16 Between 12:05 AM and 2:00 AM Thursday morning, August 11th, DIIS will be working with our Internet Service Provider to repair a piece of network equipment related to our Internet connection. Because we have a second ("redundant") device that is currently operational, this repair is not likely to cause any disruption of service. However, there is the possibility of a brief (15 minute) Internet outage if there are any complications during the repair of the equipment. DIIS Service Desk U-Lot (Campus Center) Parking Closed on Friday, August 12 Until 10 A.M.Contributed by Andrew Kosinuk on 08/09/16 On Friday, August 12, the U-Lot (Campus Center) parking lot will be serving as reserved special event parking for part of the morning. It will be closed to general parking from the start of the day and will re-open for general usage as of approximately 10 a.m. Individuals needing to access handicapped parking within the lot can continue to enter the lot and use those spaces by speaking with the lot attendant. Marella Feltrin-Morris (Modern Languages and Literatures) presents at international conferencesContributed by Julia Cozzarelli on 08/09/16 Marella Feltrin-Morris (Modern Languages and Literatures) co-presented (with Alberto Anselmi, IUAV University of Venice) a paper entitled "Restoration and Translation, Restoration as Translation" at the Cross-disciplinary Approaches to Urban Space conference in Florence, Italy (June 27-28, 2016). Read more . . . (168 words) The Fall 2016 Student Organization Fair is Wednesday, August 31 from 10am-3pm in Emerson Suites. There will be over 150 student organizations promoting events, recruiting members, and showcasing their student organization. The student organization is free to attend. Take this opportunity to network with student leaders, find your passion and sign up for so many amazing student organizations. All recognized and new student organizations are able to sign up. Deadline to sign up is August 24 by 5pm. *Please note OSEMA Recognized and Recreational Sport Clubs have top priority. Individuals with disabilities requiring accommodations should contact Theresa Radley at or (607) 274-3222. We ask that requests for accommodations be made as soon as possible. The Fitness Center will be operating with reduced hours from Monday 8/15 - Friday 8/19. Our hours next week will be as follows: Monday 8/15: 11am - 2pm, 5pm - 7pm Tuesday 8/16: 11am - 2pm, 5pm - 7pm Wednesday 8/17: 11am - 2pm, 5pm - 7pm Thursday 8/18: 11am - 2pm, 5pm - 7pm Friday 8/19: 11am - 2pm We will begin our regular academic year hours on Saturday 8/20/16. Read more . . . (26 words) Submitted on behalf of Tanya Saunders, Asst. Provost Read more . . . (264 words) Professor Anthony Adornato Presents on the Latest Trends in JournalismContributed by Brandy Hawley on 08/09/16 Journalism professor Anthony Adornato presented on mobile journalism at the annual conference of the Association of Education in Journalism and Mass Communication in Minneapolis. Adornato focused on how journalists can best optimize content for audiences who now increasingly consume information via mobile devices and social media. His book on this topic will be published next year by Sage. You can read more about his presentation here. Submitted on behalf of Tanya Saunders, Asst. Provost Read more . . . (264 words) Steven Ginsberg and Stephen Tropiano co-present paper at 2016 UFVA ConferenceContributed by Stephen Tropiano on 08/07/16 Steven Ginsberg, Pendleton Chair/assistant professor, Dept. of Media Arts, Sciences, and Studies, and Stephen Tropiano, associate professor, Screen Studies, presented a paper entitled "Why Jane and Johnny Can (and Can't) Write in the Digital Age" at the University Film and Video Association's annual conference in August in Henderson, Nevada. Read more . . . (37 words) (Submitted on behalf of Eric Nichols, Director of Facilities Services) The Office of Facilities is pleased to announce the implementation of single sign-in to our Maintenance Direct Work Order System, as part of our continued dedication to improving our customer service. Effective immediately, users will sign in with their Netpass user name and password to submit service requests. We are confident that our customers will find this new process faster and easier. As always you can access Maintenance Direct from your personalized myHome page.
Read more . . . (1 words) The OSEMA Student Organization Recognition Process has begun. Read more . . . (439 words) The following events may be of interest to students and faculty. These events are free and open to campus and community members. No registration is required. For more information contact Teri Reinemann, gerontology programs manager, at 274-1607 or Read more . . . (300 words) Get ready to welcome our new students back during Move-In Day and Fall Welcome. Read more . . . (241 words) Director of Financial Services Beth Reynolds has been appointed interim Controller at Ithaca College. She will fill that role while Janet Williams serves as interim Vice President for Finance and Administration. Read more . . . (136 words) Getting to Know: New HR Head Brian Dickens Discusses Priorities and ChallengesContributed by Dan Verderosa on 08/05/16
Read more . . . (1538 words) Residential Early Arrival Request Forms Available Online!Contributed by Dani Perkins on 08/05/16 Many departments are currently making arrangements for staffing for Fall opening. Some offices will need to bring their student staff back early to support opening operations. Please review our fall early arrival information online as you plan for Fall 2016. Read more . . . (265 words) Asma Barlas, professor of Politics, was invited to give a seminar on Islam at the St. Petersburg Institute of Linguistics, Cognition, and Culture (NYI), in Russia in July. This is a summer school organized annually by SUNY (Stony Brook) and St. Petersburg University, and it was the fourth time she was asked to be part of it. ( Now accepting presentation proposals for the Student Leadership Institute (SLI Series)Contributed by Samantha Stafford on 08/04/16
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