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Posted on behalf of President Rochon. President Rochon will be holding open office hours this Friday, December 11, from 1:15-3:15p.m. for IC community members who would like to have a conversation with him. All members of the campus community, including faculty, staff, and students are encouraged to drop by his table that will be set up near the Information Desk, just inside the Campus Center main entrance. Additional opportunities to speak with the president during open office hours will be scheduled and shared with the community at the beginning of the spring semester. Leadership Weekend is a two-day retreat that brings together students from a variety of roles on campus to learn from each other and discover new ways to demonstrate leadership. Participants attend a series of leadership development sessions that focus on team-building and further developing individual leadership skills and understandings. Read more . . . (184 words) Juniors and seniors, Apply for the Peggy Ryan Williams Award for Academic and Community Leadership!Contributed by Samantha Stafford on 12/08/15
Read more . . . (105 words)
Read more . . . (196 words) Employee permits for 2016 will be available to order online beginning Tuesday, December 1, 2015. Current Employee Parking Permits will expire on January 15, 2016. You may order your new parking permit online at When registering online, please identify your preferred delivery method. Permits can be delivered via campus mail, picked up at our office or mailed to your home address.
Please contact us if you have any questions.
Sincerely, Parking Services Office of Public Safety and Emergency Management 607-274-3756 Need to recruit new members? Do it at the Spring Student Organization FairContributed by Theresa Johnson on 12/08/15 The Spring 2016 Student Organization Fair is Wednesday, February 3, 2016 from 10am-3pm in Campus Center Quad. There will be over 150 student organizations promoting events, recruiting members, and showcasing their student organization. The student organization is free to attend. Take this opportunity to network with student leaders, find your passion and sign up for so many amazing student organizations. All recognized and new student organizations are able to sign up. Deadline to sign up is January 27 by 5pm. *Please note OSEMA Recognized and Recreational Sport Clubs have top priority. Read more . . . (26 words) SAB's Annual Extreme Gingerbread House Competition is this Thursday!Contributed by Sophia Sioris on 12/08/15
ENVS Professor Chris Sinton and Students Publish Article on Heavy Metal Contamination from Ithaca Gun Superfund Site in Northeastern GeoscienceContributed by Carol Hansen on 12/08/15
Read more . . . (103 words) Engage with us in a conversation about what you value in a leader and a college President! Read more . . . (95 words) Make your voice heard in drafting the Student Bill of Rights with Student Body President Dominick Recckio. Read more . . . (266 words) Get a closer look at SGA! Here are the minutes from our meeting on Monday, December 7th! Read more . . . (1497 words) The following message is being sent on behalf of Dr. Timothy Carey, Associate Vice President, Facilities
Read more . . . (242 words) Cookies n' Milk + Tea Study Break with IC International Club TONIGHTContributed by Kristina DiNardi on 12/08/15
We will have cookies, milk, and tea. Also, please BYOM (Bring Your Own Mug). Read more . . . (24 words) Faculty members are needed to serve on the following committees: Student Learning Outcomes Assessment Committee: 5 positions (ideally 1 from each school), 3 year term Information Technology Steering and Advisory Committee (ITSAC): 2 positions, 1 and 2 year term Enrollment Management Advisory Committee: 3 positions, 3 year staggered terms Please send an email stating your interest to
SGA seeks student input on their shared governance model before the model is put forward to the committee that creates suggests the Shared Governance model for the college to the Board of Trustees in the Spring. Read more . . . (61 words) The Board of Trustees has asked Faculty Council to appoint 2 faculty members to the Governance Task Force as described below. Please read the charge carefully and consider submitting your name to this potentially crucial endeavor. Read more . . . (138 words) Stephen Tropiano co-authors book on television series finalesContributed by Jackie Paul on 12/08/15 Stephen Tropiano, associate professor of television and radio and director of the Ithaca College Los Angeles Program, has co-authored a book with Ithaca College alum Holly Van Buren '06 on the finales of television shows. Read more . . . (94 words) With the holiday season upon us, it is a good time to review the college's policies on the safe use of decorations. Please take a moment to read this important information. Read more . . . (1038 words) SAVE THE DATE: Ithaca College's 2015 Annual Holiday PartiesContributed by Carly Hills on 12/08/15 Procedures and schedules are in place for the processing of final exams during the week of December 14 - 18. Read more . . . (224 words) |
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