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Research Participants Needed for OT Graduate Student Thesis ProjectContributed by Anne Carlineo on 12/16/20
Ithaca College occupational therapy graduate students are studying if and how physicians (MD, DO) and physical therapists who work with older adults (65 or older) prescribe canes to their patients who need them. In the following anonymous survey, you will be given questions pertaining to how you prescribe canes to your patients who need them. You will be asked to answer the questions to the best of your ability. You can skip questions or stop taking the survey at any time without penalty. Read more . . . (94 words) Registration EXTENDED for Spring Move-In Volunteers! Read for new descriptions and updated info about volunteer shifts!Contributed by Samantha Elebiary on 12/15/20
We're still looking for volunteers to help support the Spring Move-In! We have updated information about volunteer expectations and shifts. As of 12/13/2020 we only have 81 volunteers registered, but we anticipate needing at least 200, if not closer to 300 depending on how many shifts each volunteer can take! Please reach out to Sam Elebiary at if you have any questions about volunteering. Read more . . . (996 words) Office 365 ProPlus To Be Installed On College-Owned Devices Beginning 1/6/21Contributed by Lisa Efing-Guida on 12/15/20
Information Technology is pleased to announce the latest version of Microsoft Office, Office 365 ProPlus, will be installed on college-owned devices (on and off campus) beginning January 6, 2021. Office 365 ProPlus has been available as a self-service update and has come with technology-renewed computers since January 2020. Bringing remaining college-owned computers to the latest version will ensure a consistent experience across devices and the latest security and feature updates to all machines. If you have not already performed a self-service upgrade and would like to do so before January 6, 2021, please see this IT knowledge base article for details. Read more . . . (430 words)
Read more . . . (507 words)
Student parking permits for the spring 2021 semester will be available to be ordered online only beginning Monday, January 4, 2021. Read more . . . (113 words) Research Participants Needed for OT Graduate Student Thesis ProjectContributed by Anne Carlineo on 12/14/20
Ithaca College occupational therapy graduate students are studying if and how physicians (MD, DO) and physical therapists who work with older adults (65 or older) prescribe canes to their patients who need them. In the following anonymous survey, you will be given questions pertaining to how you prescribe canes to your patients who need them. You will be asked to answer the questions to the best of your ability. You can skip questions or stop taking the survey at any time without penalty. Read more . . . (93 words) Registration EXTENDED for Spring Move-In Volunteers! Read for new descriptions and updated info about volunteer shifts!Contributed by Samantha Elebiary on 12/13/20
We're still looking for volunteers to help support the Spring Move-In! We have updated information about volunteer expectations and shifts. As of 12/13/2020 we only have 81 volunteers registered, but we anticipate needing at least 200, if not closer to 300 depending on how many shifts each volunteer can take! Please reach out to Sam Elebiary at if you have any questions about volunteering. Read more . . . (1043 words) Important changes to Ithaca College Kosher service for the Spring, 2021 semesterContributed by David Prunty on 12/11/20
The Offices of Dining Services and Religious and Spiritual Life are pleased to announce that Ithaca College has partnered with STAR-K Kosher Certification to provide kosher certification beginning in January, 2021. STAR-K is a widely recognized leader in kosher certification and provides service to many college and university campuses. Read more . . . (289 words) Provost’s Post-Sabbatical Colloquium - Monday, December 7Contributed by Colette Matisco on 12/06/20
In recognition of the intellectual and creative richness that Ithaca College faculty members bring to our campus community, Provost La Jerne Terry Cornish invites us all to gather remotely for an evening of engagement. Presenters will share from the research and/or creative activity they engaged in during their sabbatical. Read more . . . (50 words) Antiracism Institute 2021 – invitation to current and future leadersContributed by Colette Matisco on 11/24/20
The Center for Faculty Excellence (CFE) seeks a cohort of faculty, as well as staff members who have teaching responsibilities (broadly defined), to participate in the 2021 Antiracism Institute. In the Institute we will build on and go beyond work done at IC and in the Ithaca community regarding diversity, inclusion, and equity. We will address racism head on and adopt a non-neutral approach in our pedagogy, curriculum, campus culture, and community. As Ibram X. Kendi states, “The opposite of‘racist’ isn’t ‘not racist.’” Read more . . . (134 words) Provost’s Post-Sabbatical Colloquium - Monday, November 23Contributed by Colette Matisco on 11/22/20
In recognition of the intellectual and creative richness that Ithaca College faculty members bring to our campus community, Provost La Jerne Terry Cornish invites us all to gather remotely for an evening of engagement. Presenters will share from the research and/or creative activity they engaged in during their sabbatical. Read more . . . (57 words)
Our next testing dates are Tuesday, November 10 from 8:00 am – 4:00 pm and Wednesday, November 11 from 8:00 am – 4:00 pm at the A&E Center. Read more . . . (111 words) Provost’s Post-Sabbatical Colloquium - Thursday, October 29Contributed by Colette Matisco on 10/27/20
In recognition of the intellectual and creative richness that Ithaca College faculty members bring to our campus community, Provost La Jerne Terry Cornish invites us all to gather remotely for an evening of engagement. Presenters will share from the research and/or creative activity they engaged in during their sabbatical. Read more . . . (48 words)
The Fitness Center's Fall group fitness calsses are underway! All classes are offered live through Zoom, and the weekly class schedule is available on our website. Registration will open 48 hours prior to the scheduled class start time and will close 30 minutes beforehand to allow our staff time to send the Zoom meeting invitations. Please visit to register. Read more . . . (24 words)
In recognition of the intellectual and creative richness that Ithaca College faculty members bring to our campus community, Provost La Jerne Terry Cornish invites us all to gather remotely for an evening of engagement. Presenters will share from the research and/or creative activity they engaged in during their sabbatical. Read more . . . (38 words)
Read more . . . (93 words) Cast your vote for the winning video in the Wear A Mask New York Ad Contest - Voting closes on Monday! #WearAMaskNYContributed by Nancy Reynolds on 05/21/20
Vote for your favorite among the five inspiring finalists! Voting closes May 25, and results will be announced May 26.
Read more . . . (268 words) Fine Artists at Five (FA@5) – end your workday celebrating faculty artistryContributed by Colette Matisco on 03/31/20
Each weekday starting Monday, March 30, the Center for Faculty Excellence will host brief performances and talks by faculty artists—musicians, painters, poets, dancers, writers, photographers, filmmakers, and more. Read more . . . (561 words) eSports in Higher Education: Charles Murray - An Ed Tech Day Featured SessionContributed by Andrew Hogan on 02/29/20
Read more . . . (113 words) |
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