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Dr. John Scott speaks on Collecting Pre-Columbian Art in the mid-20th century, Thursday April 9 at the Handwerker GalleryContributed by Jennifer Jolly on 04/06/15
Read more . . . (114 words) If you have ever been in love, wanted to be in love, lost a love, or wanted a job with more responsibility and security, Shakespeare has a story for you.
Read more . . . (82 words) April 2015 launched the start of the annual performance review season. The annual staff evaluation is a key component of the College's performance management process and provides a valuable opportunity for managers and their staff to review and discuss past performance, clarify job duties, set goals and establish expectations for the coming year. The review process will continue to follow the same overall approach as last year. The main enhancement to the process is the addition of 13 core competency areas for comments and feedback. The College expects that all staff will participate in the process. Read more . . . (275 words) On-Campus Internship Opportunities with Project Look SharpContributed by Sherrie Szeto on 04/06/15
We accept internships between 1 and 3 credits, and the hours are flexible. See our Fall 2015 internship descriptions below. Read more . . . (543 words) IC Presents "The Wolf By the Ears" and Audience Talk-backContributed by Brian DeMaris on 04/06/15 Ithaca College Opera is proud to present "The Wolf by the Ears" this Wednesday, April 8, 2015 at 8:15pm in Ford Hall. Read more . . . (141 words)
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Read more . . . (286 words) Quoted in the media: Faculty members Zillah Eisenstein, Michael Rogers, Stephen Mosher and Jack Wang; staff member John Bradac; student Noah Zheutlin; and alumna Kody Keplinger. For more information on the following articles, please visit the IC in the Media page. Read more . . . (186 words) Our new students will arrive on Sunday, August 23, 2015. Read more . . . (271 words) Dr. Mike Massari is licensed and certified in electro diagnostics and in 2013 joined Ithaca Family Chiropractic. Dr. Massari's goal is to provide exceptional chiropractic care. Dr. Massari is committed to promoting the health and wellbeing of his patients. By combining the very best hands-on-technique, home care recommendations, and providing highly qualified health care advice, Dr. Massari is able to help you to accelerate and/or maintain your journey to better health. Read more . . . (161 words) Apply for the Alternative Summer Break Trip to Acadia National Park! Deadline Today!Contributed by Don Austin on 04/05/15
Read more . . . (178 words) ICIC mini-courses on combining expertise– one credit pass/failContributed by Gordon Rowland on 04/05/15 ICIC 12000 Insight—Combining expertise. How can we combine insights from disciplinary experts to address complex issues? Guest experts from a variety of disciplines will discuss how researchers and practitioners in each of their disciplines would address a common issue. Techniques are introduced to combine their insights and lead to deeper understanding and more powerful solutions. Pass/Fail. 1 credit. No prerequisites. LA. Read more . . . (315 words) Love reading? Puzzles? English Major/Minor Info Session is for YOU!Contributed by Elizabeth Bleicher on 04/05/15 The English Department has what you love! Read more . . . (103 words) It's Mindful Monday! Big Flavor. Healthy Benefits. Lunchtime at IC Square.Contributed by Rebecca Sexton on 04/05/15
Get Mindful on Monday. Visit the pop-up Mindful Kiosk in IC Square and go big on flavor!
Credit cards, bonus bucks, ID Express and cash accepted.
Can't make it? Web-streamed performances are available live and on demand at Check the expanded webcasting schedule for more information! Read more . . . (239 words)
Monday FREE Moderated discussion and dialogue on working between Canada and the United Statesand crossing genre boundaries in filmmaking, with visiting distinguished filmmaker Vincent Grenier and John Scott, asssociate professor of Television/Radio FLEFF: A DIFFERENT ENVIRONMENT Read more . . . (26 words)
An afternoon screening and dialogue with experimental filmmaking master Featuring a retrospective of his exquisitely rendered and composed films that dynamically rewire our perceptions of habitats through form, shape, light, and composition. Monday, April 6, 2015 Vincent Grenier is a native of Quebec City, Canada but has been living in the US since the early 1970s. He has produced a large and significant body of work exploring light, form, color, texture, and space. Grenier's experimental films and videos have earned numerous awards. Read more . . . (390 words)
CARMEN’S HABITATS Tuesday, April 7 Free and Open to the Public HABITATS: Environments inhabited, evolving from internal dynamics and external challenges. Boundaries that unhinge in constant flux. Read more . . . (167 words) Meetings on Proposed Revisions to T&P Policies and ProceduresContributed by Steven Skopik on 04/05/15 The Faculty Handbook Amendment Committee (FHAC) will hold several information sessions regarding the committee's draft revision of tenure and promotion policies and procedures. Read more . . . (82 words) If you could change anything about student organization culture on campus, what would you change?Contributed by Lisa Famularo on 04/05/15
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