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The Final Stretch - Ithaca College United Way Campaign Needs Your HelpContributed by Eileen Jacobs on 03/31/15 Submitted on behalf of Nancy Pringle We are in the final weeks of the United Way Campaign and Ithaca College is at the 75% mark toward our goal of raising $60,000. Also, thanks to participation by many new contributors and generous increases in commitment from prior donors we are also very close to meeting the one-to-one match up to $5,000. We have two weeks to bring our campaign to successful conclusion and now is the time for action. Payroll deduction makes it really simple to have a big impact over the course of the year as even a gift of $1, $5, or up to $20 per paycheck can really add up and help those in need in our community. As a reminder, 100% of your gift to the United Way of Tompkins County and its member organizations will go to support needed services and not to administrative support of the local or national United Way. Read more . . . (232 words)
For more information, e-mail Nathan Moran ( A presto! April is National Financial Literacy Month! Check Out These Great Workshops!Contributed by Katie Sack on 03/31/15
Read more . . . (352 words) Carol McAmis to present at the Faculty Colloquium on Thursday, April 2, 2015Contributed by MaryAnn Taylor on 03/31/15
Please join me on Thursday, April 2, 2015 for the third Faculty Colloquium for the spring semester. Carol McAmis, Professor/voice, M.M., B.M., GCFP, has been a member of the IC voice faculty since 1979. In addition to teaching singers interested in musical styles ranging from opera and musical theatre to jazz to world music to pop; she also teaches vocal pedagogy and Awareness Through Movement® based on the somatic education method developed by Dr. Moshe Feldenkrais. Her interest in the living body as a musical instrument has led to a focus on creating simple and unique methods of teaching the art of singing that can be used by vocalists of all ages who sing in many different musical styles. Read more . . . (311 words) LGBT Film Series Concludes April 7 with Queer China, 'Comrade' ChinaContributed by Luca Maurer on 03/31/15
Read more . . . (135 words) Please join us for a flint knapping demonstration by Dr. William Michael Lynn on Friday, April 3rd, from 9:00 - 9:50 am, in Williams 323. Dr. Lynn is a resident of Ithaca and a passionate enthusiast in the art of flint knapping. Learn how our ancient hominin ancestors made and used stone tools! Read more . . . (26 words) IC Prelaw to Host Alumni Panel Discussions April 9 and 16Contributed by Chris Pollock on 03/31/15 The School of H&S prelaw program and the Ithaca College Alumni Association are pleased to offer two events featuring two attorneys and a judge, all of whom are graduates of the School of H&S. Each evening will include a panel discussion and a complimentary buffet dinner. Thursday, April 9, 2015 Thursday, April 16, 2015 Read more . . . (334 words) This support group is held every Thursdays from 1-1:50 in the Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS) group room located on the 2nd floor of the Hammond Health Center. Read more . . . (84 words)
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Read more . . . (218 words) Looking to start your own business some day? Register for Business Plan Competition!Contributed by Paul Deamer on 03/31/15
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Read more . . . (122 words) We are right in the midst of Holy Week and to celebrate the Catholic Community will be holding special services all this week in Muller Chapel and Emerson Suites. Read more . . . (99 words)
Read more . . . (127 words) Reminder: Interview Opportunity With Grassroots CampaignsContributed by John Fracchia on 03/31/15
Read more . . . (73 words) Second candidate for School of Business Dean, Dr. Pat Dickson on campus April 2-3Contributed by Diane Gayeski on 03/31/15 The second candidate for the School of Business Dean is Dr. Pat Dickson; he currently serves as Associate Dean of the undergraduate program in the School of Business at Wake Forest University and earned his Ph.D. in Management from the University of Alabama. Read more . . . (104 words) Don't be a fool on April 1st. Get your blood pressure check!Contributed by Scott Tuohy on 03/30/15 The next No Pressure Blood Pressure will be held on Wednesday, April 1st. Read more . . . (334 words) April 2 is Buffalo Wild Wings Give-Back Night to raise money for the Ithaca Pan-Asian Film Festival!Contributed by Phuong Nguyen on 03/30/15 Ithaca College students have been working extra hard for the week-long Ithaca Pan-Asian Film Festival taking place from April 20-24 at Cinemapolis, Cornell Cinema, and Ithaca College, but we still need your help. On April 2, Buffalo Wild Wings will give back 10% of proceeds to IPAAFF if you present this coupon when you eat there. The film festival is free and open to the public.
Read more . . . (28 words) Pick up your application in the Peggy Ryan Williams Center. Applications are due April 10th!
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