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IC Hope, Ithaca's award winning Relay for Life team, is proud to announce our second annual yard sale to support the Tompkins County Relay for Life.  You will not want to miss out on this fabulous sale with items that include iPODS, an HP laptop, jewelry (including the highly sought after Pandora bracelets and charms), a video camera, household items, and so much more!  Better move quickly though...with items like these, the sale will be fast paced and your favorite items will disappear quickly!!! Here is what you need to know:

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School of Music piano faculty Nathan Hess will present an all-French solo program this Friday, June 28, as part of the Summer Piano Institute at Ithaca College. The recital will take place at 7 p.m., in Hockett Family Recital Hall, within the Whalen Center for Music.

Debussy: Hills of Anacapri, Minstrels (from Preludes, Book 1)
Roussel: Sonatine
Satie: Sports et Divertissements
           Susan Avery, narrator
Poulenc: Intermezzo in A-flat
                Preambule, Cadence, and Final from Soirees de Nazelles
                Suite in C Major

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Do you have an idea for using multiple iPads to facilitate a collaborative project in the field, research, classroom, clinical setting, etc.?

Information Technology Services in collaboration with the Center for Faculty Excellence will loan out twenty 3rd generation iPads. 

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Students and faculty in the School of Health Sciences and Human Performance will have more opportunities to learn from their counterparts in China in the coming years thanks to an agreement forged between Ithaca College and Shanghai University of Sport.

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IC Physics students test software they helped develop for the Stratospheric Observatory for Infrared Astronomy (SOFIA)

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Donate blood at this summers Blood Drive on July 9th from 10:00am to 5:00pm in the Fitness Center Mondo Gym. Please call  1-800-REDCROSS or email  to set up an appointment today. Walk-ins will be excepted. We will be taking  two  Double Red Donation every hour,  so set up you appointment time now.

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President Tom Rochon has announced that the Office of Human Resources will move from its current home in the Division of Finance and Administration to the Division of Legal Affairs, resulting in the establishment of the newly named Division of Human and Legal Resources, led by vice president and general counsel Nancy Pringle. The change will be effective July 1.

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Laura and two professional colleagues presented a poster on the initial phase of their research project at the Canadian Health Libraries Association 2013 Annual Conference.

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Dan Taylor, Library Technology Specialist, and Ron Gilmour, Web Services Librarian, recently presented "You Are Here: Integrated Mapping for the Catalog, Web, and Building"  at the 2013 ELUNA Conference in Athens, Georgia.   

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Hiring for fall semester

Contributed by Dana Orlando on 06/21/13 

Do you want to make a difference for Ithaca College, while developing professional work experience?


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Mail Services will be installing a new package tracking system on Wednesday 6/26/13. The office will be closed from 12-3 PM for training. We will not be delivering packages that arrive on this date and the customer service window in the Mail Center will be closed.  We will resume delivery on Thursday 6/27/13. If your department needs to pick up a package that arrives on Thursday, please call the Mail Center at 4-3371 to schedule a time to pick it up at the Mail Center.

Please contact the Mail Center at 607-274-3371 with questions


Mail Services will be installing a new package tracking system on Wednesday 6/26/13. The Phillips Hall Post Office will be closed from 12 – 3PM for training and to allow time to process student packages that have not been picked up into the new software. Students will receive a new email for packages that are currently there. 

Please contact the Mail Center at 607-274-3371 with questions

On Friday May 24, Project Look Sharp's Executive Director Cyndy Scheibe presented with Assemblywoman Barbara Lifton (D-Ithaca) along with Barbara Thomas at a news conference of the League of Women Voters.

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Do you have undeniable creative talent? AWESOME. Because for the rest of the week the Senior Class will be having a logo contest! June 14-21 we will be accepting logo submissions from any of our fellow rising seniors.

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Congratulations to Ryan DeLany (Academic Advising) for winning the Mind, Body, Me Open House door prize!

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Congratulations to Kristin LiBritz, Assistant Director of Alumni & Employer Relations, on being selected as Chair of the Leadership Tompkins Advisory Board.  Kristin is an alumna of the Leadership Tompkins program and served on the board since July 2009. 

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The School of Music's Summer Piano Institute (SPI) -- where talented young pianists are invited to the IC campus for 10 days of intensive piano study -- announced its full concert schedule this week.

From June 27 to July 6, SPI will host seven concerts in Hockett Family Recital Hall and one in Ford Hall, featuring piano faculty members, guest performers, and SPI participants. Preview the full calendar of performances below and check the online concert calendar for program updates!

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 On Saturday April 20, Sox Sperry, Program Associate at Project Look Sharp, hosted a workshop entitled “From the iPad into the fire: Engaging citizens to address climate change using the tools of media literacy” at Ithaca’s own, Cinemapolis. This workshop was part of the regional Climate Smart & Climate Ready Conference, which aimed to get local businesses, colleges, nonprofit organizations, and much else of Tompkins and Cortland counties involved in the conversation about climate change. 


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Yvonne Rogalski, assistant professor in the department of Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology, will give a presentation at Longview about an article she and her former student, Muriel Quintana, recently had accepted for publication by the journal "Perspectives on Neurophysiology and Neurogenic Speech and Language Disorders."


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Do genes make someone gay?  Alcoholic?  Politically conservative?  an extravert?  Can we clone people?  Should we?  Can genetics and evolution explain religious belief?  Are humans still evolving?  What is in my own family history, and what can I do about it?!!

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