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IC Staff, Students, Faculty: free weekly Latin Dance social on campus

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The semester is ending, winter has passed and now it's time to PARTY!

Date: Thursday, May 23, 2013
Time: 1:00 pm – 3:00 pm
Location: Campus Center Quad - RAIN LOCATION: A&E CENTER Glazer Arena

All faculty, staff and administration are invited to this campus event! No RSVP necessary.

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Relive the 2013 Senior Splash by hovering over the image to find your friends, watch our mini-documentary/music video and follow the action on social media. From Splash Mob! An Interactive Feature, you can find more Senior Splash coverage, including other videos and the rest of our photos from Senior Week and beyond. 

The Office of Marketing Communications welcomes new staff and bids a fond farewell to Molly Polk.

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Submitted on behalf of Cindy Reckdenwald, Director of Compensation, Payroll & Organizational Design

The staff and administration Annual Salary Review process will officially open on June 24, 2013.  This year, department supervisors will have a four-week period to make recommendations for salary adjustments with the process closing on July 19, 2013.  Just prior to the official opening or on or around June 17, 2013, department supervisors will receive detailed information regarding the annual salary review process along with guidelines for awarding salary increases and instructions for accessing the online process.  The new salaries will become effective with the first pay period in August. The actual check dates will be August 15th for those paid on a semi-monthly basis and August 16th for those paid on a bi-weekly basis.

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The IC Toastmasters Club offers a friendly, constructive environment for speakers of all experience and ability level to practice speaking and evaluation exercises. The club is open to any member of the Ithaca College Community or Longview and is supported by the Ithaca College Office of Human Resources and the Office of Career Services.

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The workshop os FREE to Ithaca College faculty, staff, and students and affiliated instructors from the community.  This year's Workshop will focus on "Silent Sustainability"

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IC Annual Assessment Summit

Contributed by Wade Pickren on 05/20/13 

Integrating Assessment: From Writing SLO's to Closing the Loop

Reception and Keynote

Monday, May 20, 2013, Klingenstein Lounge
Reception at 3:00 p.m. followed by the Keynote at 3:30 p.m.
Presentation by Dr. Lori Collins-Hall

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At the University of Costa Rica earlier this month, Michael Smith (History/Environmental Studies and Sciences) gave a one-week graduate seminar entitled "The Environmental History of the Americas."  He also presented a paper, "The Enduring International Significance of Rachel Carson" to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the publication of Silent Spring

Over 150 employers will attend the NJ Collegiate Career Day on May 30, held by Rutgers University.  Featuring current and anticipated openings in most career fields and academic majors, including liberal arts, business, science, and technical areas. (Some careers are generally not represented, such as education, advertising, public relations and the media.)

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Greetings, IC Musicians! Are you looking for a performance opportunity through the month of July? Are you hoping to keep your ensemble skills finely-tuned while gaining new insights into additional repertoire? You can register for Concert Band, Chorus and several other courses through your Homer Connect account. Details on the first two below:

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Dear Ithaca College Community Members:

Last Fall I wrote to tell you that the Board of Trustees would complete a comprehensive presidential assessment of President Tom Rochon during the 2012-2013 academic year. The Association of Governing boards recommends this process every 5 years as part of their best practice recommendations.

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Associate Professor Jennifer Jolly was an invited speaker for a panel on Mexican Muralism held at CUNY's Bildner Center for Western Hemispheric Studies on May 17.  She spoke on her current research regarding the intersection between art, tourism and nation-building in 1930s Mexico. 

For students living on campus this summer, information on the ID Express Dining Package can be reviewed at:

If you have additional questions, please contact Campus Center & Event Services at: 607-274-3313.

Thank you.

For  information on the Faculty and Staff Meal Plan during the summer months, including dining and contact information please visit:

Thank you.

Kathleen Mulligan (Theatre Arts) will return to Pakistan as a Fulbright Specialist on May 21st for a three-week visit.

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These sessions provide a descriptive overview of the Integrative Core Curriculum (ICC), including the themes/perspectives and other ICC requirements of approximately 20 minutes with the rest of the hour available for interactive questions and answers. These sessions are designed for any faculty or staff member who wants to know more about the ICC.

Please register for one of the following sessions. All sessions will take place in the Center for Faculty Excellence, 316 Gannett Center.

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 Actor David Boreanaz used the example of his own career in urging members of the Ithaca College graduating class to begin their search for “an authentic existence.”

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IC Annual Assessment Summit

Contributed by Wade Pickren on 05/19/13 

Integrating Assessment: From Writing SLO's to Closing the Loop

Reception and Keynote
Monday, May 20, 2013, Klingenstein Lounge
Reception at 3:00 p.m. followed by the Keynote at 3:30 p.m.
Presentation by Dr. Lori Collins-Hall

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H&S DEAN'S OFFICE ------------------------------- 1:15PM "New stop"
PHILLIPS HALL POST OFFICE------------------------1:20 PM
GARDEN LEVEL, 2ND FLR, 3RD FLR  PRW------------1:25 PM 
ADMISSIONS ---------------------------------------1:30 PM 
ALUMNI HALL---------------------------------------1:40 PM

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