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Hugh Egan, Professor in the department of English, is ending his three-year term as the Robert Ryan Professor of the Humanities, and will deliver a lecture on Friday, May 3, at 4pm in the Handwerker Gallery. His talk is entitled, "Slavery and Self-Reliance: Douglass, Emerson, and the Limits of Metaphor." A reception will follow the talk.  

The new Robert Ryan Professor is Vivian Bruce Conger of the History Department.

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The New York State Archaeological Association Conference was held in Watertown, NY on April 27 and 28, 2013. The Anthropology Department was well-represented.

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 CEO of the KettleShell, PT Grad Student, Timothy Reynolds competes at New York State Business Plan Competition on April 26, 2013.

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Senior writing students, working with faculty mentors Mary Silva and Susan Adams Delaney from the Department of Writing, will be presenting "Hindsight is 20/20: Developing the ICC E Learning Portfolio for the Writing Department" on Tuesday, April 30th from 12:00-1:15 in Clark Lounge.

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Posted on behalf of the IC Rotaract Club

Come hear Svante Myrick, mayor of Ithaca, talk to the Rotaract Club about student activism, the Ithaca community, and the environment!

When: Tuesday, April 30, 2013 at 7:00 PM

Where: Textor 101

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Dancing at Lughnasa was directed by Claire Gleitman, Professor of English, and the cast will include three IC faculty members (Paula Murray Cole, Kathleen Mulligan, Kevin Murphy), two IC alumni (Jesse Bush and Max Lorn-Krause) and current students from the Department of Theatre Arts.

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Do you have an idea for using multiple iPads to facilitate a collaborative project in the field, classroom, clinical setting, etc.? Have you ever wanted to explore how an iPad might be useful for your teaching and research?

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Michael "Bodhi" Rogers presents at the New York State Archaeological Association annual meeting


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Michael "Bodhi" Rogers, of the Department of Physics, 
becomes chair of the New York State Section of the American Physical Society

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Wendy Herbener Mehne, Professor of Performance Studies at the School of Music, was recently named to the National Flute Association's Board of Directors.  She has previously served the National Flute Association as their Secretary and a member of their Excutive Board.  

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Celebrate the end of the semester by getting outside to watch the 5th annual production of Wings of Spring, a site-specific dance performance. The event will start at 5:30 PM on May 1st at the entrance to Campus Center on the quad. The dancers will take you on a journey through IC’s campus, exploring different sites and embracing the sounds of spring.

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The end of the Spring 2013 semester has been a busy time for Dr. Carl Johengen, Assistant Professor of Voice (adjunct).

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No Pressure Blood Pressure is Back!

Contributed by Judy Mauk on 04/28/13 

The next No Pressure Blood Pressure will be held on Wednesday, September 25th.  Important reasons not to miss the next screening:

1. 65 million Americans have hypertension (high blood pressure)

2. Many people don't even know their blood pressure is high because there are no symptoms in most cases

3. Hypertension can lead to heart disease, stroke, heart failure, and kidney disease

4. 66% of those IC employees measured at the last screening were pre-hypertensive   (above ideal )

5. A 20 point increase in systolic blood pressure (top number) or a 10 point increase in diastolic blood pressure (bottom number) doubles the risk of heart disease.

6. Poor diet, inactivity, and being overweight can lead to an increase in blood pressure

7. If one does not adopt a healthy lifestyle, the hypertensive individual will need to take costly medication with potential side effects

8. Physical and emotional stress can elevate your blood pressure

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 The Bureau of Concerts is looking for new e-board members to fill vacancies for the 2013-2014 academic year.

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The Student Government Association will be discussing the results to our campus wide survey as well as what the campus can do in order to improve the current campus climate.  

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Physics Spring Seminar Series Tuesday, April 30 12:10 CNS 204

Please Join us for a Talk Entitled:

Let's Twist Again: Coupling Large Optical Angular Momentum to a Small Torsional Oscillator. With Mishkatul Bhattacharya of RIT

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Don't Forget To.....

Contributed by Nancy Reynolds on 04/28/13 


... check out the April issue of Student Health 101 before it's too late! The May issue is almost here, so take some time to check out the current month's content.

Follow us @ICStudentHealth on Twitter for some fun health facts.

Student Health 101 is sponsored by the Center for Health Promotion, located on the lower level of Hammond Health Center. 

Visit the Center for Health Promotion Resource Room on the lower level of Hammond Health Center! 




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Stressed?? This'll help!

Contributed by Alexandra Robinson on 04/28/13 

Take a study break and support IC Net Impact by going to Yogurtland on Tuesday, April 30th! Present this flyer and 15% of your purchase will go towards helping Net Impact continue their work to promote sustainable and responsible business practices! 


Scott Stull of the Department of Anthropology at Ithaca College will present a public lecture entitled "Hedwig Beakers:  Construction of Authority and Material Culture in Norman Sicily and the Holy Roman Empire."  The talk will take place on Monday, April 29, from 5-6:30pm in the Six Mile Creek Room in the Ithaca College Campus Center.

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Last Formal ICBC Service

Contributed by Kevin Walker on 04/28/13 

We have a great topic for our final formal ICBC service of the semester!

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