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Dr. Christopher House, Communication Studies (H&S), contributes to anthology on women's healthContributed by Laurie Arliss on 01/22/13
His chapter focuses on the voices of black diasporic clergywomen and female church leadership in the battle against HIV/AIDS.
Read more . . . (64 words) A Sunday Afternoon of Great Music for a Great Cause!Contributed by Kathleen Mulligan on 01/22/13 The graduating class of Musical Theatre and Acting majors of the Department of Theatre Arts will present an afternoon of music on Sunday, January 27 at 4 PM in the Clark Theatre to benefit the residents of the Sakhi Shelter for Victims of Domestic Violence in Kerala, India. Sakhi provides shelter for battered women, their children, and young victims of the sex trade in Kerala. Read more . . . (173 words) Exhibition Sneak-Peek for Faculty and Staff - The Veil: Visible and Invisible SpacesContributed by Wade Pickren on 01/21/13
Read more . . . (143 words) Are Grad School Entrance Exams in Your Future? Want to practice?Contributed by Nikki Lynn on 01/21/13
Read more . . . (210 words) Are you interested in living in an apartment or suite next year? This year, there will be no application process for these living spaces! Read more . . . (85 words) Cory Young and Arhlene Flowers Publish in Case Studies in Strategic CommunicationContributed by Arhlene Flowers on 01/21/13
Read more . . . (73 words) Arhlene Flowers Publishes in Event Management, an International JournalContributed by Arhlene Flowers on 01/21/13 IMC associate professor Arhlene Flowers published an article titled, “Decision-Making Factors in Selecting Virtual Worlds for Events: Advocacy, Computer Efficacy, Perceived Risks, and Collaborative Benefits,” in the December 2012 issue of Event Management, an International Journal, which is a peer-reviewed journal intending to meet the research and analytic needs of a rapidly growing profession focused on events. Read more . . . (52 words) Video shows what happens at CAPS (the counseling center)Contributed by LeBron Rankins on 01/21/13
Confidential and cost-free mental health screenings for depression, alcohol abuse, eating disorders, bipolar disorder, generalized anxiety disorder and post traumatic stress disorder are available through CAPS website.
President Rochon encourages students to post feedback on consultant recommendationsContributed by Rachel Reuben on 01/21/13 In August 2012, Ithaca College launched an Effectiveness and Affordability Review and partnered with a consulting firm, Huron Education, to make recommendations on the following:
Read more . . . (191 words) Whalen Symposium Submission Deadline and Request for VolunteersContributed by MaryAnn Taylor on 01/21/13 Submitted on behalf of Wade Pickren, Ph.D., Director of Sponsored Research The 16th Annual Whalen Symposium will be held on Thursday, April 4, 2013 and the deadline for faculty to sponsor a presenter's proposal submission is Monday, February 25, 2013. Proposals are being accepted for oral presentations or display posters on research completed by students. Musical or other creative presentations are also encouraged.
Read more . . . (161 words) Reminder: Wednesday Gathering at Muller Chapel for Tori Howell '14Contributed by Rory Rothman on 01/21/13 A gathering to celebrate the life of Victoria “Tori” Howell will be held at Muller Chapel on Wednesday, January 23. Members of the campus community are invited to come together at 4 p.m. to share memories and stories of Tori and to provide support for one another.
Read more . . . (150 words) The Search Committee for the Dean of the School of Music is in the final phase of our recruitment efforts and is preparing for 3 finalists to visit the Ithaca College campus. The search committee encourages your participation as we welcome these candidates to the campus January 28-29, February 4-5 and February 6-7. Read more . . . (149 words) Patricia Zimmermann delivers invited lectures and keynote in China for US State DepartmentContributed by Melissa Gattine on 01/21/13
Read more . . . (276 words) Walk-in flu shot clinic this Wednesday, January 23rd from 2:30 - 5:30 p.m. at the Hammond Health Center, open to all students, Ithaca College Faculty & Staff, and Sodexho Dining Services employees. Read more . . . (184 words) Performing Artist with an Injury or Pain? Free Weekly Injury Clinic starts this Thursday!Contributed by Mary Buehler on 01/21/13
Spring 2013 drop-in hours begin January 24, 2013.
Read more . . . (126 words) The First Year Residential Experience is Expanding!!!!Contributed by Linda Koenig on 01/21/13 The Office of Residential Life is excited to announce the continuation of the First-Year Residential Experience (FYRE) Program expansion so we can better meet the requests of incoming students who want to participate in FYRE. Read more . . . (116 words) Important Reminder for Faculty: Ithaca College Institutional Biosafety CommitteeContributed by MaryAnn Taylor on 01/21/13 Contributed by Wade Pickren, PhD I want to remind all faculty that if you are planning to conduct research or classroom activity involving recombinant DNA or any potentially bio-hazardous material, including pathogens, biological toxins, or human cells, tissues, organs, or fluids you must obtain prior approval from the Institutional Biosafety Committee before undertaking that activity. This committee provides federally-mandated oversight of activities that present risk of infection or illness in humans.
Read more . . . (85 words) Today's the last day to complete Colleges Against Cancer's winter break challenge!Contributed by Alyssa Frey on 01/20/13 As Relay for Life nears closer (March 23-24), Colleges Against Cancer urges you to sign up and start raising that money! If you're not registered yet, sign up with a team at To make it more fun for you, CAC developed challenges to help you reach those goals. Complete any of these goals before the semester starts and you'll be entered to win a prize! TODAY IS THE LAST DAY, SO LET'S GET TO IT!
Individuals with disabilities requiring accommodations should contact Alyssa Frey at We ask that requests for accommodations be made as soon as possible.
Read more . . . (85 words) |
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