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Empty out those junk draws and closets! End-of-the-semester TIOLI stations are back! This time, collection tables will be set up in Campus Center near Grand Central Cafe this Wednesday and Thursday from 9-3! Collections will be used for REMP's Take It or Leave It program. Read more . . . (18 words) Broadway icon Patti LuPone speaks candidly to IC audienceContributed by Natalia Sturtz-Verastegui on 12/11/12
Read more . . . (204 words) Dan Isbell, School of Music, Presents at The Hartt School of Music, University of Hartford.Contributed by Molly O'Shea Polk on 12/11/12
Wendy Herbener Mehne, School of Music, Named Principal Flute in the Cayuga Chamber OrchestraContributed by Molly O'Shea Polk on 12/11/12
Faculty Council is seeking a 3 semester replacement for the At-Large position on the Committee for College-Wide Requirements (CCR). All faculty are invited to submit nominations, including self-nominations, along with a brief statement outlining their interests and qualifications if they so desire. Committee members can expect to spend about 3-4 hours per week. Scheduling is TBA and some work will be done over the winter break. Textbook Buyback at the Campus Store starts Thursday the 13thContributed by Craig Canfield on 12/11/12 The Campus Store will be buying books Thursday the 13, Friday the 14th, and Monday the 17th through Friday the 21st—no matter where you bought them from in the first place. We’ll also be accepting rental returns for any books rented in-store or through our partner website. Read more . . . (86 words) Finalists for the Director of Academic Advising Open SessionsContributed by Karen Emnett on 12/11/12 On behalf of the search committee for the Director of Academic Advising, I wish to provide a gentle reminder to encourage students, faculty, and staff to attend the open sessions of the remaining finalists. As you know, finalists have been asked to discuss “The Importance and Vision of Academic Advising” with ample time for Q & A. Read more . . . (159 words) Park School End-of-the-Semester Screenings and ExhibitionsContributed by Melissa Gattine on 12/11/12
Read more . . . (282 words) Are You Considering Using Clickers for Spring 2013 Courses?Contributed by Marilyn Dispensa on 12/11/12
Tuesday, December 18, 2012: 10:00 am - 11:00 am Wednesday, December 19, 2012: 1:00 -2:00 pm Read more . . . (62 words) Take It Or Leave It Sustainable Gift Swap TODAY (Wed.) @ 9-4 in Klingenstein LoungeContributed by Lauren Goldberg on 12/11/12
Looking for some interesting gifts for friends and family but not looking to break your bank account? Need to get rid of some stuff? Come to Ithaca College's Take It Or Leave It sustainable gift swap, where you can do both of these things! Read more . . . (148 words) Date: Thursday December 13th Time: 2-3:30pm Place: Taughannock Falls Room Read more . . . (71 words) The National Residence Hall Honorary is proud to announce Ithaca College's Campus Winners and Honorable Mentions for our Of The Month Award recognition. These students, faculty and staff members were nominated for their extraordinary actions in the month of September. We thank you for your dedication and passion to Ithaca College! Read more . . . (40 words) Student Organizations: Important info regarding events happening on or before February 15Contributed by Jessica L. Barnes on 12/11/12
Please stop by our office, 238 Egbert Hall, call (607) 274-3313, or email to start the event planning process. We especially encourage organizations that require price estimates to contact us as soon as possible. Please keep in mind that the College is closed from Monday, December 24, 2012 – Tuesday, January 1, 2013. Our office will reopen on Wednesday, January 2, 2013 and resume normal operating hours of 8:30 am – 5:00 pm. Stay connected to the people who know how to plan great events. Find us on Facebook (keywords: Campus Center and Event Services). Quoted in the media: Faculty members Rachel Wagner and Scott Hamula; students Noreyana Fernando, Evan Nison, Michael Kaneff and Kristen Tomkowid; and staff members Rachel Reuben and Rob Engelsman. For more information on the following articles, please visit the IC in the Media page at the Office of Media Relations: Read more . . . (124 words) Feeling tired from the fast pace of the holiday season? Looking for a way to sit back, relax, and enjoy the spirit of the season? Treat yourself to an evening of free, fabulous music this Friday, December 14th at 7:30 pm in Ford Hall of the Whalen Center. Coming together again to entertain with you beautiful musical selections of the season are IC voICes, the Seneca Singers, and the Ithaca Concert Band. What better way to spend a Friday evening! Grab your hat and coat, your best friends and family, and plan to join us for the festivities! See you there, and Happy Holidays! Read more . . . (23 words)
Read more . . . (217 words) OT & SLPA Host Successful Assistive Technology WorkshopContributed by Heather Hedges on 12/10/12
Read more . . . (104 words) DAC Invites Students to Join Talking Circle on Race and Racism Spring 2013Contributed by Paula Ioanide on 12/10/12 Have you ever had a question about race but were too scared to ask or didn’t know how to ask? How do you know racism when you see it? How do you experience racism? How do you think racism has affected your life? How do you cope with the effects? Do you think you are responsible, in any way, for eliminating racism? Ithaca College students are invited to come together in a safe environment to share feelings, thoughts, and experiences in a sustained, confidential, frank dialogue around issues of race and racism. The Diversity Awareness Committee will initiate a Student Talking Circle facilitated by professionals from the Multicultural Resource Center. The Talking Circle will be made up of 20 racially and ethnically diverse students who will meet once a week for five consecutive sessions to self-reflect, share experiences, and learn from others’ perspectives and attitudes. Read more . . . (114 words) DAC Invites Students, Staff and Faculty to Join Talking Circles on Race & Racism Spring 2013Contributed by Paula Ioanide on 12/10/12 Have you ever had a question about race but were too scared to ask or didn’t know how to ask? How do you know racism when you see it? How do you experience racism? How do you think racism has affected your life? How do you cope with the effects? Do you think you are responsible, in any way, for eliminating racism? Ithaca College students, staff and faculty are invited to come together in a safe environment to share feelings, thoughts, and experiences in a sustained, confidential, frank dialogue around issues of race and racism. The Diversity Awareness Committee will initiate one Student Talking Circle and one Staff/Faculty Talking Circle (co-sponsored by Human Resources) facilitated by professionals from the Multicultural Resource Center. Each Talking Circle will be made up of 20 racially and ethnically diverse people who will meet once a week for five consecutive sessions to self-reflect, share experiences, and learn from others’ perspectives and attitudes. Read more . . . (135 words) Biology Jr. Research Symposia: Wed & Thurs, Dec. 12-13Contributed by Nancy Pierce on 12/10/12 All are welcome to hear the research that students have been conducting under faculty supervision.
Individuals with disabilities requiring accommodations should contact Nancy Pierce at or (607) 274-3161.. We ask that requests for accommodations be made as soon as possible.
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