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Faculty & Staff -- Please take this survey for Students Consulting for Nonprofit Organizations!Contributed by Kristina King on 11/07/12 We are conducting primary research as a part of our engagement with a local nonprofit, and we need your help to make sure we can help them as best as possible! Read more . . . (12 words) "A Film Unfinished" showing Thursday, November 8, 7:00 pm, in Textor 101Contributed by Rebecca Lesses on 11/07/12 A Film Unfinished, released last year, is about a Nazi propaganda film that was shot in the Warsaw Ghetto during World War II. Read more . . . (115 words) Love sports and journalism? Selected Topics in Sports Journalism will be offered online during Winter session, and is an excellent way to learn about sports journalism, report game stories, and write columns and reviews. Read more . . . (24 words) Bringing Social Movements into the Classroom: Teaching Beyond BordersContributed by Wade Pickren on 11/07/12 Friday, November 9, 2012 Read more . . . (133 words)
Dara Engler, Assistant Professor of Art, give artist lecture at the University of New HampshireContributed by Dara Engler on 11/07/12
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Read more . . . (209 words) Event Planning Tips and Lots of Kudos in This Week's Club Hub!Contributed by Theresa Johnson on 11/07/12 Student Organizations continue to do great work on campus. Please view Club Hub Volume 3 Issue 5 to read about our exciting student organizations. The Phi Kappa Phi Fall Induction and Award Ceremony will be held Friday, November 9, at 4:00 pm in the Klingenstein Lounge. Read more . . . (138 words) Donate! HSHP Student Board of Advocates Hurricane Relief DriveContributed by Heather Hedges on 11/07/12
The HSHP Student Board of Advocates (representing all clubs in the School of Health Sciences and Human Performance) is hosting a non-perishable food/toiletry drive titled “Salvation for Sandy” for the victims of Hurricane Sandy. Read more . . . (125 words) Rachel Wagner, Associate Professor of Religion and Culture, publishes an essay about her experience with Hurricane SandyContributed by Christine Haase on 11/07/12
Read more . . . (7 words) Sustainability Café on November 12 will explore the potential of biocharContributed by Marian Brown on 11/07/12
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- how to find the KEY information for your health needs - what terms like "natural" or "organic" or "free range" REALLY mean - & what companies DON'T have to tell you on the label
Individuals with disabilities requiring accommodations should contact Christina Larrabee at We ask that requests for accommodations be made as soon as possible.
Anne Fadiman to Visit as 2012 Distinguished Speaker in the HumanitiesContributed by Kelly Stern on 11/07/12 The School of Humanities and Sciences is delighted to announce that Anne Fadiman is this year’s Distinguished Speaker in the Humanities. She will speak in Emerson Suites on Tuesday, November 13, at 8 pm on the subject of “Using Bacon as Bookmarks: How Readers Treat Their Books.” A question and answer period as well as a book signing will follow. The lecture is free and open to the public; all are invited! Read more . . . (132 words) Join the fun! Babies and toddlers ages newborn to 2 years are needed for lab sessions in the physical therapy (PT) course ‘Motor Development Across the Lifespan’. Three 1-hour Baby labs are scheduled for Thursday, Nov. 8th at 10:30-11:30; 1:30- 2:30; and 3:30-4:30. You may choose to participate in one, two, or all three lab sessions held on the same day with three different groups of students. Please consider bringing your baby or toddler for one or more fun sessions with graduate Physical Therapy students who plan to observe and test different aspects of your baby’s motor development. Read more . . . (158 words) It's All About Who You Know...So Come to 'A Night to Network'Contributed by Dominique Brown on 11/07/12
Read more . . . (66 words) Kaplan Test Prep Presents: Writing an Effective Personal StatementContributed by Nikki Lynn on 11/06/12 Unlock the mysteries of writing a great personal statement! Our partners at Kaplan have tips and tricks to share that will help you get started. Read more . . . (46 words) Interested in event management, communications or marketing? How about helping to plan Ithaca College's biggest spirit events? Join the IC Spirit Week Board! Applications can be found here and are due November 9 by midnight: Questions? Email us at!
Read more . . . (72 words) Tic Tock! Time is Running out for your chance to Win a Google Nexus 7!Contributed by Rebecca Sexton on 11/06/12 Your chance to win, ends Wed., Nov. 7th! Complete the short dining survey and follow the "how to enter" instructions to win! Enter today to WIN! The winner will be randomly selected after the survey closes Wed., November 7th. We thank you for your participation and we appreciate your feedback! |
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