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Student Athlete Appreciation Day

Contributed by Kathy Eldred on 04/25/12 

Sunday, April 29th, 2012 in the A&E Center.    5-8 PM.  For all varsity sport athletes, trainers and coaches.  Free Food.  Prizes. 

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The 2012 archaeological field school is a cooperate effort between TC3 and IC. We will investigate Native American village sites dating from the 10th to 12th centuries and the origins of the Haudenosaunee (Iroquois) Confederacy.  

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Catherine Taylor, Associate Professor in the Department of Writing, was recently Invited Plenary Speaker at the International Society for Travel Writing's  Seventh Biennial Conference at Georgetown University in Washington, D.C. (March 30-April 1). The conference focused on the theme "The Politics of Travel."  Taylor read from her book Apart which mixes narrative prose, poems, social and political theory, and found texts culled from years of visiting South African archives and libraries.

Open to ALL majors at Ithaca College, The Park School of Communications is offering Introduction to Field Production, TVR 11500during Summer Session I from May 29-June 29. Taught by professor Peter Johanns, TV-R, the course will teach students how to shoot and edit HD video.

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A column written by Maura Stephens, associate director of the Park Center for Independent Media, was recently published on

Her piece, “Higher Education's Role in Occupy and Related Social Justice Movements” is call on faculty, staff, administrators, and students to get involved and also provides concrete suggestions on how to do so.

To read the article, visit:

A farewell reception for Deniz Dalman, assistant professor of marketing, and Karti Puranam, assistant professor of management, both in the School of Business, has been scheduled for Friday, May 4th, from 9:30-11:00am in the 1st floor atrium of Park Center for Business and Sustainable Enterprise. Deniz and Karti are departing Ithaca College following the spring 2012 semester to pursue new opportunities.

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Become a modern day abolitionist! 

Slave (N): Someone who is forced to work for no pay, under the threat of violence, and unable to walk away

Who: YOU!
What: 5K Walk/Run around the IC Campus
When: Sunday April 29th, 2012 starting at 11 am
Where: Ithaca College’s Butterfield Stadium
Why: Raise money and awareness to help ABOLISH modern-day slavery and end unjust labor practices!

Registration: $10 in advance

                   $15 at the stadium


For more information on Free the Slaves' mission, visit:

Individuals with disabilities requiring accommodations should contact Julia Ryan at We ask that requests for accommodations be made as soon as possible.


The Tompkins County Take Back The Night is an annual march and rally against sexual and domestic violence. This important event gives the community the opportunity to come together in solidarity and speak out against violence and speak up in support of survivors of violence.

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Students Active For Ending Rape (SAFER) will be holding its third annual IC Sex Behind Closed Doors - Discussions everyone should be a part of on Wednesday, April 25 at 6pm in the Campus Center Clarke Lounge.

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Please join students on April 26 for an interactive, educational event featuring students' interdisciplinary research on food. The Food Event is the culmination of a collaborative project supported by the IC2 program to create a dialog about prehistoric, historic, and contemporary approaches to the study of food and food systems. 

Date: Thursday, 26 April
Time: 7-9 pm 
Location: CNS 2nd Floor Lobby near Park Communications Quad entrance

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Contributed by Jen Walsh on 04/24/12 

Pair up with your favorite staff or faculty member to chaperone a Senior Week event!  Senior Week is looking for staff and faculty chaperones for the following off-campus events:

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Ithaca College is excited to announce the launch of the mobile version of for smartphones, designed to give on-the-go users quick access to information in a format optimized for their mobile devices.

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Associate Professor Rebecca Plante (Department of Sociology) was interviewed for and quoted in the May 2012 issue of national magazine Psychology Today.

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Hillel & SAFI invite you to a celebration of Israel Independence Day this Thursday 4:30-7:30pm on The Fitness/Campus Center Quad.

BAD WEATHER SITE is the Mondo Gym in the Fitness Center.

FREE BBQ, music by The Yips, Gypsy Gets Shotgun, & others, crafts, games, Talk Israel Tent & more.

All Welcome!


Individuals with disabilities requiring accommodations should contact Michael Faber at or (607) 274-3323. We ask that requests for accommodations be made as soon as possible.

Gypsy Gets Shotgun & The Yips

Contributed by Melinda Butler on 04/24/12 

Thursday, April 26th, 4:30-7:30pm, outdoors on the Fitness/Campus Center Quad, Hillel & SAFI are throwing a BIG outdoor event to celebrate Israel’s 64th Independence Day. FREE BBQ FOOD, great crafts, Bobby K inflatables, fabulous bands, including The Yips and Gypsy Gets Shotgun. There will also be a special Talk Israel Tent, a place of Sulha, a safe space for talking about the politics of the Middle East conflict.

This event is for the campus – EVERYONE IS INVITED! Join us!

Individuals with disabilities requiring accommodations should contact Michael Faber at or (607) 274-3323. We ask that requests for accommodations be made as soon as possible.

FREE BREAKFAST on Wednesday, April 25th, 9am, Phillips Room in Muller Chapel, with IDF Captain Avner Evan Shoham who will present on life as a gay person in his country and its armed forces and what life in general is like in the Middle East  for LGBT people.  Captain Avner comes to us courtesy of the speakers bureau of JNF, the Jewish National Fund.  This event is co-sponsored by Hillel and the LGBT office.

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FREE BREAKFAST on Wednesday, April 25th, 9am, Phillips Room in Muller Chapel, with IDF Captain Avner Evan Shoham who will present on life as a gay person in his country and its armed forces and what life in general is like in the Middle East for LGBT people. Captain Avner comes to us courtesy of the speakers bureau of JNF, the Jewish National Fund. This event is co-sponsored by Hillel and the LGBT office.

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The post-occupancy evaluation survey of the Park Center will remain available until Friday April 27- provide your input today!

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Assistant Professor Joshua Bonnetta has been awarded the Deluxe Cinematic Vision Award for 'excellence and innovation in the visual realisation of work by a Canadian film or video artist' for his new video installation work on Guglielmo Marconi's transatlantic wireless transmission: 'Strange Lines and Distances'. The work was part of the 25th Images Festival in Toronto, Canada. Established in 1987, the Images Festival is the largest festival in North America for experimental and independent moving image culture, showcasing the innovative edge of international contemporary media art both on and off the screen.

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 The Society of Professional Journalists has named The Ithacan the Best Weekly Student Newspaper in the Country in its annual Mark of Excellence Awards competition. 

The award, in the Best All-Around Non-Daily category, is for calendar year 2011 (Spring editor in chief Libby Sile ’11; Fall editor in chief Aaron Edwards ’12). Papers submitted issues on or near three dates specified by SPJ. This year’s issues submitted were published on March 3, October 6 and December 1, 2011. The Ithacan won First Place in SPJ’s Northeast Region in March, and then went on to compete against the winners in SPJ’s other 11 regions for the national award.

The award will be presented at SPJ’s national convention in September in Ft. Lauderdale, Fla. SPJ is the largest professional organization of journalists in the country.

Congratulations to all the editors and staffers who made this the most successful year in the paper’s history.