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Ithaca Student Health 101 is a *NEW* electronic wellness magazine that covers topics relevant to life as a college student here at IC. The articles and videos contained in Ithaca Student Health 101 change every month! See your IC friends on video as they share their views and experiences related to staying healthy in college! And learn about your health-related campus resources, programs, and services! For more information on Ithaca Student Health 101 check out our landing page at Enjoy! What: An indoor Swim, Row and Run competition. Where: The Ithaca College Athletics and Events Center When: Sunday, April 15th @ 3:00 pm Cost: Individual Participant = $7, Teams of 3 = $15 **Gift certificates will be awarded to the winners** For more information please visit the Sport Management & Media Blog, or contact Nick Chavez. Race day registration will begin at 2:30pm. Individuals with disabilities requiring accommodations should contact Nick Chavez or (607) 274-3399. We ask that requests for accommodations be made as soon as possible. Looking for conference coordination experience? Admission needs your help in June!Contributed by Amanda Decker on 04/10/12 The New York State Association for College Admission Counseling will host its 34th Annual Conference June 6-8, 2012 at Ithaca College. The Office of Admission is looking for students to help execute this week-long event. Read more . . . (196 words) Quoted in the media: Faculty members Jeff Cohen, Patty Zimmermann and Tom Shevory; student Jimmy Knowles. For more information on the following articles, please visit the IC in the Media page at the Office of Media Relations: Read more . . . (62 words) Rachel Wagner, associate professor of religious studies, has been selected to be a participant in a summer institute funded by the National Endowment for the Humanities.Contributed by Christine Haase on 04/10/12 Funded by the National Endowment for the Humanities, The Humanities High Performance Computing Collaboratory (HpC) is a summer institute for graduate students and faculty who are conducting scholarship in the digital humanities. Read more . . . (111 words) If you work in the Park Center, please fill out this brief survey!Contributed by Julie Dorsey on 04/10/12 The purpose of this study is to conduct a post-occupancy evaluation of individuals working in LEED certified buildings to gather information on their experiences related to health, satisfaction, and productivity. You may remember being contacted in the fall semester to participate in a survey of your experiences working in the Park Center for Business and Sustainable Enterprise (LEED platinum certified).... Read more . . . (110 words) Colleen Conway, Leader in the Field of Music Education, to Present at Ithaca CollegeContributed by Molly O'Shea Polk on 04/10/12 Colleen Conway, Ed.D Read more . . . (258 words) Free and confidential screenings for depression, alcohol abuse, bipolar disorder, eating disorders, generalized anxiety disorder and post traumatic stress disorder are available online. Get screened! Read more . . . (19 words) Services for Neil Hatch are being held at the Sutfin Funeral Home on South Main Street, Nichols, N.Y. this Thursday, April 12th. Calling hours are from 2 - 6 pm with funeral services following. Burial services are private and are to be held at a later date. There is limited transportation if you need a ride to Nichols please contact Lisa Belokur at 4-3767. Call for Proposals: Sustainability Curriculum Development Mini-grantsContributed by Fabina Colon on 04/10/12 The “Committed to Change” coordinating team is offering four grants of $1,000 each for curriculum development initiatives in the area of sustainability. We especially seek curricular proposals from academic areas that have been less represented in previous grants (fine arts, social sciences, humanities). Read more . . . (172 words) Want to See an Internationally Acclaimed Rock Group on Campus this Wednesday Night???Contributed by Amanda Brzezowski on 04/09/12 IC Student Volunteers for Special Olympics will be hosting a Spread the Word to End the Word Concert featuring FLAME the Band and Second Dam THIS WEDNESDAY NIGHT (4/11) at 8PM in Emerson Suites. Read more . . . (195 words) Tuesday at the Market! Buy a Sandella's Panini or Wrap and get $0.50 cents off the purchase price! Circles Market is Open Every Day, from 4:30pm to 10:00pm. And, remember to check out the Dinner Solutions Menu - order a hot, delicious dinner and bring it home tonight! Circles Market - your stop for healthy, convenient dinner solutions! This Just In: Amy Goodman will attend Izzy Awards Tonight (Tuesday, April 10)Contributed by Maura Stephens on 04/09/12 We have just learned that Democracy Now! executive producer and cohost Amy Goodman will attend the Izzy Awards ceremony in support of DN! Middle East correspondent Sharif Abdel Kouddous, who will receive the award along with the Center for Media and Democracy. CMD is represented by its executive director, Lisa Graves. She and Kouddous will each speak. The event is being aired live on Ithaca Community Radio, 88.1 FM. Kouddous, who just flew in from Cairo, will be on Democracy Now! this morning (Tuesday) as well. Look for DN! coverage of the Izzy Awards on Wednesday, April 11. Presenting the Carriage House Classic Roots Series: Concert Proceeds to Benefit Ithaca CharitiesContributed by Molly O'Shea Polk on 04/09/12 Nicholas DiEugenio, School of Music, is starting an exciting new series at the Carriage House Cafe on select Wednesdays at 7pm. The first performance will take place Wednesday, April 25, 7 pm and feature Brahms Sonatas for Violin and Piano. Each event will feature three Ithaca-area charities, and patrons may choose one of those three to support with the cost of their ticket. Ticket prices are: $20 adult, $10 student and senior, and are children free. Read more . . . (675 words) Submitted on behalf of William M. Kay, Acting Director of Grants and Sponsored Projects Read more . . . (149 words) Come learn more about the available E-board positions available for Fall 2012. Read more . . . (131 words) Register Now for Gerontology Institute Workshop on Financial Concerns for Older ConsumersContributed by Paula Davis on 04/09/12 There's still time to register for the Ithaca College Gerontology Institute workshop, "Financial Concerns for Older Consumers." This workshop is scheduled for Wed., April 18, from 2 to 4:30 p.m. at Longview in Ithaca, and will be presented by Michael J. Danaher, Assistant Attorney General in the Binghamton Regional Office of the New York State Attorney General's Office. Cost of the workshop is $20 ($12 for retired people). Ithaca College faculty and students may attend at no charge, but must still register. To register, go to or contact Ithaca College's Graduate and Professional Studies at (607) 274-3143. Read more . . . (129 words) It is that time of year again when picnics, receptions and banquets are held to celebrate the completion of the academic year, students’ accomplishments, and Commencement. Many times, such events take place off campus, at private homes, and other locations. If alcohol will be available for students in attendance, it is important to remember the responsibilities that are associated with such an event. Read more . . . (272 words) You'll laugh your rump off at this improv-play, Wednesday at 8 PM in Klingenstein Lounge! Rump rump rump rump. Read more . . . (90 words) Marissa Osowsky '14 Awarded Prestigious AAF IntershipContributed by Melissa Gattine on 04/09/12 Marissa Osowsky, a sophomore integrated marketing communications major, was recently selected for the Vance and Betty Lee Stickell Student Internship Program, sponsored by the American Advertising Federation (AAF). Osowsky will be placed at McGarrah Jessee in Austin, Texas, this summer as an account management intern on the Shiner Beer and Costa Del Mar accounts. Established by the Los Angeles Times and AAF in 1988, this prestigious program provides students a 10-week summer internship. Read more . . . (42 words) |
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