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CFRD Call for Proposals

Contributed by Laurie Wasik on 09/01/11 

Full-time, continuing faculty are invited to submit proposals to the Center for Faculty Research and Development for released time during the 2012-2013 academic year. Additional information may be found at

Network with employers while you showcase your club's accomplishments and plans during the Job, Internship and Volunteer Fair.

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Ithaca College's Office of Institutional Research has a NEW website which provides clear paths to follow to access routinely available data. Our newly revamped website serves as a gateway to all information, both the publicly available data and the restricted-access reports (ARGUS-based), that we routinely provide.  Please check it out! (

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With subscriptions to all six productions available for as little as $30, Ithaca College Theatre will kick off a new season of exciting new drama, the best dance moves, and a little magic with its October production of Barbara Lebow’s “Plumfield, Iraq.’ Directed by Cynthia Henderson, the drama provides an unflinching look at the havoc a distant military conflict wreaks on small-town American life.

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Three Ithaca College students have been chosen by IES Abroad to become part of their group of 34 study abroad student bloggers for Fall 2011.  The process of being selected as an IES blogger is highly competitive, and the students were chosen from a huge pool of applicants.  

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John Stetch invites you to two solo piano concerts next week. 

Friday, September 9 at Barnes Hall (Cornell University) at 8 pm
Saturday, September 10 at Hockett Recital Hall (Ithaca College) at 7 pm
(please note the early start time)

The admission is free and open to the public.

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Please contact Molly O'Shea in the School of Music Dean's office if you would like to display materials for your organization in the cases on the third floor.  We would like to update what is already there and add other groups interested in creating their own section. 

Molly can be reached via email at or phone at 274-3370.  Feel free to stop by the Dean's office - room 3328!

With the college's new brand identity and redesigned Ithaca College website, Windows XP users may want to make a simple settings change that will enhance the text appearance of the new website, as well as other text that is displayed on the screen. To make the change:

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Spend two weeks exploring the music and culture of Vienna! We have only 5 more spots open!

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Attention students, faculty, and staff: Did you know you can order delicious bakery treats right here on campus?

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Everyone is invited to a BBQ outside of the Chapel on Sunday 9/4 from 4:00-7:00.  

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Career Services Annual Open House

Contributed by John Bradac on 08/31/11 

The Office of Career Services would like to invite faculty and staff to our annual Open House on Thursday September 8th from Noon until 5:00 PM. 

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Professor Barney Beins (Psychology) has been elected to a three-year term on the American Psychological Association's Council of Representatives, which is APA’s legislative body with sole authority to set policy and appropriate APA’s revenue.

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This summer the Hammond Health Center changed its pharmacy provider from Kinney Drugs to Wegmans Pharmacy. We believe that this change will bring many advantages to the students of Ithaca College, just a few of which are access to free antibiotics, better discount drug programs, and better access to the pharmacy. 

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How do you engage in a diverse community? What does diversity even mean? 

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Water Aerobics Classes

Contributed by Brad Buchanan on 08/31/11 

Water Aerobics will begin on Tuesday, September 6th. Until further notice all classes will be held in the Hill Center pool. Classes will be held on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 12:10pm until 12:55pm. This year, some of these classes will be Aqua Zumba.

Water Aerobics Classes

Contributed by Brad Buchanan on 08/31/11 


Water Aerobics will begin on Tuesday, September 6th. Until further notice all classes will be held in the Hill Center pool. Classes will be held on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 12:10pm until 12:55pm. This year, some of these classes will be Aqua Zumba.

The Recreational Sports Group Exercise Program for all classes EXCEPT Pilates and Yoga will begin on Monday, September 5th.  Click on the following link to see the weekly schedule.


The Recreational Sports Group Exercise Program for all classes EXCEPT Pilates and Yoga will begin on Monday, September 5th.  Click on the following link to see the weekly schedule.

Everyone is invited to come and learn more about the Women's Club Soccer team!

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