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 Check out Ithacappella, joined by groups from all across the East coast, as they present their 15th annual Acappellooza on APRIL 2nd at 7PM down at The State Theatre!!

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The Princeton Review is happy to announce they are bringing their Twitter Giveaway Week to the Ithaca community!

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Join our email campaign!  The team who sends out the most emails asking for donations through the Participant Center on the Relay website between now and 5:00pm TODAY - Friday, March 25th will receive FREE PIZZA for the night for their whole team!

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Contributed by Coty Wardwell on 03/24/11 

The 2011 Relay For Life of Ithaca College will be held TOMORROW - Saturday, March 26th from 4:00pm - 4:00am in the Hill Center Gym at Ithaca College.  But don't wait until then to register!  The time to start collecting donations to support the American Cancer Society in the race for a cure is NOW!

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 SAB Movie Next Week: TRON

Contributed by Lilly Miller on 03/24/11 

 Want to escape the NCUR madness? Well you can't. But you can see a movie and pretend you are. 

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Public Viewing Night, TONIGHT, Friday, March 25th from 8:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m.

You are invited to join the Ithaca College Department of Physics for a Public Viewing of the night sky at the Clinton B. Ford Observatory TONIGHT, Friday, March 25th from 8:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m.

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Emily Mason, Assistant Professor in Music Education, was the invited conductor and clinician for the Broome County Elementary Honor Choir, March 11-12, 2011.

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The deadline for regular registration for Power Shift 2011 is this Sunday, March 27. Currently it is $65 for the conference, and part of your registration will be reimbursed, but after the 27th the price goes up, so save yourself some money by signing up today!

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The City of Ithaca has asked that the following notice be posted:

On Thursday, March 31, 2011, the Department of Public Works will begin street cleaning operations in the South Hill area of the City. Students who park on the street should watch for street signs and check on their cars daily from March 31 - April 5, 2011. If you will be away during this time, please make other parking arrangements for your vehicle.

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Tonight at 7PM in Hockett Family Recital Hall in the Whalen Center for Music, Mu Phi Epsilon presents a Benefit Concert for Michaela Bushey entitled A Night of Healing.  Funds raised from the evening's concert will go directly to Michaela and her family to alleviate medical costs following a diving accident over the summer.

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The new format for the News & Events section:

We’ll have new, updated materials every two weeks on our website.  The plan is to have the updates focus on wellness themes in relation to student mental health.  Right now:

Stalking and Intrusive Contact in Relationships 

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Art department faculty members, Minna Resnick and Lin Price, and retired professor Joy Adams are included in the Schweinfurth Art Center's upcoming exhibition, "Made in New York." This eclectic exhibition showcases photography, painting, video, sculpture, book arts and more. 

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Elaine Carey, St. John's University, will give a talk entitled "The Women that Made it Snow: Drug Trafficking 1900 to 1970" on Friday, March 25, at 12:05 in Business 104.

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Asma Barlas, director of the Center for the Study of Culture, Race and Ethnicity and professor of politics, gave an invited talk on "Feminism, Islam, and Patriarchy" at Bates College, Maine, on March 17th.  Her visit was sponsored by the Muslim Students Association, various Inter-religious Chaplaincies, and a number of other offices.

You recently received an e-mail inviting you to provide feedback regarding various marketing messages and visuals currently under consideration. 

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SAFER is creating a WEBSITE

Contributed by Heather Mueller on 03/24/11 

Want to help SAFER create a website? Think you have some great ideas of spreading the word about ending rape and sexual assault on campus?! Come help out on Tuesday March 29th at 7PM in Williams 202!

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Some 250 young gospel singers from high schools in Maryland, Florida and New York will join forces on Saturday, April 9, for the sixth annual Ithaca College Gospel Invitational Music Festival. Free and open to the public, the event will begin at 8:15 p.m. in Ford Hall in the James J. Whalen Center for Music.

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IC Theatre will present “Coram Boy,” adapted by Helen Edmundson and based on the award-winning children’s novel by Jamila Gavin. Based on historic 18th-century events, “Coram Boy” sheds light on hidden secrets surrounding unwanted pregnancy and the exploitation of children.  Performance times are 8 p.m. on March 29 and 31; April 1 and 2, with 2 p.m. matinees offered on Apr. 2 and 3. All performances will be held in the Hoerner Theatre in Dillingham Center.

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The members of the First-Year Experience Coordinating Committee would like to invite all first-year students to attend a series of events designed to highlight the wonderful speakers, films, athletics and performances that happen on our campus all year long!

Here are the next few FYE Showcase Events:

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 The Fulbright Program is an opportunity to study abroad after graduation.

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